Sentences with phrase «caused by dehydration»

I figured my strange state of mind might be caused by dehydration or lack of vitamins.
Often health issues attributed to food or water changes are caused by dehydration more than anything else.
Provide your dog with plenty of water, because constipation can be caused by dehydration.
Because 2/3 of your pet's body is water, sudden weight loss may be caused by dehydration rather than by loss of fat.
Constipation: Usually caused by dehydration, insufficient fiber intake, ingesting hair or other foreign objects, aging, tumors, trauma or fractures, spinal cord disease, large bowel nervous disorders, metabolic or endocrine disorders and debilitation, and lack of exercise.
With sudden, short - term weight loss in dogs and cats caused by dehydration rather than loss of fat, the eyes appear sunken, the skin tents when pinched and does not spring back quickly, there is little urine production, the stools are hard, and the mucous membranes covering the gums are tacky rather than moist.
Constipation can be caused by illness, blockage or dirty litterbox, but it is usually caused by dehydration or diet.
Drinking more water will reduce the number of calories you eat, aid digestion, and will cure your constipation and headaches which are caused by dehydration.
Constipation is just as likely to be caused by dehydration as it is by too little fiber.
The added water will also prevent headaches and constipation which are caused by dehydration.
Since an estimated 80 % of headaches are caused by dehydration, it is safe to say that water is the best kitchen remedy for most headaches.
This will also assist in lessening the signs of ageing by removing superficial fine lines and wrinkles caused by dehydration.
Exfoliation allows your products to penetrate better, it keeps the pores minimized, and it can erase fine lines caused by dehydration in the skin.»
If the syndrome is caused by dehydration the best course of action would be to be stay hydrated.
This symptom could be caused by dehydration or because you «got up too quick,» but if it occurs on a regular basis then talk to your doctor to see if medication side effects, inner ear problems, anemia, or, less commonly, heart issues are to blame.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Boughton's dramatic collapse at a campaign event on Thursday was caused by dehydration, according to his political supporters.
Constipation can also be caused by dehydration, so giving your baby more fluids can help.
In cases of dehydration or constipation (which are often times caused by dehydration anyway), it might be okay to give your baby a bit of water, so long as it is recommended by the doctor.
Constipation is usually caused by dehydration, because remember that newborn's only source of both nutrients and hydration is from milk; and although it should be sufficient, it is sometimes not enough.
He had «gone into cardiac arrest caused by dehydration,» she wrote, a claim backed up by Los Angeles County medical examiner's records.
12 hours later, he has gone into cardiac arrest caused by dehydration.
Naturally helps reduce headaches — as many are caused by dehydration.
Dry, white crumbly spots on frozen seafood caused by dehydration.
Fatigue is often caused by dehydration, so drink water as much as you can.

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Eczema is caused by a faulty production of oil in the skin, which allows massive dehydration and and allows irritating substances in.
Hough says these innovations are reducing the amount of weight fruit loses through dehydration caused by refrigeration.
Dehydration itself increases shelf life by lowering the availability of water to microorganisms that cause spoilage.
Coconut water not only prevents dehydration caused by disease, but also by hot weather or extreme physical labor.
However, you should watch out for dehydration in pregnancy, which can be caused by severe diarrhea.
Landon was diagnosed with hypernatremic dehydration (a high concentration of sodium in the blood), cardiac arrest from hypovolemic shock (a condition where the liquid portion of the blood is dangerously low), and hypoxic - ischemic encephalopathy (a brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation).
In addition, at this time, the Baby - Friendly Hospital Initiative has produced no data on the safety of newborn fasting and weight loss caused by exclusive colostrum feeding and what degree of weight loss protects a child from brain - threatening complications like hyperbilirubinemia, hypernatremic dehydration and hypoglycemia.
Dehydration can be caused by vomiting and diarrhea, so it's another symptom that's difficult to distinguish on its own.
They are also at risk of hyperosmolar hypernatremic dehydration, from fluid deprivation, also caused by exclusive colostrum feeding.
Pregnant women are especially prone to dehydration caused by diarrhea, and it can even put them in the hospital.
Moreover, these headaches could be further provoked by stress, poor posture, extreme fatigue or dehydration, but whatever the case, they are sure to cause some unneeded aggravation.
Dehydration is caused by a loss of body fluids, which are made up of water and salts.
Landon died of hypoxic - ischemic encephalopathy, or brain injury caused by oxygen deprivation; cardiac arrest; and hypernatremic dehydration, according to records from the Los Angeles County coroner.
Sure, infant's dehydration caused by diarrhea or vomiting can sometimes be normal but it can also be very dangerous especially to young infants one year below.
'' Download and Print Instructions: Home made Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) for treating dehydration caused by diarrhoea
The scientific rationale for ORT, and for continued feeding during diarrhoea, has been established beyond doubt: The challenge now is to place that knowledge in the hands of parents so that they themselves can protect their children against the dehydration and malnutrition caused by childhood's most common disease.
Worldwide, norovirus causes about 1 in 5 cases of acute gastroenteritis, an illness of vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by rapid dehydration.
In Central America, which has been hit the hardest, the leading hypothesis is that this is an occupational disease, caused by chronic exposure to heat and dehydration in the cane fields.
Cholera, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, produces watery diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and death.
It also causes an awful disease — sudden fever, fatigue, muscle pain, and headache that last for days, followed by vomiting and diarrhea that lead to severe dehydration, requiring IV fluids.
Keep in mind, too, that bloating can be caused by many things besides diet (dehydration, eating too quickly — the list goes on), so it's worth considering whether something else is triggering the bloat.
The symptoms of carb flu can also be caused by minor dehydration, so make sure you are drinking enough.
Cramps and spasms are caused by a number of things, the main ones being poor flexibility and tight muscles, muscle fatigue and overuse, dehydration, and electrolyte and mineral depletion.
In conclusion, caffeinated beverages consumed by healthy individuals in usual doses do not likely cause dehydration and can be even used for rehydration [28,69,91,92,141].
This also helps to regulate your body temperature when working out by ensuring you won't succumb to dehydration due to loss of fluids and electrolytes caused by profuse sweating.
It can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, dehydration, environmental factors (like dry heat, sun or wind), chemical use, cosmetics, excessive bathing and harsh soaps.
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