Sentences with phrase «caused by stretching»

I've been explaining the reduction in running economy caused by stretching by talking about the legs as a set of springs that store energy (and do so less efficiently when they've been stretched).
In April 2007, the scientists announced that they detected the predicted shift caused by the stretching of spacetime (the «geodetic effect»).
The pain caused by stretching means that baby is coming, then your brain releases a dose of oxytocin to get ready to bond and fall in love with your baby.
The pain caused by stretching means that baby is coming,
Friedreich's, like at least 40 other genetic diseases, is caused by stretches of repetitive DNA that prevent protein from forming correctly.
As you reach the limit of your range of movement and the stretch reflex comes into play you do as the name suggests and simply wait for the tension to disappear which it will because the muscular contraction caused by the stretch reflex tires out the muscles and they can only maintain this tension for so long before they are exhausted.
Although the stretch reflex is a natural protective measure used by the body it is perhaps overcautious and to increase flexibility it is necessary to stretch further than the contraction caused by the stretch reflex allows
It is caused by a stretched or partially torn ligament which allows the tibia to move forward and out of place.

Not exact matches

It doesn't defeat them — not by any stretch — but it's sufficiently painful to cause them to take a good hard look in the mirror, determine what went wrong, learn from the experience, and do things differently going forward to avoid a repeat performance.
But any hike, even if it naturally produces higher sales, can end up causing some customer attrition at the margins, especially for those who might've been stretched — if not necessarily dissuaded — by Shake Shack's previous hikes.
As the carbon dioxide tries to escape from the dough, the gluten (which has been properly activated during the autolyse and by stretching and folding) expands and captures this gas, causing wonderful holes (aka crumb).
The pull or stretch of his Groin would be caused by Swelling in that area, which is only the result of Excess Blood in the groin.
It will tone the tummy after stretching caused by pregnancy and strengthen the core.
Many women also have a dark line down their abdomen (called a linea nigra and a web of stretch marks, which are actually little scars caused by the extensive stretching of skin.
Some women find that regular use of cream will help prevent stretch marks during the latter part of pregnancy, while others may use creams only to find that nothing will stop those beauty marks caused by carrying a child.
Stretch marks are caused during pregnancy by the stretching of the skin as the baby grows and you gain weight.
The round ligament is designed to support the uterus and the pain you feel is caused by this ligament stretching as your baby grows.
Round ligament pain is caused by the physical stretching of your uterus in pregnancy.
In addition, the heavy uterus exerts pressure on the back as well as the pelvic regiono 39 weeks pregnant back pain could also be caused by pressure exerted on the sciatic nerve and begins in the lower back area and may stretch right down the legsg As a result of a lopsided figure, sleeping comfortably becomes difficult and this puts a strain on various muscles, especially those in the backc As a result of this, many pregnant women complain of 39 weeks pregnant, upper back paini The best way to relieve this kind of pain is by having a hot batht Some women are known to benefit from hot compresses as well as light, soothing back massagese
Stretch marks are caused by the stress your skin experiences as it stretches to accommodate your growing baby.
The Fire Island to Montauk Point project is intended to repair damage caused by superstorm Sandy and safeguard an 83 - mile stretch of coastline for decades to come.
They draw in water and are fermented in the large intestine by gas - producing bacteria, causing the gut to stretch slightly.
As time goes by, the movement of the plates causes the rocks around the fault to bend and stretch.
The waves are concentric ripples caused by violent events in the Universe that squeeze and stretch the fabric of space time but most are so weak they can not be detected.
The aftershocks clustered around the periphery of the rupture zone, both on the seaward and landward side of the plate boundary and reflected normal faulting behavior — caused by the bending, extending or stretching of rock — rather than the thrust faulting of the mainshock.
LIGO consists of two gargantuan optical instruments called interferometers, with which physicists look for the nearly infinitesimal stretching of space caused by a passing gravitational wave.
«This adds to the theory that these two land masses were separated by a stretch of water, stopping animals from moving between them, causing the animals in Appalachia to evolve in a completely different direction, resulting in some pretty weird looking dinosaurs.
These changes, scientists predict, will be caused by a gravitational wave that stretches and squeezes space - time as it passes through the instruments.
These differences in density are caused by the interplay of the solar wind — the constant stream of charged particles from the sun — and the interplanetary magnetic field that stretches across the solar system.
This rushing apart is caused by the overall expansion of the universe, a stretching of space - time that began with the Big Bang about 13.7 billion years ago.
Cosmologists interpreted this as a stretching of the wavelength of the light on its way to us, caused by the expansion of the Universe.
Foreign aid agencies said relief resources were stretched thin after a big earthquake in central Bohol province last month and displacement caused by fighting with rebels in the country's south, complicating efforts to get supplies in place before the storm struck.
«Throughout the irradiated films, we saw individual chains of defects created by the collisions between the incident ions and nucleus that broke the perfect atomic order, causing the lattice to locally compress or stretch out,» said coauthor Lijun Wu, a materials scientist at Brookhaven who led the microscopy work.
Any length difference — such as that caused by gravitational waves stretching one arm while squeezing the other — will allow some light through to the detector.
SAN FRANCISCO — A giant tidal barrier stretched across the Golden Gate is among the adaptation remedies proposed by a Bay area nonprofit to cope with anticipated sea level rise caused by climate change over the coming century.
As a result, light coming from a distant galaxy will be deflected by otherwise invisible globs of dark matter, causing it to appear stretched and deformed.
But recent modeling by NASA researchers reveals the grooves to be more akin to stretch marks created from the tidal forces caused by the gravitational pull between Mars and Phobos.
Had the universe been slightly denser by one part in 1062, the expansion would have slowed and collapsed back on itself in a «big crunch» after 13.7 billion years (today's age of the universe according to the big bang theory).60 Had the universe been slightly less dense by one part in 1062, «the universe would have expanded «so quickly and become so sparse it would soon seem essentially empty, and gravity would not be strong enough by comparison to cause matter to collapse and form galaxies.61 The stretching explanation does not have this problem.
The map, unprecedented in its size and scope, will allow scientists to test theories of dark energy, the mysterious force that appears to cause the accelerating expansion and stretching of the universe first discovered in observations of supernovae by groups led by Saul Perlmutter at Berkeley Lab and by Brian Schmidt, now at Australian National University, and Adam Riess, now at Johns Hopkins University.
Observation: Before September 14, 2015, the most sensitive detectors had not directly detected the tiny stretching - shrinking of spacetime caused by a massive object moving.
That means it doesn't allow your muscles to adjust to the stretched position, causing them to tighten up by activating the stretch reflex repeatedly.
Delaying your stretches by an hour or so won't cause your muscles to shorten dangerously and if time is really that much of an issue, spend your training time as constructively as you can.
Another important way to repair any damage caused by the workout and increase muscle growth is by performing static oscillatory stretches.
This is typically caused by tight hip flexor muscles and with proper stretching you can bring balance back your body.
Even during breastfeeding, hormones will cause lax tendons and muscles, including those in the pelvis, that can still be stretched and injured by extreme exercise.»
But in most cases, the lower back pain is caused by the regular stress and strain on the back muscles and it can be remedied by spending few minutes every day, with relaxation and stretching yogic exercises.
It strongly binds the ingredients in the bread dough together, which causes them to be trapped, gluten also stretches around the trapped bubbles of air which is produced by yeast.
The tiny nerves that accompany the blood vessels become stretched by the dilation and this causes pain.
In addition, it ensures gentle stretching for any tight back muscles caused by overuse or misalignment.
However, radicular pain (true sciatica), whether caused by a bulging disc or other abnormality in the lumbar spine, is a much larger, more complex issue that can be made worse with stretching.
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