Sentences with phrase «caused by the activity»

A hectare of degraded land caused by the activities of illegal small - scale miners will cost the government GHȻ60, 000 to restore it to the natural state, Mr John Peter Amewu, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, has said.
«We therefore have proof that the species disappeared during an ice age caused by the activity of the first volcanism in the Siberian Traps,» added Urs Schaltegger.
For some, vulvar pain may be caused by activities like biking, tampon use, or intercourse, and for others it can be a lingering, spontaneous pain.
It also has very potent antibacterial properties which come in handy in fighting various conditions caused by the activity of microbes and bacteria.
Classic allergy signs of sinus congestion, runny nose and sneezing, tearing and itchy eyes are caused by the activity of excess histamine.
Learning to restore mobility however, can alleviate much of the discomfort caused by these activities.
A reaction caused by the activity of electrons in the particles energized by the sun increases the nanoparticles» magnetic field strength by up to 100 times, enough to break up pollutant particles in the air.
Not all losses are caused by the activity of another resident.
This tear can be caused by activity (running, jumping or even falling) or by an inherited defect in the knee itself.
In addition, the Company is NOT liable for death, injury or illness caused by an activity beyond that of the Company's activities.
Walmart will not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by this activity.
Current requirements for that degree show that he would have taken exactly one chemistry course and NO biology / climatology / environmental science courses, which leaves him markedly unqualified to postulate on «climate change», particularly the idea that «climate change» is caused by the activities of human beings.
We should be acting on a very real threat to our current way of life on this planet that is being caused by our activities.
Accidents are frequently caused by many types of distracted driving behaviors, including cell phone use, text messaging, eating, distractions caused by other passengers or pets in the vehicle and distractions caused by activity outside the vehicle, such as a previous accident.
Getting bitten by a dog is the fifth most frequent cause of visits to emergency rooms caused by activities common among children.
The reason for this is that as a resident in the nursing home you may become liable for damages caused by your activity there or actions.

Not exact matches

«The agency should include and explain the... investigations conducted in Dimock, Pennsylvania; Pavillion, Wyoming; and Parker County, Texas where hydraulic fracturing activities are perceived by many members of the public to have caused significant local impacts to drinking water resources,» states the advisory body's review.
The submarine was designed to «destroy important economic installations of the enemy in coastal areas and cause guaranteed devastating damage to the country's territory by creating wide areas of radioactive contamination, rendering them unusable for military, economic or other activity for a long time,» the BBC reported.
There are a lot of facts that support that, of all the terrorist activities in this country since 9/11, most have been caused by American citizens radicalized by policies implemented by past administrations.
That damage has been caused by human activity.
It's an emergency surgical intervention meant to undo damage caused by human activity both in the oceans and on dry land, and it has been shown to work — bringing dead reef sections back from the edge in just a few years.
The current market is dealing with one whale of a black eye caused by suspicion over high - frequency trading and its stranglehold on market activity.
Before policymakers and pundits conclude that the rise in student loans is the cause of the decline in rates of entrepreneurship among millennials — and decide that debt relief is the way to boost entrepreneurial activity among young people today — they should consider that waning interest in entrepreneurship predates the student loan crisis by many years.
Is there sufficient probable cause to investigate potentially illegal activity by the party leadership during the Democratic primary?
Such activities can help change a naysayer mindset by showing staffers the value of working together for a common cause.
Not one executive of any major Wall Street firm that caused the financial crash in 2008 through fraudulent activities was prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department — which was headed at the time by law partners from Covington & Burling — the Big Tobacco law firm that was singled out in a Federal Court decision for hiding the deadly effects of cigarette smoke for decades.
While Jesner suggests that five justices likely would rule that the federal courts should not recognize an ATS cause of action against American corporations for their overseas activities, several federal appeals courts have exhibited little willingness to limit the scope of ATS liability unless directly ordered to do so by the Supreme Court.
From a strictly legal perspective, the relevant question is not whether there is a sufficient connection to any particular existing or proposed oil sands development or other production activity, and certainly not whether such projects or activities were included in the Terms of Reference (ToR), but rather simply whether the GHGs associated with the production of bitumen that will be transported by the NGP are an «environmental effect» of that project (see NGP Report, Volume II, Appendix 4, Terms of Reference, which defines «environmental effect» very broadly to mean «any change that the project may cause in the environment.»
It's why this other story, of direct political activity by members of the Canadian military on behalf of former Defence Minister Peter McKay, caused such controversy at the time.
Severe affordability issues brought on by rapid appreciation throughout the year has caused sales activity to slow, particularly in the region's near million - dollar condominium market where prices depreciated by 7.6 % on a quarter - over-quarter basis.
Perhaps not surprisingly, a recent proposal by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to eliminate pooling has caused deep consternation in corporate boardrooms concerned about earnings and among investment bankers who fear a serious downturn in M&A activity.
'' — Phase 4: Instability after 1929 caused by deflation of assets from overpriced levels and exacerbated by excessive debt levels, leading to depression of economic activity.
According to a recent study by researchers from the University of Tulsa and Tel Aviv University, the massive increase in the bitcoin price in late 2013 was caused by suspicious trading activity on the now - defunct Mt. Gox Bitcoin exchange.
We observed yesterday in the markets, «plans», movements caused largely by the public holiday in the United States held the day of the president who had no activity
This is hypothesized to happen for many different reasons, including a decline in the competitiveness of other economic sectors (caused by appreciation of the real exchange rate as resource revenues enter an economy, a phenomenon known as Dutch disease), volatility of revenues from the natural resource sector due to exposure to global commodity market swings, government mismanagement of resources, or weak, ineffectual, unstable or corrupt institutions (possibly due to the easily diverted actual or anticipated revenue stream from extractive activities).
To the extent that the activities of the Trust cause it to be deemed a «money transmitter» under the regulations promulgated by FinCEN under the authority of the US Bank Secrecy Act, the Trust may be required to comply with FinCEN regulations, including those that would mandate the Trust to implement anti-money laundering programs, make certain reports to FinCEN and maintain certain records.
Theists believe that and also that the causing agent is currently interacting with its creation and can possibly be influenced by activities like prayer, worship, obeying certain laws, and believing certain things.
Now this certainly does not mean that the Christians could cause and help to establish their eschatological hope, which is the kingdom of God and ultimately God himself, by their cultural activities.
The problem is caused by liberal Christianity's no longer believing in the resurrection, which means that the weight of God's activity is pushed forward in time.
From below, on top, backwards, forwards, from this side of the Moon and from the other side too, gay se - xual activity is still mutual mas - turbation caused by one or more complex se - xual differences.
Christian activity has been responsible for introducing new concepts of social responsibility, while at the same time alleviating some of the suffering, injustice, and oppression caused by society.
Naturalistic evolution is consistent with the existence of «God» only if by that term we mean no more than a first cause which retires from further activity after establishing the laws of nature and setting the natural mechanism in motion.
From below, on top, backwards, forwards, from this side of the Moon and from the other side too, gay se - xual activity is still mutual masturbation caused by one or more complex se - xual differences.
For since its intrinsic negativity is posited by the transcendent cause, God, and so belongs to its essence, all its activity is necessarily and from the start comprised within the bounds fixed by God as the limits of its nature, and always unfolds on the basis of that negativity.
It does not cause something which the creature does not cause, for it does not cause side by side with the activity of the creature.
As it happens, when we ask about God's role in violence, later revelation in Scripture makes it pretty clear that God's only activity was to rescue us from our own violence, redeem us from the consequences of violence, and reconcile us to Himself and to one another from the schisms caused by violence.
If a man must say that he can not find God in the reality of his own present life, and if he would compensate for this by the thought that God is nevertheless the final cause of all that happens, then his belief in God will be a theoretical speculation or a dogma; and however great the force with which he clings to this belief, it will not be true faith, for faith can be only the recognition of the activity of God in his own life.
This self - activity is denied to the world as a whole if God is its primary (coercive) cause, and it is denied to the individual parts if they are determined by the secondary causes of the natural order acting in God's stead.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization conducting relief, development, and advocacy activities in its work with children, families, and their communities in nearly 100 countries to help them reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
And from below, on top, backwards, forwards, from this side of the Moon and from the other side too, ga - y s - exual activity is still mutual m - astu - rbation caused by one or more complex s - exual defects.
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