Sentences with phrase «caused by the passage»

The challenge for Kepler — or more specifically, for Jenkins's software — is to tease out brightness changes caused by the passage of a planet and to distinguish them from all the normal stellar variations, such as flares and star spots (the stellar equivalent of sunspots) or even nearby eclipsing stars.
However, during the unusual episode, which was caused by the passage of a solar eruption over Earth, the data recorded by the researchers showed the solar wind became subsonic, or slower than the speed of sound.
Then, taking advantage of the opening caused by the passage of a truck, Atiq manages to squeeze into a less turbulent side street and hastens, despite his limp, toward a building that stands oddly upright amid an expanse of rubble.
Time decay is a reduction in an option's price caused by the passage of time.
It also reduces the risk of abnormal brain function caused by passage of toxic substances from the liver to the blood (called hepatic encephalopathy).
(2) To limit further liver damage by preventing accumulation of copper and free radicals (3) To support liver cell regeneration (4) To prevent or minimize possible complications, such as abnormal brain function caused by passage of toxic substances from the liver to the blood (called hepatic encephalopathy) and the buildup of fluid in your dog's abdomen (called ascites).
If the bump is at the umbilicus (belly button) then the cause maybe an umbilical hernia which may be caused by a passage of fat through the opening (best scenario) or intestines (worst scenario); a visit to your Veterinarian should be made as soon as possible as the blue colour may indicate congestion of venous blood and should be seen as soon as possible.
A marine layer will disperse and break up in the presence of instability, such as may be caused by the passage of a frontal system or trough, or any upper air turbulence that reaches the surface.

Not exact matches

Byrd shows, verse by verse, how those ministers inclined to the American cause adapted passages to justify righteous war.
Encopresis is defined as the voluntary or involuntary passage of stools (feces) in inappropriate places causing soiling of clothes by a child aged four or over.
Constipation: Many babies suffer from constipation, defined as the passage of hard, pellet - like stools that cause pain or bleeding (groaning or straining is normal) and not so much by how often your baby has a bowel movement (some breastfed babies only have one BM each week).
Temporarily relieves congestion caused by swollen nasal passages.
If the baby is healthy, gaining weight and has normal bowel movements, the passage of gas while crying is normal, caused by the forceful contraction of abdominal muscles.
Constipation: defined as the passage of hard, pellet - like stools that cause pain or bleeding (groaning or straining is normal) and not so much by how often your baby has a bowel movement (some breastfed babies only have one BM each week).
ALBANY, NY — Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein (D - Bronx / Westchester) and Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan (D - Queens) celebrated passage of legislation that would protect existing school playground space in New York City from the long term displacement caused by ongoing construction or temporary classrooms.
Writing in a linked Comment, Professor Dieter Wolke, University of Warwick, UK, says: «Until not that long ago, being bullied by others was often considered as a normal rite of passage... Any intervention to reduce bullying and the adverse mental health effects caused by victimisation must include efforts to reduce traditional bullying.
In the case of tapirs, Witmer found that their skulls have various characteristics such as nerve passages, blood ducts, and small muscle attachments that are caused by the snoutlike structure, and therefore necessary for the snout's existence.
Simply by multiplying as they feed on the starch, the bacteria help to increase stool weight, dilute the contents of the colon, and so speed the passage of potentially cancer - causing waste products through the large gut.
Through this process, the astronomers eventually were able to determine that the event was caused by the magnifying of a single star's light due to the foreground passage of an orbiting planet - type object with a mass of approximately 0.5 times that of Jupiter.
A rogue planet moving through the solar system would be pretty obvious to astronomers, who can detect planets far beyond our home solar system by looking for the wobbles their passage causes in the stars they orbit.
On the basis of studies on the XMRV - producing human prostate cancer cell lines CWR22Rν1 and CWR - R1 and their progenitor tumour xenograft CRW22, they concluded that XMRV infections were caused by contamination during in vivo passaging in nude mice.
This can be caused by scarring from an infection, a vasectomy (surgery to cut the vas deferens and prevent passage of sperm), or cystic fibrosis (a genetic disease).
Furthermore, dietary fiber intake may help prevent colon cancer by diluting potential carcinogens through increased water retention, binding carcinogens to the fiber itself and speeding the passage of food through the intestinal tract so that cancer - causing agents have less time to act.
Down in the small intestine, the stimulation caused by the bitter taste prompts your liver to increase its production of bile, and your gallbladder to increase bile excretion.2, 3,11 Bile is necessary for fat digestion and the absorption of fat - soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E. 12 Healthy bile flow helps rid the liver of waste products such as oxidized cholesterol and hormonal metabolites, prevents gall stone formation, and provides lubrication of the intestines, easing the passage of stool.4, 12 It should not be surprising that by enhancing movement of waste products out of the liver, bitter herbs have been found to exert a protective effect in liver conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.2
Accountability pressure could have caused students to learn more math through: 1) additional class time and resources devoted to math instruction and 2) changes in students» later course - taking patterns, sparked by improved on - time passage of the exit exam.
Educational outcomes are shaped by many factors, but research shows that teacher quality is the most important in - school factor influencing student achievement.59 Of course, other out - of - school factors, which are often caused by poverty, can also influence student outcomes.60 Because teacher quality has been shown to have a measurable impact on standardized test scores, some academics have started trying to directly measure the impact of Act 10 on student outcomes by examining how students fared on standardized tests after its passage.
When an overheating issue is caused by a blown head gasket, the primary failure which occurred causing this is when combustion gasses leak into the coolant passages (usually coolant is leaking into the cylinder at the same time).
Lack of coolant circulation is usually caused by 3 things: closed thermostat faulty water pump blocked passage or hose Since you changed the thermostat, we could likely rule that out.
I'm sure I got the timing right, and everything is in order, just not sure on what could be causing the bogging down, unless a carb passage is blocked by a foreign particle or something.
No, not by any annoying whistles caused by leaks but by the simple sound of a silent vehicle's passage through the air mass, just as one is aware of movement in a sailplane.
Developed by Fiat Powertrain Technologies, the technology bypasses a primary engine inefficiency: pumping losses caused by restriction of the intake passage by the throttle plate, used to regulate air feeding the cylinders.
These are characterized by glycosuria (presence of glucose in the urine, which is normally glucose - free), polyuria (excessive production and passage of urine), polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyfagia (excessive appetite), as well as by a number of serious metabolic alterations caused by the inability of body cells to take up and use blood glucose, which is the main fuel for the body in normal conditions.
Hairballs pose a potential danger by blocking the passage of digested food through the intestines, causing an impaction.
A reverse sneeze can also be caused by respiratory infections, post nasal drip, obstruction or inflammation of the nasal passages, or an excess in nasal discharge.
Sometimes the city only tracks bites by «pit bulls» and not other breeds, so it is not possible to discern whether another breed is causing more problems after passage of BSL.
These are among my favorite pets because they're so friendly and fun - loving, but they're also well known for the snorting, gurgling, and drooling that is a result of airway restrictions caused by their shortened nasal passages.
Gurgling sounds in dogs may be caused by several problems including laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tumors in the air passages, pneumonia or heart failure.
Gasping and coughing can be caused by the blockage of the air passages by foreign objects or severe allergies.
About half of dogs suffering from BAS are diagnosed with a condition called stenotic nares, which is caused by a malformation of the cartilage in the nose and characterized by abnormally narrow nasal passages.
The primary sign of kennel cough is a dry - sounding, spasmodic cough caused by pathogens that induce inflammation of the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (air passages into the lungs).
Pasteurella can spread from the nasal passages to the middle ear via the Eustachian tubes, causing otitis media — often signaled by the rabbit scratching the base of the ear.
Calicivirus can cause upper respiratory infections by attacking the mouth, lungs, and nasal passages.
Following yesterday's return by many cruise ships to Florida following the passage of Hurricane Irma, cruise lines are continuing to issue updates on itineraries impacted by the devastation the storm caused in the Caribbean.
Noda invariably gets his inspiration from the passage of time and visual changes of things caused by both natural and unnatural events over time.
A Google search for the passage «explore changes in ocean circulation caused by the growth of extensive fast ice» in November yields zero results:
The fervent desire of European merchants for a northern passage, the Northern Sea Route or the Northwest Passage, to «Cathay» (China) caused water to win out, and by 1723 mapmakers such as Johann Homann featured an extensive «Oceanus Septentrionalis» at the northern edge of their passage, the Northern Sea Route or the Northwest Passage, to «Cathay» (China) caused water to win out, and by 1723 mapmakers such as Johann Homann featured an extensive «Oceanus Septentrionalis» at the northern edge of their Passage, to «Cathay» (China) caused water to win out, and by 1723 mapmakers such as Johann Homann featured an extensive «Oceanus Septentrionalis» at the northern edge of their charts.
Doesn't the above key passage clearly indicate the paper holds a thesis that there is a greater proportion (> 50 %) increase in recent temperature rise that is not explained by anthropogenic causes and so puts it clearly outside the consensus?
A Dangerous Game looks at the destruction caused by building and maintaining luxury golf courses in areas as diverse as New Jersey, Dubai, Scotland, China, and Croatia (where a World Heritage protected site was green - lighted, even with the passage of a local referendum against it had an 84 % majority), and asks some hard questions about the ethics and appropriateness of continuing to construct super-luxury resorts when they have such negative effects on the surrounding communities.
It was in effect a summation of the whole preceding passage, including para 22 which heralded a direct contrast with «victims of damage or injury caused by an identified vehicle».
While some birth traumas occur naturally as a result of the physical pressures on a fetus from the mother's contractions and the fetus's passage through the birth canal, other childbirth injuries are caused by the negligence of medical practitioners during a mother's pregnancy or the labor and delivery stages of childbirth.
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