Sentences with phrase «caused by the reflection»

Most of Earth's albedo is caused by reflection of the incident solar flux from several surfaces: from the tops of clouds, from the surface of the oceans, from the surfaces of continents, and from the surfaces of dust particles in the atmosphere.

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By theology of religions, I mean critical theological reflections on the interaction and intercourse between different religions through such means as proclamation and sharing of their different creeds and teachings, through dialogue of their adherents, and mutual challenges and partnership for common cause.
The immediate cause of his is a series of reflections on Princeton Theological Seminary by Jim Garretson, but this is a long - running debate.
Or something happens to him which causes within him a breach with immediacy deeper than he has made by reflection.
I maintained that, contrary to the commonly expressed or tacitly accepted view, the era of active evolution did not end with the appearance of the human zoological type: for by virtue of his acquirement of the gift of individual reflection Man displays the extraordinary quality of being able to totalize himself collectively upon himself, thus extending on a planetary scale the fundamental vital process which causes matter, under Certain conditions, to organize itself in elements which are ever more complex physically, and psychologically ever more centrated.
The mistaken belief that we can have access to divinely guaranteed revelation, communicated to us by some infallible authority, is the root cause of another major error which accompanied the process of Christian theological reflection.
#Labour's cheers in the Chamber of @HouseofCommons should have been cause for deep reflection by the likes of Anna Soubry and Dominic Grieve.
That «backsplash» of protons, which was discovered by CRaTER and is known as the moon's radiation «albedo,» is caused by the partial reflection of galactic cosmic rays off the moon's surface.
Seen in seismic - reflection profiles, and in gravity and magnetic surveys, it has traits that are consistent with impact craters, which are caused by collisions with asteroids and comets.
One of the most important exoplanetary biosignatures is a specific reflection pattern on the land surface named «red - edge», which is caused by vegetation such as forests and grasslands.
Information from these GPS signal reflections can be potentially used by scientists to monitor ocean currents by measuring the slopes currents cause in the ocean's surface.
And Purkinje's images are the threefold reflections seen in the eye of another person, caused by an object reflecting from the cornea's surface and both sides of the lens.
Astronomers used the example of Mars» ice caps to analyze the radar reflections seen on Mercury and propose that those, too, were caused by ice trapped in eternally - dark craters on that otherwise hot world.
The strong reflection seen on Mercury is too large to be caused by a momentary «glint» off a crater wall, and when studied in more detail, shares the characteristics of reflections from the water ice seen on Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter.
by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND Jul 20, 2015 Art Therapy, Community, Creativity, Docere, Education, Emotions, Empathy, Finding yourself, Healing Stories, Health, Medicine, Mental Health, Mind Body Medicine, Mindfulness, Narrative Therapy, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Relationships, Self - reflection, Treating the Cause, Volunteering
In interpreting these test results, I think it should be recognized that the various individual issues — such as the iron deficiency anemia, the high anion gap metabolic acidosis, the «euthyroid sick syndrome» pattern of low T3 thyroid hormone (see my post «Carbohydrates and the Thyroid,» Aug 24, 2011), and the low cortisol with a disrupted circadian pattern — are probably reflections of deeper problems caused by malnutrition (starvation of carbs, protein, and assorted micronutrients) despite excess fat intake (a source of metabolic stress).
In a world dominated by selfies and celebrity, who wouldn't want to be so beautiful that even their own reflection caused them eternal pause?
It helps you discover weaknesses in your own approach by causing self - reflection to occur.
As a result, the display is visible even in bright sunlight despite the reflections caused by its tough Gorilla glass protection.
The loss of our animal companion can cause further life reflection by reviewing our past lifecycle, milestones, success / losses we have faced and geographical changes that have occurred.
In Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, using an element that is blocked, absorbed, or reflected causes the player or computer to lose turns, meaning a single mistake can easily result in a loss (not to mention that reflection can wipe a party all by itself).
In addition to the manipulations of the image surface caused by the basin's circular motion, loud speakers emit low - frequency sounds that cause vibrations and ripples, further distorting the reflection and making the lights» straight lines waver and curve.
With this adroit relationship to images, Tompkins is thus as much a Dadaist as she is a feminist; the two strands of her work commingle and produce heretofore - unexplored spaces for reflection upon identity, causing one to understand the true nuance of art informed by gender and sexuality.
Together, they form a hard - edged black - on - white field that stands rigid but for a scattering of delicate elliptical ripples apparently caused by tiny raindrops disturbing the reflection.
After 2000, he was drawn to the reflection of the human figure and began to research the infinite effects and transformations caused by various changes in conditions including light and movement.
The presence of clathrates at a given site can often be determined by observation of a «bottom simulating reflector» (BSR), which is a seismic reflection at the sediment to clathrate stability zone interface caused by the unequal densities of normal sediments and those laced with clathrates.
The authors also argue that this boost in learning through reflection is caused by the impact of reflection on self - efficacy, «the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations».
There is a legitimate question about whether this was caused by the perceived relaxation of divorce, or was rather a reflection of the number of marriages that had in fact broken down and the need for reform, but a degree of nervousness about further change may be understandable.
The first is meant to look for irregularities caused by variations or reflections inside the display panel in color intensity.
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