Sentences with phrase «caused by their egos»

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My God, I deliver myself up with utter abandon to those fearful forces of dissolution which, I blindly believe, will this day cause my narrow ego to be replaced by your divine presence.
In such cases, a nation is in real danger — it is ruled by the pride and arrogance of buffoons whose egos command the nation's laws and power for their own selfish and childish causes.
ME is a creation of mind / ego and suffering is caused by identification with form that will inevitably decay.
The pain is not due to one or couple bad games... The pain is caused by his transfer policy and his lack of tactical ability add to that his favoritism... His ego won't let him acknowledge his mistakes... He realizes nothing... I would be extremely happy the day I see him out...
Think about it: While the overwhelming majority of today's volunteer coaches do incredible jobs connecting with kids and making their experiences fun and memorable for all the right reasons, there will always be those coaches who, blinded by the pursuit of first - place trophies and boosting their already over-inflated egos, will cause enormous damage to the kids under their care.
Let your ego not cause you to refuse apologizing for your abusive words by referring to a fellow human as «insults».
To see if a bruised ego can cause aggression, Fast and his colleague Serena Chen manipulated people's sense of power and self - worth by asking them to write about occasions when they felt either empowered or impotent and then either competent or incompetent.
To see if a bruised ego can actually cause aggression, the researchers manipulated people's sense of power and self - worth by asking them to write about occasions when they felt either empowered or impotent and then either competent or incompetent.
The cause is intellect ruled by the ego, which creates a very scary level of self - indulgence.
Personally I'm going to go for Embry, but only because there's a fair chance that his death — if, indeed he's even dead — was caused by his body imploding under the gargantuan external weight of his own ego.
Dear comics, Its not my fault... that you release the same thing in 5 formats, that you micro-manage your talent so much that they can't tell a decent story and get so pissed off by egos that they go to the other boss, that you don't know how to advertise your product, that you are so trapped by short term thinking that you fuck your self over, that you don't know how to keep your books in print, that you drove away people with high prices, oh and I didn't cause global warming either.
It's not about the egos and deceit of academics and the tiny few Bilions more wasted by the hugely wasteful insider boondoggle that is the UN gravy train on proving their scapegoat gas guilty for profit by one cause «science», using co-operative leftist pseudo scientists.
I'll bet that, instead, they're just trying to make ends meet, given the still - increasing overhead caused by high associate salaries, and of course there's always the ego problem (he charges $ X, therefore I will, too).
Likewise, the similarity of egos» and alters» behaviors may be caused by joint influences of a third variable [12,58].
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