Sentences with phrase «caused by tidal forces»

Saxena and his colleagues wanted to look at another potential form of heating, caused by tidal forces.
This dramatic difference is probably caused by tidal forces.
The lines are the first stages of structural failure caused by tidal forces between the moon and its parent planet.
These pretty plumes are caused by tidal forces.
Heat from the friction of rocks caused by tidal forces could be the «engine» for the hydrothermal activity on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
During the last several years, the degree of the lunar deformation caused by the tidal forces has been determined by several orbiters, for example, Kaguya from Japan, Chang «e-1 from China, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) from the USA.
In particular, the present research considered the following two previous analysis results in order to theoretically calculate the lunar deformation caused by the tidal force.
The Moon is no exception; we can learn about the interior of our natural satellite from its deformation caused by the tidal force of Earth.

Not exact matches

Its irregular orbit around the gas giant creates strong tidal forces within Io, causing its surface to rise and fall by as much as 100 meters.
For example, the ocean tide on Earth is one tidal phenomenon caused by the gravitational force between the Moon and the Sun, and Earth.
But now, the model says, Mars's moon Phobos is on a gravity - driven, 70 - million - year course back towards the planet, a path that will cause it to be ripped apart by tidal forces and spun out into a new set of rings.
Another, less enticing possibility is that the holes are crevices opened by tidal forces or by impacts that caused the entire moon to flex.
That low - density gas would cause enough drag for the Earth to drift inwards, even as tidal forces caused by the Earth's gravity force the nearest side of the sun to bulge outwards.
But recent modeling by NASA researchers reveals the grooves to be more akin to stretch marks created from the tidal forces caused by the gravitational pull between Mars and Phobos.
The vast network of crisscrossing cracks that are seen on the surface of Europa are caused by the intense tidal forces of the massive, nearby Jupiter and the orbital resonances with the other nearby moons of the Jovian system, similar to the way that the gravity of the Earth's Moon causes tides on the oceans of our home planet.
They go on to say: «the only externally - caused net - force sensed by the stellar fluid is the tidal force.
So why do they say in their paper: «the only externally - caused net - force sensed by the stellar fluid is the tidal force.
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