Sentences with phrase «caused encephalitis»

This was demonstrated in a most unfortunate and dramatic manner when it was shown that a commercial live canine coronavirus vaccine caused encephalitis in most cases when it was used in combination with distemper virus vaccine.
Vaccines made from the brains of infected animals protect humans and animals, but the serum can contain impurities which cause encephalitis — a dangerous inflammation of the brain.
For example, distemper virus vaccine may cause encephalitis in puppies under age four weeks.
Merck itself states in its Manual that vaccines (i.e., its own products) can cause encephalitis: brain inflammation / damage.
West Nile Virus (WNV) causes encephalitis in birds, horses, and humans.
West Nile Virus West Nile Virus (WNV) causes encephalitis in birds, horses and humans.
If there is an ongoing disease that is causing the encephalitis the symptoms will get worse over time.

Not exact matches

JE is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.
You don't want a baby with measles, which can cause «severe complications such as pneumonia or encephalitis,» according to CNN.
The Powassan virus is spread to people by infected ticks, and can cause central nervous system disruption, encephalitis, and meningitis.
The precise cause of death was encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain.
It also can enter the brain and cause inflammation (encephalitis).
The culprit: Japanese encephalitis, a mosquito - borne virus that causes paralysis, seizures, and death.
Every year as the days grow warmer, the Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) reemerges along the eastern coast of the United States, where it causes devastating disease in horses and, more rarely, humans.
Elegant, dainty, and deadly, it is the most common of all blood - sucking arthropods and the most important insect carrier of human disease, transmitting not only malaria but also yellow fever, dengue, West Nile virus, encephalitis, and the tiny worms that cause elephantiasis.
It notes some of the critical scientific questions regarding Zika that deserve further exploration, including: whether certain viral mutations occurred to facilitate its geographical spread; if different species of Aedes mosquitoes are capable of transmitting Zika and what that may mean for future transmission; what is apparently unique to Zika compared to other more well - known flaviviruses, such as dengue, that can explain why it can cause congenital infections, neurological conditions and encephalitis, transmit sexually and persist for long periods of time in multiple parts of the human body; and whether preexisting immunity to other related flaviviruses may impact Zika exposure and infection.
In addition, Kao said, the study showed that the Zika virus protein is similar in structure to proteins from viruses that cause dengue fever, West Nile virus, Japanese encephalitis virus and hepatitis C, which prompted the team to test several compounds that combat those diseases.
In the mid-1980s he had a rare form of encephalitis caused by a virus, a herpes encephalitis.
Flaviviruses are the cause of diseases spread by mosquitoes (e.g., dengue fever and West Nile fever) and by ticks (e.g., Powassan virus disease and tick - borne encephalitis).
It causes listeriosis, a group of life - threatening diseases that include meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, septicemia, and intrauterine or cervical infections in pregnant women.
Less than a decade ago, anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was first identified, a disease characterized by inflammation of the brain that causes acute psychiatric symptoms including psychosis.
After infection, some healthy people experience a month or more of flu - like symptoms, but the disease can cause seizures and potentially fatal encephalitis in the immunocompromised, including patients receiving transplants, those with HIV / AIDS, cancer patients, the elderly, and young children.
But in rare cases, it causes severe side effects, such as encephalitis and serious skin infections.
Encephalitis caused by the immune system attacking the brain is similar in frequency to encephalitis from infections, Mayo Clinic researchers report in Annals oEncephalitis caused by the immune system attacking the brain is similar in frequency to encephalitis from infections, Mayo Clinic researchers report in Annals oencephalitis from infections, Mayo Clinic researchers report in Annals of Neurology.
«The results of our study suggest that doctors evaluating patients with encephalitis should search for autoimmune causes in addition to infectious causes, given both have a similar frequency,» says Eoin Flanagan, M.B., B.Ch., senior author of the population - based study and an autoimmune neurology specialist at Mayo Clinic.
Smeyne suspects that all flu viruses, including the current H1N1 swine flu pandemic, could cause symptoms of encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain.
Encephalitis can be caused by a large number of viruses, bacteria and parasites, and identifying novel pathogens in wild animals is a huge and often insurmountable challenge.
Instead the vaccine court Special Masters rest their judgments on their finding that the vaccines caused some generalized brain injury, mainly Encephalopathy / encephalitis (brain inflammation) or «seizure disorders» — conditions known to cause autism - like symptoms.
It can cause serious complications including blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia, particularly in children with nutritional problems and in immunocompromised patients.
«After a detailed necropsy and histology that took several intense days to perform, the results clearly suggested that the underlying cause of Knut's seizures was a result of encephalitis, most likely of viral origin» says Dr Szentiks.
Most of his research has focused on reovirus, an important experimental model for studies of viral encephalitis in the young, and chikungunya virus, an emerging mosquito - borne virus that causes epidemics of fever and arthritis.
Toll - like receptor 3 mediates West Nile virus entry into the brain causing lethal encephalitis.
For patients under 30, autoimmune encephalitis was actually more common than encephalitis caused by viral infection.
For example, the counterintuitive management strategy in such an encephalitis case would be to suppress the immune system — not a therapeutic intervention one would necessarily consider in the case of a pathogen caused disease.
A necropsy performed at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) determined that Knut had inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) and suggested the cause was an infectious agent.
His contributions include the first use of genetic methods to identify an infectious agent; implication of West Nile virus as the cause of the encephalitis in North America in 1999; invention of MassTag PCR and the first panmicrobial microarray; first use of deep sequencing in pathogen discovery; and molecular characterization of more than 600 viruses.
According to Dr. Levy, megadoses of vitamin C are capable of destroying the pathogens that cause measles, mumps, viral encephalitis, herpes, mononucleosis, viral pneumonia, chickenpox, Ebola and influenza.
Amnesia can be caused by physical or psychological trauma to these structures, brought on by diseases such as Alzheimer's, encephalitis or meningitis, seizures, stroke or drug use.
LYME DISEASE: TICK - TOCK... Ticks are tiny bloodsuckers that inflict painful bites, can cause paralysis, and can transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, tularemia, and St. Louis encephalitis.
If this channel becomes infected, a painful abscess may form, and if the sinus extends all the way into the spinal canal, infection can cause serious neurological diseases like meningitis, encephalitis, or myelitis.
Secondary epilepsy (also known as «Symptomatic epilepsy») is when the fits are being caused by another brain disorder such a brain tumour, an inflammation or infection of the brain (encephalitis), a brain malformation, a recent or previous stroke or head trauma.
Encephalitis: an inflammatory condition of the brain causing signs of central nervous system dysfunction and epilepsy (seizures).
However, other things that can cause seizures in dog and cats include brain tumors, injury to the brain, encephalitis, poisoning, heat stroke, liver failure and kidney failure.
Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis in warm blooded animals.
There are two broad categories of encephalitis in dogs: infectious causes and non-infectious causes.
Non-infectious causes of encephalitis are much more common in dogs and will be the focus of this article.
Causes of seizures from within the brain (structural abnormalities of the brain) include brain tumors, strokes, encephalitis or meningitis, congenital abnormalities (such as hydrocephalus), head trauma, degenerative or storage diseases, infection and other cCauses of seizures from within the brain (structural abnormalities of the brain) include brain tumors, strokes, encephalitis or meningitis, congenital abnormalities (such as hydrocephalus), head trauma, degenerative or storage diseases, infection and other causescauses.
Rabies causes acute encephalitis and eventually infects the entire nervous system causing death.
Infection / Inflammation Any cause of meningo - encephalitis may result in involvement of central vestibular structures.
Encephalitis can cause seizures, balance problems, blindness, and behavior changes.
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