Sentences with phrase «caused oxygen molecules»

Some said that it caused oxygen molecules to become reactive and turn off cancer genes.

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When the quantum dots absorb ambient light, they transfer some of that energy to nearby dye particles, causing the crystal violet to release a kind of high - energy oxygen molecule that kills microbes.
The damage sensors lit up first, with the hydrogen peroxide marker following moments later, suggesting that the reactive oxygen molecules are indeed a sign, and not a cause, of injury.
Sickle cell disease is a recessive genetic disorder caused by a single mutation in both copies of a gene coding for beta - globin, a protein that forms part of the oxygen - carrying molecule hemoglobin.
It's called oxidizing because it causes the molecule to undergo a reaction in which it combines with oxygen, breaking C - H bonds and forming new carbon - oxygen bonds.
Slowing metabolism — and thus oxygen use — would delay or eliminate the formation of molecules that cause inflammation and cell death, he says.
This is surprising since it means that toxic oxygen molecules formed in heat - damaged chloroplasts during photosynthetic reactions during the light are likely not the major culprits that cause bleaching.
It has been theorized that the major cause of bleaching is the result of chloroplast damage due to heat stress, which results in the production of toxic, highly reactive oxygen molecules during photosynthesis.
The cause of the damage is still poorly understood, but radiation is known to create highly reactive oxygen - containing molecules in the body.
UV radiation can break apart water molecules in the atmosphere and even cause hydrogen and oxygen atoms to be lost to space, depleting a planet of water.
This caused oxidative stress — too much oxygen that damages healthy cells — and allowed the release of harmful molecules, called free radicals, which resulted in serious illness.
Plasma causes the neutrally charged oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the air to become electrically charged.
Although the blood disorder sickle - cell anemia was first described for medical science early in the 20th century, it was not until 1956 that researchers pinpointed its cause: a single change in a nucleotide in the gene that codes for the oxygen - carrying molecule hemoglobin.
More research produced the answer: Vitamin C induced what is known as a Fenton reaction, causing iron to react with other molecules to create reactive oxygen species that kill the TB bacteria.
This aurora is driven by Jupiter's intense magnetic field, which causes particles to reach such high speeds that they can split the water molecules in the plume when they hit them, resulting in oxygen and hydrogen ions which leave their telltale imprint in the colours of the aurora.
Be it the azure of high noon or the orange glow of dusk, the colors of the sky result from sunlight interacting with molecules in the air, primarily nitrogen and oxygen, which cause it to be deflected in all directions, a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering.
Physiologist Dino Giussani and colleagues at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom theorized that hypoxia promotes harm in the womb primarily through stress caused when the low level of oxygen creates an overload of highly reactive molecules known as free radicals.
Uroporphyrinogen I is a reduced porphyrin that can undergo spontaneous oxidation to form the potent photosensitizer uroporphyrin I. Intense light exposure causes porphyrin molecules to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS).
The prevailing theory is that this reduces damage to mitochondria occurring as a result of the reactive oxygen species generated within these organelles, with localized antioxidants soaking up reactive molecules before they can cause harm.
STEVEN BENNER: Radiation causes damage to DNA by way of specific molecules, in particular, reactive oxygen species.
The oxygen easily reacts with nearby molecules, causing engine corrosion and reduced fuel efficiency.
Composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms (forming the CH3NCO molecule) a tragic methyl isocyanate gas leak caused thousands of deaths and injuries during what is considered to be the deadliest industrial accident in history — the Indian 1984 Bhopal disaster.
This excess oxygen may be the source of molecules that cause damage to the cells of the natural drain of the eye.
Dr Kenneth Cooper, author of Aerobics, believes excessive exercise also produces unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals that cause harm to the body.
When an oxygen molecule (O2) becomes electrically charged or «radicalized» it tries to steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage to the cell's DNA.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important molecules inall cells, but in high concentrations cause frequent mutations.
It boosts the immune system, protects vision, stops the build - up of oxidised fats, and helps to convert carbohydrates into energy and most crucially reduces the damage done to important cell components caused by reactive oxygen molecules such as free radicals and peroxides7.
When an oxygen molecule becomes electrically charged or «radicalized» it tries to steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage to the DNA and other molecules.
This causes the body to create unstable molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Alcohol can also produce free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that can alter DNA and cause cancer cells to develop.
Foods high in antioxidants work throughout the body to fight free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules that damage individual cell DNA and that can cause a host of problems.
The oxygen - containing molecules the body uses to produce energy can be highly reactive and can inadvertently cause damage to the mitochondria and even the cells themselves.
Ionic foot baths operate by sending an electrical current through a tub of water, which causes the water molecules to divide and create negative oxygen ions.
This really is more appropriate in the chemistry community, but just a really short answer, the spark causes the gas molecules to react with oxygen thus releasing the chemical energy stored in the gas molecule.
A significant cause of aging are free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules.
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