Sentences with phrase «caused warming of the globe»

Scientists have been saying for years that human - caused warming of the globe is real.

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«There is a certain ironic satisfaction in seeing a study funded by the Koch Brothers — the greatest funders of climate change denial and disinformation on the planet — demonstrate what scientists have known with some degree of confidence for nearly two decades: that the globe is indeed warming, and that this warming can only be explained by human - caused increases in greenhouse gas concentrations,» he wrote.
Scientists know that the clouds can act as a sunshield, cooling parts of the globe and offsetting the global warming caused by the greenhouse effect (see «Not warming, but cooling», New Scientist, 9 July 1994).
Blistering heat waves recorded around the globe in 2013 were linked to human - caused global warming, according to a broad survey of studies on extreme weather events published yesterday.
El Niño — a warming of tropical Pacific Ocean waters that changes weather patterns across the globecauses forests to dry out as rainfall patterns shift, and the occasional unusually strong «super» El Niños, like the current one, have a bigger effect on CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
All the models I've seen rely on the assumption that an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases will necessarily increase the long - term average temperature of the globe and that all the other mechanisms that cause or counteract warming are understood and modeled fairly accurately.
Global warming causes ocean temperatures to rise, resulting in an increased loss of oxygen, which can then affect the nitrogen budget across the globe.
All the models I've seen rely on the assumption that an increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases will necessarily increase the long - term average temperature of the globe and that all the other mechanisms that cause or counteract warming are understood and modeled fairly accurately.
What causes doubt and confusion is that the effects of global warming are not uniform around the globe and there are always weather fluctuations (that may even increase in scale and predictability) as global warming progresses.
Fully 90 % of scientists publishing on climate related topics and vurtually all the evidence say the globe is warming and that we're the cause.
You might expect to see heat waves on the list — even though climate and weather are two different (but related) phenomena — but the report is a good reminder of the tremendous scope of problems a warming globe can cause; it's not just about an extra couple degrees and wearing fewer sweaters: «With warming temperatures, the breeding cycle of malaria - carrying mosquitoes is shortening, which means more mosquitoes — and malaria — each year.»
According to Jim Salinger, a climate scientist at New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, the warming globe will likely cause a decline in the production of malting barley, which, when combined with the scarcity of hops right now, stands to have a profound and negative impact on the world's beer supply starting now, and for decades to come.
Climate change refers to a change in the «average weather» of an area caused by the unnatural warming of the globe.
The «pause» can not be a cause of optimism as it is perfectly congruent with unrelenting warming of the globe.
What in a global forcing would cause some parts of the globe to warm, but not others?
The errors do not, according to the scientific consensus, discredit the view that the globe is warming and that the emission of green house gasses is an important cause of that.
The report warned that poor and marginalized communities around the globe will be some of the first and hardest hit victims of climate change: «The poorest people in the world, who have had virtually nothing to do with causing global warming, will be high on the list of victims as climate disruptions intensify.»
The warming we've had in the last thirty years implies that at best, we could expect 1 °C from a doubling of CO2, but observations from eight natural experiments around the globe, and even on Mars and Venus suggest that 0.4 °C is the upper bound of climate sensitivity to any cause.
Given the current phase of global warming, which is causing temperatures in the tropical Pacific to rise, the world might see «enhanced ENSO variability — more severe El Niños and La Niñas, and more extreme climate conditions around the globe,» Li told OurAmazingPlanet.
So persuasive have climate doubters been that between a third and a half of Americans believe the globe is not warming, or that it is but humans are not the primary cause, according to recent surveys.
I have seen some AGW proponents declare that because there was a slow decline in TSI from the peak of cycle 21 to the end of cycle 23 then the globe should have been cooling and the level of TSI could not be the cause of the apparent continued warming.
Michael Mann «Their climate model scenario wherein Greenland and Antarctic meltwater caused by warming poles, leads to a near total shutdown of ocean heat transport to higher latitudes, cooling most of the globe (particularly the extratropics), seems rather far - fetched to me.»
They knew that the oscillation affected climate around the Atlantic, but some suspected it had also caused a mid-century warming of the Northern Hemisphere or even the globe.
It notable that Ned's contacts at the meeting are a list of the loudest think - tank ideologues whose job it is to deny the reality of the role of human causes behind the ubiquitous and unprecedented warming increasingly evident around the globe, plus a few of the key politicians, who rely on the skeptics media campaign for cover to avoid dealing with the problem, and justify taxpayer giveaways to the fossil fuel industry.
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