Sentences with phrase «causes changes in»

What causes these changes in the dog's ability to perform normal, usual activities?
Remind students of the question at hand: what causes changes in shadows within a day?
If students do sort themselves into middle schools because of some unobserved characteristic that causes changes in academic achievement over time, we would incorrectly attribute differences in achievement to the middle schools instead of to characteristics of the students themselves.
Students come to understand what causes changes in the readings, and what those changes mean to area plants and animals.
In addition to the above mentioned mood and anxiety rollercoaster, sugar causes changes in our cell membranes, in our arteries, our immune systems, our hormones, and our gut.
Cooking these foods causes changes in the starch making it digestible to us, and removing the resistant starch.»
Exercise causes changes in your brain that improve serotonin production.
Serotonin gets turned into melatonin, but if you're staring at your phone and it's got its full brightness on, you have LED lights all around you, it disrupts the circadian rhythm and it actually causes changes in hormones.
This response causes changes in brain activity and structure, improvements in the autonomic nervous system, hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal (HPA) axis, cortisol, sleep, mood, enhanced focus and sensory awareness.
Excessive alcohol intake not only leads to micronutrient deficiencies, but also causes changes in blood pressure.
This causes changes in your body's metabolism rate.
Around the time of ovulation, estrogen causes changes in the vaginal mucus, making it more tolerant of male penetration during sexual activity and more hospitable to sperm.
They wanted to find out how body composition affects adaptive thermogenesis, whether it causes changes in hormones, and what effect it has on weight regain.
Exercise or any other physical work causes changes in the body such as muscle tissue breakdown and the depletion of energy stores (muscle glycogen) as well as fluid loss.
The dropping temperature causes changes in the synovial fluid surrounding the joints.
In addition to the above mood and anxiety roller coaster, sugar causes changes in our cell membranes, in our arteries, our immune systems, our hormones, and our gut, as I discuss here.
[H] ypocaloric diets causes changes in thyroid function that resemble sick euthyroid syndrome.
PCOS causes changes in hormones that lead to metabolic dysfunctions in blood sugar and insulin control, lipid levels, and blood pressure.
We know that carrying the HD mutation causes changes in the brain.
71/3: 30 A rare A2ML1 variant confers susceptibility to otitis media and causes changes in the middle ear microbiome.
In Nasonia, non-coding cis - regulatory evolution at the ws1 locus causes changes in both cell size and cell number.
Long - term use also causes changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well, affecting functions that include:
Aging causes changes in sirtuin function, and these changes contribute to the development of various diseases.
However, while the first use of drugs or alcohol is voluntary, continued use quickly causes changes in the brain so that a person no longer has control.
Psychoactive drugs operate by temporarily affecting a person's neurochemistry, which in turn causes changes in a person's mood, cognition, perception and behavior.
«Chronic exposure to drugs of abuse causes changes in the brain that could underlie the transition from casual drug use to addiction.
Frontotemporal dementia is a form of dementia that causes changes in personality and behaviour, and language difficulties.
Drinking just one of these won't trigger a heart attack in the long run, but in the short term, it causes changes in triglyceride levels, much like eating a candy bar can cause a spike in blood sugar.
«It seems the two substances together push them over a limit that causes changes in their behavior and changes the neurochemistry in their brains,» van Rijn said.
Researchers already knew that two photons can form long - distance connections across vast stretches of space, whereby measuring the state of one causes changes in the state of the other — a phenomenon known as entanglement.
An experimental study with size - selectively harvested zebrafish that began in 2006 at the Leibniz - Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin, Germany reveals that size - selective harvesting causes changes in key life - history traits, leading to low maximum body size and poor reproductive output.
It is characterized by progressive damage to the joint cartilage — the cushioning material at the end of long bones — and causes changes in the structures around the joint.
The second kind of instability (called the mode) causes changes in the entire plasma.
The NAO is a periodic climatic phenomenon that, like El Niño, causes changes in water temperatures, although the mechanism is different and the NAO affects the North Atlantic rather than the Pacific.
These observations of spatial variation in relation to the terrain features are likely driven in part by changes in ocean bottom current speeds produced by the hilly terrain; this causes changes in the settling and drifting of marine snow.
There is limited research on the extent to which alcohol effects the developing brain in teens and adolescents, but it's evident that drinking during adolescence causes changes in the brain.
At a global level, the excess of atmospheric CO2 is absorbed by ocean waters and it causes changes in water chemistry (pH decrease or ocean acidification).
The researchers now are studying some of the master genes to determine whether modifying them also causes changes in large numbers of other genes.
«Jaguar considers it highly unlikely that the Board will cause a change in leadership or a change in strategic focus, unless Ms. Stymiest and Mr. Martin push for dramatic change,» the release stated.
I just knew that I wanted it gone and that single action of drawing a target around the bill caused a change in perspective for me, from one of hopelessness to one of purpose.»
I am in the bottom right box, in which a cut in the U.S. fiscal deficit will cause no change in the U.S. trade deficit because it will be matched by a decline in household savings as unemployment rises, as consumer debt rises, or both.
There are concerns, however, that while liquidity is improved in normal times, HFT is causing changes in the ecology of the market which result in a worsening of liquidity in stressed circumstances.
If you elect to split up these funds by dollar value, be cognizant that sudden market shifts can cause a change in retirement account value between the time a divorce resolution is reached and when the account is actually partitioned.
This means that price could continue going downwards for some time, until there is a weakness in the Yen, which may force a bullish reversal that would eventually cause a change in the market.
He explained his findings in nontechnical terms in Slate magazine: «Although doubt will always remain about what causes a change in social custom, the technology - shock theory does fit the facts.
In other words, the transformation of human affections impacts bodily states, causing a change in countenance.
Or Shane Hipps, who said: «Within the forms of media and technology, regardless of their content, are extremely powerful forces that cause changes in our faith, theology, culture and ultimately the Church.»
Poltergeist, Richard did not deny that a religious experience could not cause changes in brain patterns complete with chemical reactions.
A scientist that supports the conclusion that atmospheric polution is causing changes in our global climate --(ppst.
Meanwhile the continuing use of fossil fuels has caused changes in global weather patterns.
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