Sentences with phrase «causes of obesity»

Too many sunflower seeds and / or peanuts are probably the leading cause of obesity in hamsters.
Read my article on common weight loss mistakes to learn other leading causes of obesity, and weight loss resistance.
The main causes of obesity, which is becoming a big problem all over the world, are an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, stress, and work - related problems.
Table scraps are one of the major causes of obesity in dogs.
The primary causes of obesity and heart diseases tend to be pasta, additional sugar, and starch in the white bread.
While it did mention fasting in the last chapter, the focus of that book was understanding the underlying causes of obesity.
Too many calories and not enough exercise are the most common causes of obesity for your cat although other factors such as genetics may play a role as well.
What I find lacking from most internet discussions about nutrition and, particularly, about causes of obesity, is the lack of attention given to the dire effects of many prescribed medications.
Another potential cause of obesity in healthy, young women is the use of birth control.
Everything he heard during those five days made sense to him and opened his eyes to the true cause of his obesity and poor health.
So the basic cause of obesity boils down to two factors — the excess food intake and the lack of exercise and work.
There are a variety of different causes of obesity, but our diet plays a huge role in maintaining, or not maintaining, a healthy weight.
There are several causes of obesity in dogs, and you may need help from your vet to determine which is the cause of your dog's weight problem.
Whole grain rice can help prevent insulin resistance which is one more cause of obesity.
Which is the more important cause of obesity: Eating too much food or eating the wrong kinds of food, especially easily digested carbohydrates?
In the end, the idea of calories in vs. calories out doesn't really tell us anything about the exact cause of obesity.
Weight loss is completely different than disease prevention and typically weight loss in itself will help cure the 80 + causes of obesity, diabetes, diseases, cancers, etc..
Have blood work and a physical examination done on your pet to rule out medical causes of obesity.
One of the biggest causes of obesity in older cats is feeding treats.
Sitting down too much is a main cause of obesity.
Very few people seem to be talking about the root cause of obesity and weight gain — the very basis for how our bodies either store or burn fat.
This excess in sugar is converted to fat in the body and is a major cause of obesity.
There's a common misconception that fat is the primary cause of obesity, which explains society's obsession with low - fat products (yogurt, milk, desserts, etc.).
We all have to work, but sitting is the leading cause of obesity.
This is where the trouble can begin — taxing the liver, causing fatty liver disease, and ultimately leading to insulin resistance, the underlying causes of obesity and diabetes.
With a quarter of Australian children obese or overweight, the need to address all potential causes of obesity is paramount [1].
There are many different causes of obesity — it can be related to some medical conditions or to food addiction.
There are several causes of obesity, but it is most often caused by an imbalance between the energy intake and caloric expenditure.
The number one cause of obesity in dogs is their owners.
Instead, the real cause of obesity - associated joint overload may be inflammation — body - wide inflammation driven by the microbes that...
Some remarks from the feed of the UK website The Equality Trust on targetting obesity versus targetting a known cause of obesity:
Numerous respected scientific bodies, including the WHO, have recognised that the fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories (kilojoules) consumed and calories expended [1].
Sir William Osler — the influential Canadian physician who wrote «The Principles and Practice of Medicine» — illustrates that most doctors of the early 1900's considered that refined carbohydrates were the chief cause of obesity.
If all works out as planned, we could have unambiguous evidence about the biological cause of obesity in the next half a dozen years.
Finding people with specific causes of obesity may allow us to evaluate effective, more - personalized treatments.»
«We do not disagree with the commonly held assumption that over-eating is a central cause of obesity and metabolic syndrome,» Gewirtz says.
Anna Hankins suffers from Prader - Willi Syndrome, the most common genetic cause of obesity.
Among the main causes of obesity stress and lack of sleep looms large.
The general cause of obesity is because we are overfed and undernourished.
The food industry has helped promulgate the erroneous message that inactivity, rather than consumption of manufactured, calorie - rich, nutrient - poor foods, is the prime cause of obesity.
Those who have read our book know that we think malnutrition is a frequent cause of obesity and diabetes.
Take cardiologist William Davis, MD, author of Wheat Belly, who contends that wheat is a key cause of obesity.
Inflammation is a well established cause of obesity and simply avoiding your food sensitivities will help you loose weight
Sugar is the main cause of obesity so avoid the temptation and make healthy eating apart of your lifestyle.
Unfortunately, there are many causes of obesity including genetics, hormones (not just insulin), gut micro biome....
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