Sentences with phrase «causes pain in»

Whiplash most often causes pain in the neck area and is caused by a rapid acceleration - deceleration force, such as what happens when a vehicle is moving at a fast speed and then quickly stops.
Panosteitis is a disorder in puppies that causes pain in the leg bones.
Anything that causes pain in people can be expected to cause pain in animals.
Breed - Related Health Concerns Hip dysplasia; pano - ostiosis (condition that causes pain in the joints and muscles during growth between 4 - 18 months that goes away on its own); cherry eye (eye tissues protrude and become inflamed and red); chronic drooling
Panosteitis, or pano, causes pain in your pup's leg bones.
It would be best to have him seen by your veterinarian, as they can examine him, determine if he is painful, has an injury, or has a condition that causes him pain in his tail area.
All I know is that all my life I have had constipation problems, and as i got older, into my 40's, weight problems, along with inflamation which causes pain in my ankles and sometimes eleswhere.
Now the first step for you is to find out what causes pain in your back and then make changes in your life.
Thecal sac compression causes pain in the lower back.
Experts believe that the actual site of the injury or the strain prompts the development of a trigger point that, in turn, causes pain in other areas.
If any of the exercises mentioned here causes pain in your back or your existing back pain to increase, stop immediately and seek medical help.
If oil pulling causes pain in your facial muscles, relax a bit.
Plantar fasciitis causes pain in the heel, due to irritation in the fibrous band of tissue that runs from the heel to the base of the toes.
Ashton says bottling it up only causes pain in the long - term.
This condition, known medically as dysmenorrhea, causes pain in the lower back and abdomen.
«Basic understanding of what causes pain in the first place is the key to coming up with ways to prevent it,» he says.
By the way, it is oxytocin that causes pain in the uterine a new mom feels when breastfeeding.
A belly button that was once an «inny» may become an «outy» and sometimes, this causes pain in the belly button.
For example, we think we know what causes pain in labor — contractions.
Colic is a condition that causes pain in your infant's gastrointestinal tract.
When the objection was made to Wang Yang - ming in the fifteenth century that this compassion is evident only in human relations, Master Wang replied by noting that even the frightened cry of the bird, the crushing of a plant, the shattering of a tile, or the senseless breaking of a stone immediately and spontaneously causes pain in the human heart.
I sat standing 1 foot away from somebody who's been in prison for 15 years of his life and I had 60 seconds to open up to him about something that causes me pain in my life while he stares into my eyes I found myself going deeper than I would with even friends or family.
If you have an online service that's supposed to be supplemented with easy to use mobile apps, and they're filled wiht bugs and glitches, this could cause you pain in the way of complaints and lost customers.
If he writes, his fingers will get sore, arithmetic may cause pains in his chest (why, one wonders); painting would hurt his eyes; so in the end they decide he shall become a monk, since this is the easiest and most comfortable way to make a living!
Furthermore, the leukemic cells can spread to the bones and joints, which may cause pain in those areas.
So it will never cause pain in your back.
In fact I am hesitant to ask girls out not because I'm insecure or unattractive, which I am definately not, but because I can already envision the future where I will cause pain in this potential GF because it is not natural for a man not to be able to care of his woman.
This doesn't mean to lash out or use physical force toward someone, but it does mean to recognize your anger and allow yourself time to find out what caused you the pain in the first place.
Rashes and other infections can make a boy feel itchy or cause pain in the private zone.
Whether your decision differs from your family and friends, or if your family and friends actually cause you pain in their efforts to help, we can't stress enough that it's important for you to speak.
Here are some of the most common reasons: Teething: You may have been through many teething stages before now, but around this age, your toddler's canine teeth will be cutting through and these can be the most painful of all and cause pain in the night causes them to wake up.
As teeth reach the surface, they may cause pain in the ears, face or head.
They have a lot of gas build up causing pain in the guts which can sometimes lead to excess burping, and in a younger baby's case some more positing - even a long while after a feed.
The child becomes more and more active every day, abuts the uterus wall, and his movements can cause pain in the upper quadrant.
Story number 3: There is [has] yet to be conclusive evidence for cell phones causing cancer but cell phones apparently can cause pain in some people.
Cordycepin blocks the inflammatory process that cause pain in osteoarthritis, but does so in a completely different way and at a different stage in the process to existing painkillers such as corticosteroids and non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen.
Endothelin is known to cause pain in humans and also evokes itching, which could explain the urge sunburned patients feel to scratch their skin.
Although many suffer no symptoms, the bacterium can cause pain in the genitals, rectum, and throat, and can lead to infertility and infections of the brain or the heart if untreated.
Since the researchers used rodents for the pain test, they can't entirely rule out the possibility of blenny venom causing pain in fish, but it seems plausible that the neuropeptide and opioid components may cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, most likely leaving the blenny's attacker disorientated and unable to give chase.
«It can cause pain in the nipple and areola,» Dr. Swain says.
Tight glutes can cause pain in your hips, back, and other areas, so this stretch is vital after a workout.
And sitting isn't a panacea either as sitting for too long can cause pain in her spine.
The most common place of their occurrence is in the calves, but they can also cause pain in the thighs and feet.
Knee pain and shin splints, which cause pain in the lower part of the leg, could both signal you need new shoes, especially if you haven't changed up your running routine at all.
This is especially important if you're wearing a tight bun that could cause pain in your neck.
Care factor When your foot rolls inwardly excessively on landing, the force effectively puts a load on a twisted foot, potentially causing pain in feet, shins and knees.
So how do you know what's really causing the pain in your ankle, knee, wrist, or back?
As an example, if you run on concrete footpaths, lightweight footwear with thin, non-cushioned soles should be avoided as it can cause pain in the feet.
Stop and freeze your feet: If one foot is more turned out than the other, or if one foot is set forward of the other, you may have hip issues that are causing pain in your feet (or that will cause pain soon).
A treadmill can be unhealthy for your joints and thus can cause pain in your knees.
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