Sentences with phrase «causes rational people»

This person is pretty smart because whoever they are causes rational people to provide solid evidence that prayer does not change anything.

Not exact matches

Rational reflection on the world could lead intelligent people with no religious commitments to the conclusion that there is a First Cause or Unmoved Mover responsible for the existence of this world and its progress toward its own natural ends.
Insanity, I am guessing, is something that we slip into unvoluntarily, and it can cause us to believe things that, to the rational person, are absurd.
voluntarily adopt, and it can cause us to believe things that, to the rational person, are absurd.
Having a window smashed and people yelling causes you to think all kinds of crazy shit, rational or not, just the way it is.
Degradation of the Representative System into a Bi-party System (the blue against the red, or the right vs the left, etc), and this happens cause the rational ignorance of the people, many people have a political conviction that is suppressed by the parties alliances.
Common Cause executive director Susan Lerner said that «any rational person doesn't believe these things happen in isolation,» and said there are «inherent conflicts of interest, either in campaign contributions and taking other money from entities who want something from state government.»
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
While this sounds rational to people who believe in our founding principles that «government which governs least governs best» it raises issues as to precisely how institutions that once caused a nation a risk can now drive student proficiency beyond 40 %.
If you believe that people are rational and markets are efficient, this will largely determine your views on gun control (unnecessary), consumer protection laws (caveat emptor), welfare programs (too many unintended consequences), derivatives regulation (let a thousand flowers bloom), whether you should invest in passive index funds or hyperactive hedge funds (index funds only), the causes of financial crises (too much government intervention in housing and mortgage markets), and how the government should or shouldn't respond to them (the primary financial role for government should be producing and verifying information so that it can be incorporated into market prices).
Just considering bringing a new pup into your family can cause a normally rational persons thinking process to implode.
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
Originally posted on FAUXGREEN: The cause of the Ontario Liberal government's industrial wind turbine madness Why, against all that is rational, ethical, and in the best interests of the people, is the Ontario Liberal government continuing to impose thousands more of the useless, destructive, dangerous, costly, un-green, landscape - blighting industrial wind turbines on large swaths of rural Ontario?
«Well I'm sitting like a rose between two thorns here and I have to take practical decisions - erm - the climate's always been changing - er - Peter mentioned the Arctic and I think in the Holocene the Arctic melted completely and you can see there were beaches there - when Greenland was occupied, you know, people growing crops - we then had a little ice age, we had a middle age warming - the climate's been going up and down - but the real question which I think everyone's trying to address is - is this influenced by manmade activity in recent years and James is actually correct - the climate has not changed - the temperature has not changed in the last seventeen years and what I think we've got to be careful of is that there is almost certainly - bound to be - some influence by manmade activity but I think we've just got to be rational (audience laughter)- rational people - and make sure the measures that we take to counter it don't actually cause more damage - and I think we're about to get -»
Instead attempts to find rational causes for the weird things people claim to experience.
I, however, think the rational expectation that mortgage rates will increase in the future will cause many people to want to buy sooner rather than later.
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