Sentences with phrase «causes real change»

But sometimes, those authorities see that the solutions work and it sometimes causes real change.
But in a culture where women are not permitted to leave the home unless accompanied by a male, where education for women is seen as a waste of time and money, where a woman's only worth is to produce male children and she is held responsible if she doesn't in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary, I don't believe that this practice is likely to cause any real change.

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Decades of scientific investigation across multiple lines of evidence corroborate a powerful yet inconvenient truth: Human - caused global warming and climate change is real, and it's briskly accelerating as we dump more carbon into the atmosphere.
My guess is that one of these problems will cause a more pronounced problem in the global economy in the coming years and force real change.
But it's more likely that the real cause is more personal and avoiding some common traps can help you plan for launching a business within your budget and for unforeseen changes in the market.
Changes in the retail sector may also cause some HNWIs to do some shifting and reorganizing within their real estate portfolios over the next five years as they look to reduce exposure to some types of retail real estate, he adds.
The real investment opportunity in Japan derives from a generational change in corporate leadership that is causing a revolutionary improvement in how companies are managed.
The goal of determining real (inflation - adjusted) performance is not completely hopeless, though, because we know what causes long - term changes in money purchasing power and we can roughly estimate the long - term effects of these causes.
He will raise rates every second meeting until something changes in the real economy to cause him to change his plan.
(For good reason, since doing so might cause some very severe relative price changes and real distortions, given some prices are stickier than others).
lol... you making up a load of BS that's not even part of our beliefs... when we prayer... we ask that God gives you wisdom and insight... you still have a choice in the matter... so really you got nothing on us... you wan na avoid prayer cause it seems you think it might be real and it might make you go to hell if you don't heed... sorry... that don't change abit
«Do you really think you'll cause any real political or environmental change from your action?»
While this dirt truly required a healing from as all the Apostles had some form of this and required a change of heart to heal from and sometimes supernatural change of the bondage's that caused people not to see the truth this was the real dirt.
According to Giberson and Stephens, you might be an anti-intellectual fundamentalist if you are an evangelical who: dismisses evolution as «an unproven theory»; deny that «climate change is real and caused by humans»; think that «the founders were evangelicals who intended America to be a Christian nation»; defend spanking children; believe in traditional roles for the sexes; think that reparative therapy can «cure» homosexuality; and / or oppose gay marriage.
We are passing through a great cultural change in which the idea, long dominant in science, that chance is «only a word for our ignorance of causes» is being replaced by the view that the real laws of nature are probabilistic and allow for aspects of genuine chance.
Real Madrid want to keep Morata and until they change their mind or Morata comes out stating that he would like to leave lets talk about other potential transfers instead of old news / loss causes...
being milked an not competing ever, if one of them leave it might cause enough to spark real change...
Big thanks to Alexis Sanchez for your contribution to Arsenal cause and you are a really gunner, no need to be a home grown to become a truly gunner, show us what a difference make a world class player, learn English and you will become a captain, you are a role model for our youngsters and a real pitbul we needed you change our players with your fitting spirit and you exposed the useless players and make some better players thank you for that.
The real question is what is the cause of this change?
So when Office Depot engaged me to be a REAL Change blog ambassador the biggest incentive in the campaign, besides it supporting an amazing cause of Adopt A Classroom, was that I get to give something to a local teacher.
Precisely because the current structure is inconsistent and (by necessity) open to change, alienation can produce not just the sort of dissent which is either ignored or swiftly absorbed from above so that things may stay the same but real and determining paradigm shifts from below, irrespective of specific votes and / or causes.
«There is no credible doubt that climate change is real and is caused by human activity,» Gillibrand said.
The very fact that the government felt compelled to launch one at all shows that housing is rising up the agenda, and causing real concerns among MPs already nervous about their seats following the planned boundary changes.
«At a time when aviation generates just 1.6 per cent of greenhouse gasses, isn't it time that Minister Pearson and other equally foolish politicians actually tackled the real causes of climate change which is road transport and power generation.»
«Beyond this cause, we need real, dramatic change in the criminal justice system.»
DS: There's broad consensus in the scientific community that climate change is real, that it's human - caused.
Susan Lerner, Executive Director, of Common Cause / NY, says a constitutional amendment to change the redistricting process in the future is not enough and that real reform must be made to the system this time around.
Morrisey said in an emailed statement that the comments to DEP «further demonstrate the need for an immediate stay of the illegal Power Plan, a plan already causing real and irreversible changes on the ground in the states.»
«We know that these large global mean changes are going to be associated with local and regional changes that are going to cause real problems in some areas,» says Andy Challinor, an expert on climate and agriculture at the University of Leeds in England.
An emphatic 2008 report by economist Ross Garnaut, a former global warming agnostic who became, in his own words, «a late - life convert» to the green cause, did much to dispel any lingering questions among most Australians about whether the threat of climate change was real.
This differential subsidence is the real culprit when it comes to causing track damage and accidents, says Solano - Rojas, because it causes the track to bend and change slope as some sections of track subside more quickly than others.
• GLOBAL WARMING Physicist Richard A. Muller, although convinced that climate change is real, potentially dangerous and probably caused in part by humans, has disagreed with many climate scientists, asserting that their measurements and analyses are deeply flawed.
Out in the real world, they are quickly overwhelmed by background noise as minuscule as changes in Earth's magnetic field caused by distant solar storms.
The Climate Science Special Report lays out the most recent scientific evidence of climate change, once again confirming that climate change is real, it's happening now, and human activity is the primary cause
The changes we're seeing just over 20 years are more than enough cause for real concern.»
They are designed to put senators on the record on whether climate change is real and human - caused.
His amendment states not only that scientists agree that climate change is real and human - caused, but that society needs to shift from fossil fuels toward cleaner energy.
Our current problems — especially climate change caused by burning fossil fuels — are real.
Indeed, a recent Pew poll shows that there is a substantial and growing amount of public disagreement about basic scientific facts, including human evolution, the safety of vaccines and whether or not human - caused climate change is real and happening.
Because a tumor's RNA shows the real time changes a treatment is causing, the authors think this could be a useful tool to aid diagnosis and predict which treatment will most benefit individual cancer patients.
Human - caused climate change is real.
The current epizootic in the Far East caused by avian influenza virus A (H5N1) has led to real concern about the possibility of a new pandemic of influenza.12 Technological innovation, such as the use of new vaccines delivered by the intradermal route, offers great promise to change and improve on current immunization strategies.
«If you're wondering why so many politicians and news sources deny that dangerous human - caused climate change is real, and you want a relatively short and easy - to - read summary of the issue, look no further than The Madhouse Effect»
We know, based on the work and expertise of the vast majority of climate scientists and virtually every leading scientific organization in the world, that human - caused climate change is real and dangerous.
Through many of those years, Taylor was a frequent spokesperson for those scientists who regularly challenged whether climate change is real, human - caused, or, in either event, worth worrying about or doing anything to address.
Research shows that more than 97 percent of scientists actively publishing in the field agree that climate change is real and human caused.
But to make matters even more bizzare, West et al. then looked at Phillip's data from another perspective and claimed that the increases in lean body mass originally reported by Ronnestad were real but weren't actually caused by testosterone levels but were directly associated with changes in cortisol, the much - hated stress hormone.
If wheat hasn't really changed and gluten isn't the real culprit, then what is causing this myriad of symptoms?
The real cause is a change in your oral microbiome.
While other symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings get most of the attention, cramping is a very real symptom of menopause and one that could cause significant problems in a woman's life as she goes through «The Change».
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