Sentences with phrase «causes stiffening»

Deficiency of CoQ10 causes stiffening of the walls of the heart which results in incomplete filling of the heart, or diastolic dysfunction, and causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, and can lead to heart failure if not corrected.
Just as calcification causes stiffening of the arteries, it can cause stiffening of muscle tissue as well, leading to cramps and spasms.
A lack of elastin causes stiffening of the blood vessels and arteries (vascular stiffness) and reduces blood flow.

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This will prevent your muscles from stiffening up and causing you pain later.
As the ribs broadened and stiffened the torso, they became less effective for breathing which caused the abdominal muscles to become specialised for breathing, which in turn freed up the ribs to eventually — approximately 50 million years later — to become fully integrated into the characteristic tortoise shell.
Fat can also be stored around and in the arteries causing arteriosclerosis, a stiffening of arteries predisposing people to high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes.
The movement of the fluid is what causes the whole thing to stiffen
Those with permanent impairment — usually caused by repeated surgeries or radiation to remove cancerous and noncancerous growths — have scarring and stiffening of the vocal cord mucosa that can lead to a complete loss of the voice.
The U.S. EPA is considering stiffening standards for the ocean acidification caused by rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
That stiffening would cause the frequency of a torsional oscillator to increase and mimic the supersolid signal (see graphic).
This causes the arteries to stiffen and crack, leading to plaque buildup that blocks blood flow.
The culprit, scientists say, is stiffening arteries that cause microbleeding in the brain.
A model of a malaria - infected red blood cell may lead to better ways to treat malaria, according to a team of engineers and molecular biologists who investigated how this parasite infection causes the red blood cells to stiffen.
As the investigators note, the rapid age - related arterial stiffening and cardiac arrhythmias that appear to be at cause for the majority of deaths in BubR1H / H mice were not attenuated by ablating p16Ink4a - expressing senescent cells — but these tissues had little burden of such cells, so this finding reinforces the conclusion that the multiple aging phenotypes arrested in these mice when senescent cells were ablated is attributable specifically to the removal of their baleful influence on local tissues.
Thus, these animals exhibit premature cardiac arrhythmias and stiffening of the arterial wall, and cardiac failure appears to be the main cause of death; yet these tissues are not burdened with an abnormally - high burden of p16Ink4a - senescent cells, and accordingly, ablation p16Ink4a - positive senescent cells in these animals had little tissue - specific or survivorship phenotypic impact.
These cross-links are a major cause of the reduced elasticity in skin and blood vessels that occurs with aging, among many other issues, but even blood vessel stiffening taken on its own is enough to kill people through hypertension, distortion of cardiovascular system tissues, and eventual catastrophic failure of the heart or blood vessel integrity.
Workers who inhale dust in demolitions or renovations can be at risk for lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis, a disease that causes scarring and stiffening of lungs.
AGEs not only age cells — they bind to the walls of blood vessels, causing them to stiffen.
Keeping the neck still after the first 24 hours is not advised as it will stiffen and cause more pain in the long term.
On top of that, if you're at work, you must consciously remind yourself to stay calm and relax or the mental stress you've got will stiffen up your bowel muscles, causing difficulty in moving bowels.
A single meal of meats, eggs, and dairy can cause a spike of inflammation within hours that can stiffen one's arteries.
As noted by O'Keefe (2011) «shoes, often the more expensive ones, can partially cast or splint the foot, causing atrophy of musculature; shortening and stiffening of tendons and ligaments in the feet, ankles, and lower legs; and predisposition to common overuse walking and running injuries including plantar fasciitis, ankle sprain, Achilles tendonitis, hamstring tears, and lower back pain.»
That can be caused in part by stiffening of the ventricular tissue and is tied to hypertension and obesity.
Angina is a condition where not enough oxygen reaches the heart muscle and it is most commonly caused by atherosclerosis (stiffening of the blood vessels).
Going into midlife with a sedentary lifestyle causes the heart to stiffen, shrink, and become less efficient at pumping blood and oxygenating the body.
Excess fat in arteries will eventually stiffen, causing the arteries to become clogged.
He tirelessly trains other horses in the community, a task made more difficult by the complex partial seizures he periodically experiences, which cause his right hand to stiffen uncontrollably.
Despite the pressures of single motherhood, schoolteacher Hope Altman (Dana Delany) seems to have her life in order until she is diagnosed with scleroderma, a disfiguring skin disease that causes her body's connective tissues to stiffen and atrophy, and will eventually paralyze her while eating away at her vital organs.
Your doctor will listen to your heart and look for signs of heart failure as well as other illnesses that may have caused your heart muscle to weaken or stiffen.
These complications are caused by the stiffening of the pelvic symphysis when a female reaches adulthood, which is generally at about 8 months of age.
heat will cause the film to sag, stretch, and stick to itself, while cooler temperatures will make the acrylic stiffen and be susceptible to breakage.
«Keyboard flex is caused either by not having proper stiffening on the back of the keyboard itself or by the mounting structure that it mounts into not being rigid enough,» Hill said.
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