Sentences with phrase «causes such»

Article by: Asma Kassam, Burnaby Vancouver Kinesiologist / Personal Trainer specializing in Fitness and Active Rehab — back pain Low back pain can occur for a number of reasons such as a specific injury or condition or general causes such as sitting with poor posture, weak core muscles, tight hips and hamstrings.
Raw cucumber slices can be placed on the skin to reduce inflammation from causes such as acne and sunburn.
In the last few decades the obesity rates have grown alarmingly due to, among other factors, a variety of environmental causes such as food processing and the long list of chemicals, toxins, synthetic hormones, GMO, pesticides, herbicides introduced in our food.
If that's the case, you really need to take care of improving your digestion, getting the inflammation calmed down and dealing with the underlying causes such as leaky gut and often dealing with the various hormonal issues that have arisen to compensate for the problems that have been going on such as supporting the adrenals or even the thyroid gland.
Vitamin E deficiency secondary to abetalipoproteinemia causes such problems as poor transmission of nerve impulses, muscle weakness, and retinal degeneration that leads to blindness [15].
Low back pain can occur for a number of reasons such as a specific injury or condition or general causes such as sitting with poor posture, weak core muscles, tight hips and hamstrings.
BPA is such a vicious acne chemical that it causes a massive amount of problems in the body; we already discussed problems it causes such as heart disease and cancer, and some of those varied effects come back to generate fresh acne too.
focus on identifying and resolving residual root causes such as toxicity, chronic infections and traumatic stress, and offer guidance on proper hormone optimization and utilizing advanced nutrition protocols.
Alongside gluten, lectins (specifically wheat germ agglutinin) is one reason why wheat causes such bloating, abdominal pain, and poor digestion.
Allergies are managed by avoiding the causes such as foods or pollen in spring.
In addition to the obvious causes such as trauma or grief, other factors can also trigger symptoms, including certain illnesses, poor sleep, even changes in the weather.
Firstly, smoking cessation may decrease the risk of death due to other smoking related causes such as cardiorespiratory diseases.
What causes such extremes?
Diagnosing overactive bladder is only possible after other causes such as urinary tract infection, neurological disorders or side effects of drugs have been excluded.
It raised the same questions that were asked so often in the wake of the terrible tsunami of 2004: What causes such devastation?
«It's important to identify the cause of persistent halitosis, and differentiate that cause from relatively benign causes (e.g., gum disease) and the more morbid causes such as liver cirrhosis,» said Professor Kent Lloyd, director of the Mouse Biology Program at UC Davis.
But many questions remain about why the virus selectively causes such severe disease in younger people and in pregnant women.
She concluded: «The mechanisms underlying heart failure induced by anticancer therapies are different to those underlying heart failure from other causes such as hypertension.
Death from heart failure can often be attributed to direct cardiac causes such as heart failure symptoms, inadequate blood supply and irregular heartbeats; however, the noncardiac causes of heart failure death, such as cancer, are becoming increasingly recognized as researchers learn more about their association with the disease.
Orthostatic hypotension in the remaining 24 patients was determined to be due to non-neurological causes such as overmedication with blood pressure control drugs, anemia, or dehydration.
The team then tackled the question of how the BIN1 mutation causes such devastation.
Public - health experts — scattered across many state and federal ministries for health, agriculture and consumer protection — are still trying to pin down where the bacterium came from and why it causes such severe symptoms.
Now a gene that causes such disorders has been found, and it may help unravel a deeper mystery: how it is that the left side of our brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
Lendelvo and her group try to understand what causes such conflicts.
However, one third of cases are triggered by damage to the brain from causes such as head injury, stroke, tumours or infection.
Every year, nearly 180,000 people in the USA die from preventable causes such as automobile crashes, drowning, firearm - related injuries, falls, assault, and drug overdoses; equivalent to one injury death every 3 minutes.
Since he's become mayor, the group has collected $ 4 million to support his pet causes such as universal pre-K and affordable housing.
He has campaigned on numerous Animal Welfare causes such as against puppy smuggling [8] and has supported the Dogs Trust UK as well as BirdLife Malta in its campaign against the hunting of migrating birds.
Because the pain of rejection lasts forever and causes such inner confusion.
We have not been able to pinpoint what causes such a strong reaction in these products, until we do we advise to use other detergents.
My love of stitchery, matched with years of honing my technical skills, have won my embroidered wearables spots in fashion shows and my original embroidery designs have been sold to benefit important causes such as breast cancer research.
As well as having a huge range of gift ideas for you to browse, Uncommongoods support and believe in some really important and worthwhile causes such as paid parental leave, preventing sexual violence and saving the planet.
And the, the result is that this drug causes such violent contractions of the uterus that the baby can't get enough oxygen because the only time a baby gets oxygen during labor is in between contractions.
While internal causes such as hormonal changes and your baby's growth can cause stress, other outside factors can affect your state of mind.
As to our cash on hand that causes such an uproar.
It's easy to wonder how much Reinsdorf's (and to a lesser extent, Paxson's) way of dealing with people causes such animosity.
It is amazing how the baking soda causes such a rise with the starter.
The company has donated more than $ 30,000 so far in 2016 for many causes such as Habitat for Humanity.
In this area, as in others, a better approach would be to show the damage artificial contraception causes such as increased immorality, strains on marriage due to impossible demands regarding sexual gratification, increased abortion, legitimisation of homosexuality, sexualization of children, procreation without sex (e.g. IVF) and the moral decline and confusion experienced by protestant churches since they allowed artificial contraception.
In the field of action, the religion of Islam has been used to promote causes such as nationalism, or fascism; religious associations do not exist to promote spiritual fellowship — they seek to realize the aims we associate with political clubs or parties.
The Orthodox direct the vast majority of their charitable dollars to specifically Orthodox causes and institutions and give relatively little to broad non-religious causes such as the United Jewish Appeal.
But declines are occurring in the absence of destruction of habitats, suggesting other causes such as pollution from pesticides, acid rain and increases in ultraviolet exposure or even change in climate (Blaustein & Wake 1990).
Global figures are difficult to gauge because of poor reporting in some countries and differences in methods of reporting; for example, some countries will classify maternal mortality as the death of a woman within 21 days of birth, others 42 days; some include only direct causes - sepsis, haemorrhage, obstruction - whereas others will include indirect causes such as malaria and anaemia.
Last week's Passion 2010 conference brought in over $ 1 million to fund 12 different causes such as an education center for the Dalit in India, rescuing people trapped in sex slavery in Nepal and building wells.
Last week's Passion 2010 conference brought in over $ 1 million to fund 12 different causes such as an education center for the Dalit in India, rescuing people trapped in sex...
Here Paul anticipates the very objection that causes such discussion, and so why did Paul address the very question?
As for omnipotence, a being that is the first cause of any change that takes place in the universe, and which causes such a change effortlessly because without changing in itself, can hardly be denied this attribute.
As president of the Chicago YMCA for four years, he championed evangelistic causes such as distributing tracts all over the city, and he held daily noon prayer meetings.
Marking World Refugee Day, he highlighted the plight of those displaced through causes such as conflict and natural disasters.
In fact, I studied Physics and I am inclined to think that we all want to believe in the big bang becasue it is simple and it conjures up all kinds of imaginary causes such as a creative old man with a long white beard floating out in vast void in need of excitement.
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