Sentences with phrase «causes venous»

Being on your feet too long causes venous stasis or dependent edema and a drop in blood pressure.
Stress or mild dysfunction anywhere along this chain will cause back pressure in the circulatory system (akin to a kink in garden hose) causing venous congestion above the neck, most noticeable at bridge of nose.

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Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and chronic venous leg ulcers — typically caused by diabetes or varicose veins — can cause patients years of suffering.
Another clinical application of the smart microfibre sensor is for the management of venous ulcers, which are caused by poor blood circulation.
Venous malformations are usually treated by sclerotherapy, an injection of a medication which causes clotting of the channels
For example, oral estrogen in birth control pills is the cause of blood clots, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary emboli and stroke in young women.
[17] Cordts, P. R., et al. «Could gut - liver function derangements cause chronic venous insufficiency?»
Instead of causing vasoconstriction due to cold temperatures, compression gear mechanically constricts blood vessels in the extremities to promote venous return of blood to the heart.
Right - sided congestive heart failure (RS - CHF) causes poor venous return to the heart.
If the bump is at the umbilicus (belly button) then the cause maybe an umbilical hernia which may be caused by a passage of fat through the opening (best scenario) or intestines (worst scenario); a visit to your Veterinarian should be made as soon as possible as the blue colour may indicate congestion of venous blood and should be seen as soon as possible.
Center for Vein Restoration is nationally recognized as the leader in the treatment of vein disease and venous insufficiency, the cause of varicose and spider veins.
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