Sentences with phrase «causing addiction»

People just take a shot and they get so, what — what we're finding out is actually causing addiction for young adults especially.
Through A.A.'s supportive - growth approach nearly 300,000 «hopeless» alcoholics have recovered, most of them with no attempt or need to explore the deep personality conflicts which probably caused the addiction.
There is no simple answer to what causes addiction.
Crack cocaine and crystal meth do not cause addiction but they are associated with a range of risks — possibly because they cut off oxygen supply to the baby.
Nicotine is the substance that causes addiction to cigarettes.
Breastfeeding is not recommended either for women who use heroin, which is excreted into the milk in sufficient amounts to cause addiction in the baby.
«Knowing that long - term opioid use causes addiction, (they) misrepresented the dangers of long - term use to physicians and patients, and overstated the benefits of opioids.»
Perhaps most surprising is that, in studies by Boyd and others, nicotine has not caused addiction or withdrawal when used to treat disease.
Humans and mice share these chemical processes, so the researchers believe beta - endorphin may cause addiction in people.
Their goal is to develop a safer treatment for pain and itch as an alternative to opioids, which often cause addiction and other detrimental side effects.
Nicotine appears to cause addiction by strengthening the excitatory connections on the neurons that make dopamine, which are found in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) of the brain reward center.
When consumed regularly, it may cause addiction.
This means that chemicals and narcotics (such as nicotine) can cause adverse reactions in the body, as well as cause an addiction.
Liquor that has higher amounts of alcohol in the range of 30 - 70 percent has a higher potential to cause addiction than beer.
They have bigger concentrations of the compound that cause the addiction than they would otherwise have in their natural state.
In line with the raw food philosophy Alt puts forth the concept that cooked foods are not what our bodies are designed for and that when we consume them they can cause addictions to unhealthy food and poor general health.
One reason I like modafinil is that it enhances dopamine release, but it binds to your dopamine receptors differently than addictive substances like cocaine and amphetamines do, which may be part of the reason modafinil shares many of the benefits of other stimulants but doesn't cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.
The more processed (i.e., high carb) and fatty a food is, the more likely it is to cause addiction, and the most addictive foods contain cheese, with pizza taking top honors.
While acknowledging that he does not «possess the evidence that gaming does not cause addiction,» Walker lays into the Panorama episode and its host for producing a slapdash expose on gaming addiction, leading viewers to conclusions without providing any real evidence.
Collectibles push things to the next level though, allowing a challenging experience that will quickly cause addiction.
Societies where cause addiction is common may have an edge in battle.
Cause addiction is partly what allows young soldiers to throw themselves suicidally into battle and fight to the death.
The susceptibility to cause addiction may have an evolutionary purpose.
By going to therapy, an addict addresses what has caused his addiction and what triggers him to do the drugs or drink.
Motivational interviewing is helpful in treating addiction because it helps clients learn to change the behaviors that cause addiction.
People overestimate the power of «chemicals» to cause addiction, and underestimate the impacts of early - life stressors on making people susceptible to addiction.
He can lead you to healing and a means for dealing with issues that caused your addiction.

Not exact matches

Outside Canada, Cooke's causes include protecting orphans in Moldova from abuse, and providing financial support and advocacy for men battling addictions in Estonia.
Arming first responders with the anti-overdose drug Naloxone is a positive step to give some overdose victims a second chance, but most will soon relapse again unless the root cause of their addiction is addressed.
Fun Fact: Ziskin is a philanthropist who speaks nationally about causes like anti-recidivism and addiction recovery.
He said that the revenue it draws — and «the addiction it creates» — has caused broadcasters to lose sight of its negative effect on Canadian programming, which is often shunted to undesirable timeslots or secondary channels to accommodate the «scheduling whims» of U.S. networks.
In one recent study, Choi and several colleagues wrote that smartphone addiction, like other impulse - control disorders, can «interfere with school or work; decrease real - life social interaction; decrease academic ability; and cause relationship problems.»
Any addiction that negatively affects your life (ie: locking yourself in a room and ignoring your family) is a problem — but the item that a person is addicted to is not necessarily the problem or even the cause.
Couldn't Republicans cite drug trafficking over that border and the addiction of our increasing numbers of our children as more cause to do our best to seal that border?
If it weren't for Joseph's p0rn addiction that caused him to neglect my mother's needs, she never would have gone out and gotten picked up by «God» at a sleazy singles bar, and yours truly, your lord and savior, would never have been born.
Though it's been particularly hard - hit, Ohio isn't alone in having to deal with the crisis of death caused by opioid addiction and overdoses.
Some of these addictions have caused great pain for myself and my wife.
In 1988, however, the U.S. Surgeon General confirmed that nicotine causes a physical addiction similar to and as powerful as those caused by cocaine or heroin.
Trauma caused by childhood abuse and neglect destroys countless lives and leads to addiction and all kinds of problems - many lifelong.
They instead want stories to feed their own addiction to the myth and cause of war, stories of bravery and patriotism.
Not because of the elapsed time but rather due to finding the root causes and conditions of my alcohol addiction and getting help and treatment for the resulting diagnosed mental illness after 40 years of sobriety / abstinence!
The program caused him to think about the powerlessness people have over their addictions if they refuse to recognize the depths of their own brokenness — even if the addictions aren't drugs or substances.
If sin is defined as anything that harms persons, whatever the cause, then addiction most certainly involves sin].
It is caused by the attachment of desire to specific objects... [and he adds] As we shall see, the relationship between attachment and addiction is not as simple as it might sound.
«Alcoholism and other substance addictions are sicknesses caused by the convergence of a variety of factors involving both sin and sickness, responsibility and compulsivity» [«approximates the view of AA....
Either way, the root cause of addiction to alcohol or religion is the same: a weak mind.
Maybe a hobby, an addiction or a toxic relationship is causing your growing separation from God.
Quite a few of us have stable relationships, raise healthy well - educated children, are free from addiction, vote, volunteer and donate to support causes that help make this society work, live in harmony with people who are different from us — I could go on, but you may get the idea that most of us do things most people would call good and have neither the inclination nor the time to do abominable things.
Even when their addiction is to a good cause, a good organization or a worthy promise, addicts lose touch with their spirituality and their relationship to God; the addiction takes over their life, their relationships and their being.
Guns should not be a scapegoat, but maybe if we keep guns around, we can shoot the scapegoat and deal with the real issues that cause violence, issues such as broken families, class warfare, racism, drug and alcohol addictions, violence in movies and video games, and moral issues such as envy, jealousy, greed, and rage.
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