Sentences with phrase «causing calcification»

Sucralose, the most popular «natural» sweetener on the market has the same chemical profile as a pesticide, and is causing immune system issues because of its effect on suppressing thymus function, as well as causing calcification of kidneys, and suppressing liver function.
«We asked the question, «What are the cells in the heart that cause calcification
In previous studies, The Srivastava lab showed that mutations in the gene, NOTCH1, cause birth defects that affect the heart valve and cause the calcification to take place sooner.
K2 is needed to help calcium and other minerals bind into the bone matrix to strengthen bones (and not to stay in soft tissue where it can cause calcification in the wrong places).
«What Causes Calcification in a Dog's Spine?»
A number of other conditions can cause this calcification, which may lead to bulging discs and progressive deterioration of the spine.

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Activation of NOTCH1 by blood flow causes a domino effect, triggering numerous other genes in the network to turn on or off, resulting in suppression of inflammation and calcification.
While heel spurs by themselves may not be painful, these pointy calcifications can cause irritation in the surrounding tissue, including where the plantar fascia attaches onto the heel bone, says Dr. Sutera.
Just as calcification causes stiffening of the arteries, it can cause stiffening of muscle tissue as well, leading to cramps and spasms.
so 80's, people drop dead from oxidised cholesterol, mediated by too much omega 6 plant oil in the diet, and from weak artery walls caused by glycation and calcification, google vitamin K2
What's more, recent news headlines in the New York Times and other major publications have warned against calcium supplements for reasons ranging from pain from kidney stones to death by heart attacks and stroke caused by calcification of the arteries and heart valves.
It is known that higher intakes of vitamin D lead to «hypervitaminosis D,» causing lethargy, growth retardation, bone resorption and soft tissue calcification, as observed in animal studies.
Vitamin K2 deficiency can disrupt the balance and function that vitamin D and calcium play inside your body (causing inappropriate calcification in your body if you're deficient in K2) and can lead to arterial calcification in vegans that ignore this important nutrient.
After a foot x-ray it was revealed that I actually have a heel spur, a calcification of the bone on the heel, causing what looks like a cowboy boot spur on the ball of the foot.
Calcification can start to restrict blood flow to the hair follicles and cause inflammation in the scalp.
If you are consuming dairy, and that much kale or spinach, etc. every day, it is good to know that many leafy greens contain high amounts of calcium (more calcium than magnesium) and also oxalates which can end up causing kidney stones, calcification of soft tissues, atherosclerosis, bone spurs, arthritis, etc..
I am worried that my high blood pressure may be caused by vascular calcification.
For example, while it's extremely difficult to reach excessive vitamin D levels (thereby causing arterial calcification) through sun exposure, vitamin K2 is critical for avoiding such results when you take high amounts of supplemental vitamin D.
With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions and stiffness; calcification of endocrine glands, especially the pineal gland and the ovaries; arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, and calcification of the kidneys ultimately leading to kidney failure.
Other, but rarer, causes of metastatic calcification include kidney disease (this is the most common cause in cats), malignant tumors producing abnormal hormones that increase blood calcium concentrations (e.g. tumors of the lymphoid system and glands of the anal sac), diabetes mellitus and lung disease.
The cause may be either dystrophic (local factors only causing damage leading to calcification) or metastatic (too high a concentration of calcium in the blood leading to deposits of calcium in the locally damaged tissues).
The most probable immediate cause is an increase in the blood enzyme lipase, which leads to degeneration of the subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat), followed by calcification of the degenerated tissue.
The resulting increase in respiration and calcification caused an «acidification event».
Coral bleaching and slowing of coral calcification already are causing mass mortalities, increased coral disease, and reduced reef carbonate accretion, thus disrupting coral reef ecosystem health [40], [124].
In order to establish a cause - and - effect relationship between acidification and decreased calcification, a team led by Carnegie's Ken Caldeira and including Jacob Silverman (the lead author) and Kenneth Schneider, formerly of Carnegie, compared measurements of the rate of calcification in one segment of Australia's Great Barrier Reef called Bird Island that were taken in between 1975 and 1979 to those made at the neighboring Lizard Island in 2008 and 2009.
When calcifications and plaque build up in the arteries, blood flow can be reduced, and, if enough of these deposits build up, they can cause a heart attack or stroke.
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