Sentences with phrase «causing heart issues»

Eating a lot of muscle meat, as we Westerners do, can cause heart issues due to the higher level of homocysteine in the blood from the higher amount of methionine in muscle meat.
(Zyrtec makes my bronchial tubes close up and causes heart issues) Since I'm already stuffing myself with fruits and veggies, what whole natural food could I add to take the place of Vitamin C's natural antihistamine activity to the tune of lowering histamine 60 %?
It can cause heart issues, too.
I am putting myself back on 200 microgrammes to get myself up and running again but also because of gp concerns that overdosing could cause heart issues I am trying to research more in to getting myself better hence I found your site.
Lily - of - the - valley can also cause heart issues in both dogs and cats.
Can dexamethasone cause heart issues only if they are on it for 5 days?
5 days of appropriately dosed dexamethasone will not cause heart issues.
Also, bananas are rich in potassium, and too much of this nutrient can cause heart issues and other problems.

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«The heart of the issue is, if you borrow from a family member, there's risk because it can cause damage to the personal relationship, depending on how that loan is handled and the expectations from the borrower and the lender,» says Katherine Dean.
WDN marshals resources for a number of issues — like reproductive justice, racial equity, and economic opportunity — but the cause closest to Hall's heart is civic equality for women.
Untreated Gum Disease is regarded to be the cause of many other health issues like diabetes, heart disease, liver and kidney problems etc..
This is important: high cholesterol can be an indicator of other issues in the body that can increase risk of heart disease, but cholesterol itself is not the cause.
Yes this caused the cleaning period to be twice as long, but we were able to chat as we went and heart issues were taught as child training issues came up.
This practice is used by doctors to detect complications like low oxygen and heart issues that can cause brain damage, seizures and even death in babies.
Rapid weight gain can lead to mom suffering heart problems during or after her pregnancy, and cause baby to develop a myriad of health issues.
On March 2, Health Canada issued an advisory for domperidone, citing the drug for causing heart arrhythmias and heart attacks.
September is going to be back - to - school month, with posts on issues like: what on earth to pack in that empty lunch box every morning; how we all feel about making meals «cute» (heart - shaped sandwiches and the rest); an interview with some moms who've gone way beyond heart - shaped sandwiches — the Yum - Yum Bento moms; an interview with a public school teacher who has become a cause celebre in the school lunch reform movement; and more.
Being overweight can cause serious health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and more.
Babies who sleep in their parents» rooms but not in their beds have a 30 percent lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as SIDS, the most common cause of infant death, than babies sleeping in a separate room from their parents, according to a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute report published in the June 2006 issue of «Canadian Medical Association Journal.»
Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a government watchdog group, questioned whether the governor's order was addressing the heart of the issue.
They were more likely to have other health problems, such as congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, obesity and other issues, and to have cardiac arrest caused by problems other than a blood vessel blockage, such as pulmonary embolism.
«Our findings uncover the direct coupling of these two important pathways and raise the prospect of therapeutic manipulation of the UPR to lessen the damage caused by heart attack and stroke,» said Dr. Joseph A. Hill, Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Biology, and senior author of the study published in the March 13 issue of Cell.
The WHO study, one of a collection of articles in a special issue of the journal devoted to women's health beyond reproduction, found that the leading causes of death of women aged 50 years and older worldwide are cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) and cancers, but that in developing countries these deaths occur at earlier ages than in the rich world.
These cross-links are a major cause of the reduced elasticity in skin and blood vessels that occurs with aging, among many other issues, but even blood vessel stiffening taken on its own is enough to kill people through hypertension, distortion of cardiovascular system tissues, and eventual catastrophic failure of the heart or blood vessel integrity.
April 14, 2015 Ancient herbal therapy can prevent — and reverse — cardiac hypertrophy in mice A natural compound derived from the bark of the magnolia tree, can protect the heart from hypertrophy, a thickening of cardiac muscle often caused by chronic high blood pressure that can lead to heart failure, researchers report in the April 14 issue of the online journal Nature Communications.
This symptom could be caused by dehydration or because you «got up too quick,» but if it occurs on a regular basis then talk to your doctor to see if medication side effects, inner ear problems, anemia, or, less commonly, heart issues are to blame.
My heart breaks for all of those affected by the tornados, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and all the other storms that have caused so many issues.
But the phony cholesterol issue has forced these outlets to switch to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, which is known to cause a host of chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, bone problems, infertility and autoimmune disease.38
That relaxation response helps yoga reduce cytokines, chemicals that cause inflammation and have been linked to health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Even when people do spend time under the sun, many wear enough clothing or sunblock to prevent the production of Vitamin D. Vitamin D plays an important role in all tissues of the human body, so insufficient amounts may cause issues with the heart, brain, muscles and intestines.
These used and unwanted hormones can otherwise stay within the body and have the potential to cause serious health issues, such as heart disease and even cancer.
If Graves» disease is left untreated, it can cause thyrotoxicosis and in severe cases, brittle and weak bones, heart issues, thyroid storm and even death.
area menu of ones that affect the receptor sites in around the heart whether it's the beta blockers or the — these adrenergic receptor blockers that affect heart contractility, so there's a couple different ones there and again in the end, we want to get to the root cause of why you have these blood pressure issues to begin with.
Blood sugar is partially regulated by the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, if insulin levels are too low, or the body becomes resistant to its effects, type - 2 diabetes results and high blood sugar levels can cause serious health issues, including heart, kidney and eye damage.
Diabetes is one of the biggest health issues in America, contributing to the leading causes of death heart disease, stroke and cancer.
If cholesterol really is an issue (and the jury is still out whether high cholesterol will cause heart disease prematurely in it's own right) we have ways of mitigating the high levels naturally, without toxic, poisonous pharmaceutical drugs.
Many proponents of the alkaline diet suggest that because the modern western diet is far too acidic it is causing health issues such as cancer, heart disease and a range of neurological disorders.
I wake up 3 times a night and sometimes I feel a little too early (6 - 7 hours from time I fell asleep) u don't wake up with racing heart though or feel really wired... could this still be a blood glucose regulation issue or perhaps low co2 levels from mouth breathing causing me to wake up?
The heart issues may well be due to fluctuations in your thyroid gland's hormone production, causing your thyroid meds to be either too much or too little.
Other possible side effects include dehydration and nutrient absorption loss, which can lead to serious nutritional imbalances, even causing grave damage to the gastrointestinal tract, brain and colon or potentially igniting kidney and heart issues.
«It can cause heart disease among many other health issues.
Finally, a study performed by University of Colorado scientists published in the January, 2006, issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation indicates that soy foods could seriously harm patients afflicted with cardiomyopathy, a heart condition that affects 1 in 500 Americans and is the leading cause of death in young athletes.
It can be a pretty difficult change to make after years of thinking dietary fat was the cause of excess body fat, heart disease, and all kinds of health issues, when in fact, dietary fat does the complete opposite.
The few customers who left reviews mentioned how it caused them issues in the form of uncomfortable heart rate increase.
Inflammation causes loads of issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
Eventually, this leads to metabolic syndrome, a set of conditions caused by insulin resistance, which includes obesity, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other metabolic issues.
If the amino acid taurine in energy drinks may keep your left heart ventricle contracting too severely, sometimes causing palpitations, anxiety attacks, or other cardiac related issues, then is it really wise to consume them?
The claim is that these foods increase the risk of heart disease, raise your LDL cholesterol and cause other health issues.
Stress causes deterioration in everything from your gums to your heart and can make you more susceptible to illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer, according to a review essay in the Dec. 2007 issue of the Association for Psychological Science's magazine Observer.
Type 2 diabetes can cause nerve damage, blindness, heart attack and stroke, among many other issues.
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