Sentences with phrase «causing hidden ingredients»

[NOTE: Click here and learn how to spot the cancer - causing hidden ingredients in your dogs treats and food.]

Not exact matches

Along with the nutrients you are also giving your child tons of refined sugar, highly refined and GMO soybean oil, natural and artificial flavors (unknown ingredients), carrageenan (potentially cancer causing), monoglycerides (hidden trans fats), artificial colorings, and sucralose (fake sugars).
While her intended point of highlighting hidden ingredients in foods that may cause allergies was important, she needs to realize that people with peanut allergies may very well not be allergic to other nuts, known as «tree» nuts.
Hiding ingredients and not being honest about them will only cause resentment later on
Next time you go to buy cereal check the ingredients and see if this could be one of the sources of hidden calories causing you to keep those extra pounds.
Beware of hidden calories and inflammation - causing ingredients in condiments and dressings.
While this is incredibly helpful, it will also cause you to question all of the ingredients you never knew were hidden in some of your favorite dishes at nearby restaurants.
Whole, organically grown foods do not contain colorings, flavorings, preservatives or other hidden ingredients which may cause food sensitive reactions.
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