Sentences with phrase «causing immeasurable»

Around 2.3 million cases are pending with the courts across the country including the Appellate Division and High Court Division of the Supreme Court (SC), causing immeasurable suffering to the litigants.
Birmingham is his eighth temporary home and he was superb here, causing immeasurable problems for stand - in Royals right back Matthew Connolly.
Despite harsh noises from western leaders about throttling tax havens, he believes they are proliferating as never before — with the complicity of those same leaders — and are causing immeasurable damage to developed and developing nations alike.
Despite pleas from the two men and their lawyers that they did good works and were very sorry, Judge Kimba Wood told Dean Skelos and his son Adam that they «caused immeasurable damage to New Yorkers» confidence in the integrity of government» and ordered prison terms.
«You have caused immeasurable damage to New Yorkers» confidence in the integrity of government,» she said.
His remarks came after he signed an executive order that said, «These jurisdictions have caused immeasurable harm to the American people and to the very fabric of our Republic.»
A judge sentenced former state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to five years in prison for running a federal shakedown scheme that «caused immeasurable damage.»
«Through your crimes, you have caused immeasurable damage.»
A judge sentenced former State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos to five years in prison Thursday for running a federal shakedown scheme that «caused immeasurable damage.»
Despite pleas from the two men and their lawyers that they did good works and were very sorry, Judge Kimba Wood told Skelos and his son that they «caused immeasurable damage to New Yorkers» confidence in the integrity of government,» and ordered prison terms.
On his website, Mr. Ashby called the state's SAFE Act, a package of gun - control laws, a «sickening display of ignorance,» while Ms. Doran wrote on her Facebook page that she «refuses to stand by as mass shootings cause immeasurable heartache.»
«This selfish desire to possess animals and receive love from them causes immeasurable suffering.»
IVDD can cause immeasurable suffering to affected Beagles as well as be expensive for their owner to treat.
Again, see my comments about the precautionary principle and how it's application towards diet and nutrition has caused immeasurable harm.
This can cause immeasurable property damage as well as resulting in catastrophic injuries for the passengers and drivers involved.
The mental anguish can also cause immeasurable pain and suffering that requires seeing a therapist.

Not exact matches

In secondary schools immeasurable damage has been caused to the Church, families and students by the manner in which our Faith is «debated», wastage rates of over ninety per cent of pupils leaving school are quoted.
if only it were that easy... I was irritable, the tears came randomly without cause and the mood swings were immeasurable.
«It should reflect the immeasurable damage Silver caused to the democratic process and to the public trust.»
The path to Doug frantically motors the trio all over the city, dealing with Tysonâ $ ™ s animal demands (The Champ nabs big laughs playing his Phil Collins - loving self), random flashes of unlikely gangster violence, and their own bewilderment as they canâ $ ™ t quite grasp the enormity of their evening, frequently stumbling over immeasurable trouble the mild - mannered guys canâ $ ™ t believe they caused.
While the instability caused by these testing changes is immeasurable, the financial costs are not.
The whole «alpa» concept is a myth, and one which has sadly caused many dogs immeasurable distress and harm.
Opioid abuse is rampant across the United States, and the harm they are causing to our communities is immeasurable.
The causes of distracted are immeasurable, but all of them lead to a driver who is unfortunately not paying attention to the road.
It could cost an average of # 323 a household to fix damage caused by well meaning attempts at DIY, and that's not to mention the immeasurable loss of face you'll suffer when you have to call in an expert to undo the mess you've made.
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