Sentences with phrase «causing irreversible damage»

Bacteria associated with advanced dental disease enter the blood stream and invades multiple organs, causing irreversible damage to the heart, liver and kidneys.
Always take the time to get the right medication from your veterinarian to prevent causing irreversible damage to your dog's system.
Additionally she should stay away from addictives like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine etc which are capable of causing irreversible damage to the baby.
Excessively high heat in the dryer can actually ruin some fabrics and cause irreversible damage.
a crippling infection that can cause irreversible damage to the brain and spinal cord causing paralysis.
But if she did have one of the forms of galactosemia, continuing to nurse could cause irreversible damage.
We think this bill will cause irreversible damage to the NHS,» she said.
The other major shortcoming of many ionic EAPs (especially the ionomeric polymer - metal composites) is that «as long as the electricity is on, the material will keep moving,» Bar - Cohen notes, adding: «If the voltage is above a certain level, electrolysis takes place, which causes irreversible damage to the material.»
But until he understands how the cells are stressed in the first place, he won't know much: «We frankly don't have a clue as to how much microwave radiation is needed to cause irreversible damage to cellular proteins.
Adam Williamson, Ph.D., a CRI postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, wants to understand how brain cancer cells that have died can stick around and promote inflammation and cell death, which can cause irreversible damage.
«For ingredients to be included in things like shampoos or laundry or dish detergents, they must be known not to cause irreversible damage to the environment.»
B12 deficiency can cause irreversible damage and is not something to risk based on mistaken reasoning.
I was lucky to notice before it caused irreversible damage.
Failure to do this may cause irreversible damage.
The listed above are just a few examples of ways to separate yourself, but you can be sure that cheap and spammy advertising will not work, and will not only damage your reputation, it will also cause irreversible damage to a 4 trillion dollar market.
A dog bite can change someone's life forever and cause irreversible damage, both cosmetic and mechanical.
You can cause irreversible damage to the ear.
Heinz body anemia results in a lack of oxygenation that can cause irreversible damage to your cat's vital organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and even the brain.
Copper poisoning is a serious, life - threatening emergency that causes irreversible damage to the liver, which eventually becomes fatal if not treated.
Any longer than that and the toxins may have already begun to affect the cells and cause irreversible damage to the liver and other vital organs.
The prognosis becomes «grave» if pancreatic juices spread to adjacent organs of the pancreas; which cause irreversible damage.
A complete blockage (no urine can getting through) can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys and can even cause death.
When pet owners lose their cool during house - training efforts they can cause irreversible damage both to their dog's house - training and trust of human beings.
If left untreated, arthritis can cause irreversible damage to your dog's joints.
Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos and cause irreversible damage to the heart and lungs.
A prolonged fever of only a few degrees can cause irreversible damage to your dog's brain and other organs.
The terminal would have cut off access to the tribe's fishery, and any spill from the facility would have caused irreversible damage.
Geoengineering could cause irreversible damage to planetary ecosystems, as well as human health.
Scientists have documented that sustained water temperatures of as little as one degree Celsius above normal summer maxima can cause irreversible damage.
The clear conclusion from the findings is that cultivating or importing GM crops, leads to GM pollution and once this pollution begins, it can cause irreversible damage
Some pregnant women have been given prescription medicines that caused irreversible damage to the baby, and were not warned by their physician.
Now we know that even one concussion can cause irreversible damage to that young brain.
If you make a mistake during the negotiation process with the claims adjuster, you can cause irreversible damage to your claim.
The reform proposals must not be allowed to cause irreversible damage to the legal aid system.»
Vibration will cause irreversible damage to the mechanical hard disk, so the HP Omen in the mechanical hard disk on both sides of the use of the shock effect is very good protective pad.
Warning: This is a friendly reminder that editing the Registry is risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to your installation if you don't do it correctly.
This is a very dangerous and illegal tactic that can cause irreversible damage to the mental health of the alienated parent and the children involved.
Furthermore, chronic strife can cause irreversible damage.

Not exact matches

If we don't act now, the climate change damage caused to our Great Barrier Reef by 2030 will be irreversible
Ultimately, we learned that, when Sarah's head snapped back in her fall, the whiplash caused a tear (dissection) of her vertebral artery, which cut off the blood to her brain, causing her to go into cardiac arrest and resulting in irreversible brain damage.
letting them know that putting that baby down for awhile will not cause irreversible brain damage, which quite frankly, is what some CIO people do.
If untreated, they can cause phlebitis, or irreversible skin damage.
Both infections can progress rapidly in newborns» eyes, damaging the clear part over the pupils (corneas) and causing irreversible harm.
Feeding babies on this unnutritious product for any period of time could cause grave and irreversible health problems, including brain damage and death.
Even if these unknown guarantees were to be accepted, however, restoration is but a euphemism in this case given the fact that the environmental damage caused to the Rosia Montana region would be irreversible.
But, you know, the idea of pulling this altogether, of wait there may be boundaries beyond which we do not want the environment to go, either because they go in to a tipping [point] and fundamentally change or because you -LSB-'ve caused][a] near - irreversible amount of damage.
At even higher formaldehyde concentrations of 3.0 milligrams per cubic meter, however, the researchers observed an unexpected decrease in cilia beating frequency, possibly due to irreversible cell damage caused by the formaldehyde.
Although some experts say it takes longer than the short duration of the Olympics to build up irreversible lung and cardiovascular damage, others think that any extreme exertion in really bad conditions will cause irreparable harm.
These «off - target» effects might explain why the drug caused side effects ranging from headaches to irreversible brain damage.
That's because, even though the sun is some 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away, it can still cause serious, and sometimes irreversible, eye damage.
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