Sentences with phrase «causing other bacterial infections»

As per modern medicine, colds are caused by viruses, which in turn can lower your immunity causing other bacterial infections.

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Other causes of bellyache — such as gastrointestinal reflux, allergies, food sensitivities, bacterial or viral infection — can pose serious health problems.
Other causes of pain included bacterial and yeast infections, skin conditions, and yes, tongue tie.
On the other hand, infectious mastitis is caused by a bacterial infection.
And because other viral and bacterial infections can also cause swelling, you'll want a doctor to examine him.
Bacterial biofilms also can form on heart valves resulting in heart - related infections, and they also can cause a host of other problems.
But for a host of other risk factors — such as cigarette smoke and certain bacterial infections — the disease - causing mechanism is unclear.
Now they have some good news about the herpes virus family: Ironically named viral immunologist Herbert Virgin from Washington University School of Medicine has come up with some pretty convincing evidence that infection with two other members of the herpes virus family — the Epstein - Barr virus, which causes mononucleosis, and the relatively harmless cytomegalovirus — can actually protect a person from a range of bacterial infections.
«Infections caused by NTHI are chronic and recurrent similar to other bacterial infections that are difficult to treat,» Dr. JusInfections caused by NTHI are chronic and recurrent similar to other bacterial infections that are difficult to treat,» Dr. Jusinfections that are difficult to treat,» Dr. Justice says.
You might not actually have a yeast infection: Other problems, like bacterial vaginosis or certain STDs, can cause itching or discharge that mimic yeast symptoms but require antibiotics rather than antifungals to treat.
It's important to rule out (or treat) other conditions that can cause smelly farts, says Dr. Gandolfo, including a bowel obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease (such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), colon cancer, celiac disease (an immune reaction to gluten), and C. difficile (a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea).
And discharge and discomfort can be caused by other types of vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis (which typically comes with a foul - smelling discharge plus irritation and burning) and sexually transmitted infections like trichomoniasis.
Alzheimer's and other diseases caused by chronic bacterial infections — possibly including multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndromes, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and many others — are preventable, treatable, and often curable.
Reducing lifestyle stress, eating a diet lower in carbohydrates to prevent blood sugar swings, avoiding foods that cause an immune reaction, not drinking too much alcohol, tending to bacterial gut infections and other aspects of digestive health, and supporting immune balance are all whole - body approaches that can foster proper hormone function and improve sleep.
Whether from inflammation caused by the buildup of DHT and other harmful chemicals, or an unchecked bacterial or fungal infection, if you believe that inflammation has played a role in your hair loss, then you'll be glad to learn about coconut oil's anti-inflammatory properties.
For people with SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), FODMAPS feed this bacterial infection causing gas and other symptoms, making people with SIBO more sensitive to FODMAPS.
They are found in both our internal and external environments and include excessive levels of the hormone insulin (insulin resistance), emotional stress, environmental toxins (heavy metals), free - radical damage, viral, bacterial, fungal other pathogenic infections, obesity, overconsumption of hydrogenated oils, periodontal disease, radiation exposure, smoking, spirochetes such as the Borrelia that causes Lyme disease, and certain pharmacological drugs.
Lungwort contains natural antibiotics in its acids which act against the bacteria that cause tuberculosis, strep, staph, bacterial pneumonia, and other lung and chest infections.
Conjunctivitis can also be caused by bacterial infections, viral infections, or other irritants.
Internal parasites, external parasites, any kind of bacterial or fungal infection, as well as most other illnesses may cause your pet to go off food.
Other causes of acute pancreatitis are both bacterial and viral infections as well as trauma and chronic pancreatitis is often caused by obesity.
Fights infections caused by tick bites, including Lyme disease and many other bacterial infections
Bacterial infection, viral infection, mold, parasites, colitis, foreign objects among other causes may be the underlying cause; if you are seeing improvement in Doug's condition, I would keep feeding him rice and chicken broth as you are doing.
A study showed that 13 % of bacterial abortions are caused by L. pomona, the most common leptospiral serovar found in horses.3 Aborting mares have been reported to shed leptospires in their urine for periods up to three months and can transmit Leptospira to exposed animals.3 Some horses aborting due to leptospiral infection develop uveitis several weeks to months later.3 Additionally, the aborted fetus is a source of exposure to other horses on the property.
Fleas cause skin disease, but they may transmit other serious infections, such as tapeworm and bacterial infections.
It can be caused by bacterial viral, or other infections (see bordetella and canine parainfluenza), and often involves multiple infections simultaneously.
Other possible disease - causing agents include yeasts such as Malassezia, fungi such as Aspergillus, and ear mites which increase the likelihood of bacterial infection.
There are also other culprits, such as bacterial and fungal infections of the skin, pain caused by objects stuck in their flesh, and bone fractures.
There are other viral and bacterial infections that can also cause these symptoms but which need to be diagnosed by a professional.
Some of the other causes can be urinary or bladder stones, bacterial infections, tumors, anatomical abnormalities or urethral blockages caused by crystals or stones.
Other causes can include yeast or bacterial infections.
Diagnosis: Clinical signs and breed are suggestive, but other causes of patchy hair loss include bacterial demodex, or ringworm infection, or hormonal diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease.
Other causes include bacterial or fungal infections, parasitic infestations, nutritional imbalances and immune - mediated diseases.
Internal parasites, external parasites, any kind of bacterial or fungal infection, as well as most other illnesses, may cause your iguana to go off food.
Other theoretical causes include bacterial or viral infections, vaccinations, obstruction of the pancreatic duct, reflux of intestinal contents up the pancreatic duct, impaired blood supply to the pancreas due to shock, gastric - dilatation volvulus (bloat), or other causes; and hereditary facOther theoretical causes include bacterial or viral infections, vaccinations, obstruction of the pancreatic duct, reflux of intestinal contents up the pancreatic duct, impaired blood supply to the pancreas due to shock, gastric - dilatation volvulus (bloat), or other causes; and hereditary facother causes; and hereditary factors.
Unfortunately, these are also the signs of most other forms of meningitis, so bacterial meningitis, distemper induced meningitis, vasculitis and fungal infections can cause similar signs.
This test can take several weeks to complete, so in the meantime skin scrapings to look for mites and cytological preparations to determine if bacterial or yeast infections are present can help rule out other causes of your pet's symptoms.
In addition to causing blood loss and anemia, ticks can transmit Lyme disease and other potentially serious bacterial infections.
FeLV is actually a viral infection that can suppress a cat's immune system and leave them vulnerable to bacterial, viral, fungal, and other infections, and it can even cause certain types of cancers in cats.
Bacterial infections are more common in cats with suppressed immune systems due to excessive stress, age, or other conditions that cause immunodeficiency.
Other causes of acute diarrhea in dogs can include bacterial infections, such as salmonella and E.coli, toxin exposure, such as from insecticide and lead, and even stress.
Your vet can thoroughly check the skin for these pests and other causes of itchy skin, such as yeast or bacterial infections.
Because itchy skin also can be caused by conditions other than allergies, your veterinarian may want to rule out the other potential causes, such as parasites, bacterial or fungal infections, or systemic diseases.
Even though ear mites are a common cause of ear infection, they are often falsely blamed for other bacterial and fungal infections of the ears.
Leptosporosis is a bacterial infection that causes kidney and other organ damage.
Bacterial infections, foreign objects, tumors, polyps, and allergies are other diseases that can potentially cause ear issues for your cat.
Other causes are demodectic mange in the case of puppies, of in adult dogs fungal infection, bacterial infections, immune - mediated disease, seborrhea or warts are all likely culprits.
Panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper, is caused by feline parvovirus and attacks body cells, making cats susceptible to bacterial infections and other complications.
Complicated: caused by a problem that needs to be changed in your cat such as something that is wrong with your cat's body (anatomical problem) or other problems that can cause bacterial infection such as kidney failure (renal), hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes mellitus.
Less common causes of corneal ulcers include bacterial infections, viral infections, and other diseases.
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