Sentences with phrase «causing water vapor»

Human activity is probably causing water vapor to increase.
Here is what scientists think is happening: when Ceres swings through the part of its orbit that is closer to the sun, a portion of its icy surface becomes warm enough to cause water vapor to escape in plumes at a rate of about 6 kilograms (13 pounds) per second.
Cold surfaces can cause water vapor in the air to cool down, condense and form tiny beads of liquid.
As this water moves through rocks, it dissolves salt compounds and pushes through fractures in the overlying ice to form reservoirs closer the moon's surface, where it is expelled into space when the outermost layer of the crust cracks open and the resulting depressurization of these reservoirs causes water vapor and ice particles to shoot out in the observed plumes.
Again, the contention is that rising CO2 causes water vapor to rain out at such a rate as to make optical thickness of the atmosphere in the IR constant.
This build up of energy increases the temperature of the atmosphere, which then causes water vapor to increase as the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is a function temperature.
That is totally implausible: there is no reason that increased CO2, having raised the troposphere temperature, will cause water vapor to diminish.
This rapid turnover, combined with the variation of temperature with height and geography, causes water vapor to be distributed unevenly in the atmosphere, not only horizontally but vertically as well.

Not exact matches

It does indeed cause some warming of our planet, and we should thank Providence for that, because without the greenhouse warming of CO2 and its more potent partners, water vapor and clouds, the earth would be too cold to sustain its current abundance of life.
As water vapor comes in contact with your cooler swim goggle lenses, it reaches its saturation point, causing water droplets to form during a process known as deposition.
They're intense plumes of water vapor that cause extreme precipitation, plumes so large they resemble rivers in satellite pictures.
The planet overheated and water on the surface rapidly evaporated, filling the atmosphere with water vapor; the vapor trapped more heat, which caused more evaporation, and so on.
A rather straightforward calculation showed that doubling the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere... which would arrive in the late 21st century if no steps were taken to curb emissions... should raise the temperature of the surface roughly one degree C. However, a warmer atmosphere would hold more water vapor, which ought to cause another degree or so of warming.
This color shift is caused by the adsorption of water vapor in their hardened front wings, which alters the thickness and average refractive index of their multilayered scales.
What does happen is that the sound field interacts with any small gas bubble that may exist in the water and causes the bubble to grow dramatically during the passage of the negative pressure portion of the sound field — the water essentially «boils» — because the pressure is below the vapor pressure.
The temperature difference, as well as the high humidity inside the chamber, causes the vapor to condense as liquid water, which drips into a collector.
The cause of the present flood has to do with the mass of water vapor in the air, which is partly the result of higher air temperature.
Most climatologists expect that on average the atmospheres water vapor content will increase in response to surface warming caused by the long - lived greenhouse gases, further accelerating the overall warming trend.
Moreover, the warming makes the atmosphere damper (providing still more water vapor) and may cause the stratosphere to heat up, speeding the chemical reactions that destroy ozone.
Expansion causes the air to grow cooler, which reduces the amount of water vapor it can contain.
«Lightning is caused by charge separation within clouds, and to maximize charge separation, you have to loft more water vapor and heavy ice particles into the atmosphere,» he said.
Climate scientists know that the intensity of extreme precipitation events is on the rise because there's more water vapor in the atmosphere caused by higher global and sea temperatures.
That decrease causes rain and attracts more water vapor to the forest, in a continuous positive feedback loop.
The jets in another nebula, K3 - 35, are so powerful, reports Luis Miranda of Spain's Astrophysical Institute of Andalucia, that they are squashing clouds of water vapor at their tips, 450 billion miles from the star, and causing the water to mase - emit laserlike beams of microwaves.
As tides raised by Jupiter in Europa's ocean rise and fall, they may cause cracking, additional heating, and even venting of water vapor into the airless sky above Europa's icy surface.
Are there some equivalent formulae for estimating the radiative forcing caused by water vapor feedback?
High in a cloud, water vapor will condense around these newly formed ice crystals, causing them to grow.
However, the surface warming caused by human - produced increases in carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases leads to a large increase in water vapor, since a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture.
water vapor, which causes about 36 — 70 percent of the greenhouse effect on Earth.
Extra water vapor in the atmosphere traps more heat, causing the oceans to heat up and evaporate even more quickly.
On Venus, solar wind evaporated the oceans, broke up water vapor and stripped away hydrogen, leaving behind CO2 which caused a runaway greenhouse effect.
The distribution of water vapor is the only thing that causes or doesn't cause global warming.
They found that lead «supercharges» the clouds, causing them to form at higher temperatures and with less water vapor.
The changes in forcing brought about by these greenhouse gas changes (including water vapor) are a feedback on the initial forcing of the proximate cause.
The stratopsheric cooling may be caused by the tropospheric water vapor (see figure 3 of but in that figure water vapor is fixed only above sigma = 0.14 (~ 140 hPa), so the cooling may also be caused by the increase in lower stratospheric water vapor.
The most possible cause, according to researchers, for the observed water vapor traces around Europa is the presence of erupting water plumes on the moon's surface, not unlike those that have been directly observed on Saturn's moon Enceladus by the Cassini spacecraft.
Meanwhile, a different physical process in the comet's smooth mid-section was causing water ice to vaporize and flow through porous material to escape as a cloud of water vapor at the same time (NASA news release, and page on «fluffy snowballs;» David Shiga, New Scientist, November 18, 2010; and Astronomy Picture of the Day).
The most important non-CO2 forcing is methane, whose increases in turn cause tropospheric ozone and stratospheric water vapor to increase.
While both are necessary to a healthy adjustment to the altitude and its oxygen levels, constantly peeing and panting — which causes you to exhale more water vapor than usual — can cause dehydration.
The increased gas exchange causes your body to lose more water vapor.6
Just like the virus that causes the common cold is carried by water vapor, dust and air, the bacteria and viruses that cause kennel cough also spread in every direction.
However, the Management and Guest Contributors at WUWT accept the basic truth that CO2, water vapor, and other «greenhouse gases» are responsible for an ~ 33ºC boost in mean Earth temperature, that CO2 levels are rising, partly due to our use of fossil fuels, that land use has changed Earth's albedo, and that this human actvity has caused additional warming.
Global warming also leads to increases in atmospheric water vapor, which increases the likelihood of heavier rainfall events that may cause flooding.
Are there some equivalent formulae for estimating the radiative forcing caused by water vapor feedback?
As the atmosphere warms it can hold more water; that additional water vapor provides more of the warming than is directl caused by CO2.
--- ignorance about atmospheric chemistry really shows here...... snip --- «Moreover, the CO2 that is supposedly causing «catastrophic» warming represents only 0.00035 of all the gases in the atmosphere (1.25 inches out of a 100 - yard football field), and proposals to control this vital plant nutrient ignore a far more critical greenhouse gas: water vapor
Whether consistent or not, the putative increase in water vapor due to GHG warming has a separate hypothesized cause (rooted simply in the Clausius - Clapeyron relationship).
So as more CO2 gets pumped into the atmosphere the temperature rises, which causes more water to evaporate (as you accurately state), increasing the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere — which heats the atmosphere even more, causing even more water vapor to enter the atmosphere.
Why is it justifyable for Ca EPA, Sierra Club etc to claim that CO2 is the biggest cause of the greenhouse effect when quite clearly water vapor is larger.
Simple physics dictates that with less sea ice there is magnified warming of the Arctic due to powerful albedo feedback; this in turn reduces the equator to pole temperature gradient which slows the jet stream winds causing them to become more meridional; this combined with 4 % more water vapor in the atmosphere (compared to 3 decades ago) is leading to much more extremes in weather.
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