Sentences with phrase «cautious about your payment»

«I have seen them [helping in immigration cases], who give legal advice that is simply wrong and you are preying on vulnerable people and that is why I am very, very cautious about payment to non-lawyers who try and assist vulnerable people.

Not exact matches

Such deferred payment deals simply have the whiff of an over cautious short - term approach about them.
Be cautious about extending your payment period because, while a lower monthly payment may be enticing, you may end up paying more in interest for longer terms.
This will enable you to get lower monthly payments on your policy, but you need to be cautious about it.
Armstrong is bullish on ethereum, excited for the launch of his new ethereum - powered payment app Token, cautious on initial coin offerings (ICOs) and clear and concise when talking about his company's direction forward and the various opportunities available to it.
Given what happened with eRentPayment last month, I'm a bit more cautious about such online payment services but for now I'm staying with but monitoring it carefully.
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