Sentences with word «celebre»

A report to Congress can't be retracted as easily as a journal article, and this one is a cause celebre for climate denialists [1] in their attacks on climate science.
A long - held cause celebre for leftists the world over, the story of immigrant activists Sacco & Vanzetti is told in Peter Miller's rote documentary as a reference point for the way immigrants are still mistreated in America.
Brazil's environment agency gave final approval this week for the construction of the Belo Monte Dam, an immense hydroelectric station that has become a cause celebre in Hollywood.
The «hockey stick» may be a cause celebre among denialists, but it's only a secondary part of the mainstream case for global warming, which is based on the physics of the greenhouse effect and the observed warming of recent decades.
(Recall that this issue has also become a cause celebre of late for certain New York hedge funds, which are backing primary challengers like Basil Smikle, a former Bloomberg aide, against charter opponents like Sen. Bill Perkins).
Great expose on the conflation of other cause celebre on climate science, and very revealing about some of the more intimate issues people like Myhre are really having - this really reflects poorly on her.
To add insult to injury, he finds himself having to fend off unwanted passes, and turns into something of a campus cause celebre after claiming to be the victim of a gay bashing by frat boys.
LYNAS: Monsanto did sue various farmers, and there have been numerous cause celebre like Percy Schmeiser.
The case has been a cause celebre in Saudi Arabia, where proselytism is illegal and converting from Islam to another religion is a capital offense.
Kenneth Longergan's quasi-masterpiece spent years as an unfinished film before emerging as one of the critical causes celebre of the 21st century.
Jindal and other leading Republicans, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, have made the legal battle with the DOJ into a cause celebre on the right.
She didn't go into detail but I was intrigued enough to Google her name, and I quickly learned that she's something of a cause celebre in the school food reform movement.
Instead, Alles is making «security and protection» its cause celebre, fighting against issues such as overly long work hours, according to a statement issued by the organizers.
Prayer in public schools has been a symbolic cause celebre, particularly for the religious right, and fundamentalists are actively promoting alternative Christian schools.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a statement last year condemning home births, saying, «Childbirth decisions should not be dictated or influenced by what's fashionable, trendy or the latest cause celebre
September is going to be back - to - school month, with posts on issues like: what on earth to pack in that empty lunch box every morning; how we all feel about making meals «cute» (heart - shaped sandwiches and the rest); an interview with some moms who've gone way beyond heart - shaped sandwiches — the Yum - Yum Bento moms; an interview with a public school teacher who has become a cause celebre in the school lunch reform movement; and more.
The WFP has made health care reform its cause celebre this cycle, pulling its support from the two House members who voted «no» — Mike Arcuri (NY - 24) and Mike McMahon (NY - 13), and even threatening to back primary challengers against them.
DADT became something of a cause celebre for the junior senator from New York, and she was in the forefront of the (eventually successful) push for its repeal late last year.
It only takes a few cause celebres to spark something big.»
O'Hara's case has become something of a cause celebre, since it is widely viewed as being a politically motivated one.
At minimum they will drone on at public meetings and in blogs over the issue, which they've adopted as much beyond the rational cause celebre» as the White Supremacists have adopted Robert E. Lee's statue in otherwise serene Charlottesville.
However the subject of the NHS is one that particularly rankles with most voters, especially because Labour for so many years made the NHS their cause celebre and after stating that they had a week to save the NHS they have spent ten years destroying the NHS.
But Scharf, a yoga teacher with the downtown Rama Lotus Centre, said the concept does not apply in this case, arguing the complaint that killed the program came instead from a «social justice warrior» with «fainting heart ideologies» in search of a cause celebre.
It has since become a cult film and cinematic cause celebre, revered by its adherents and condemned by its detractors.
Although the prosecutor had convinced a jury to sentence the pair to death based on questionable circumstantial evidence, the nagging doubts about their guilt or innocence which had turned the case into something of a cause celebre have remained unresolved to this very day.
Even though Julian Assange has gone from notorious hacker to exiled cause celebre (hell, Lady Gaga of all people paid him a visit at the Ecuadorean embassy in London), his saga remains fascinating and important.
Diablo Cody has become a cause - celebre for her Oscar - winning script, and when one looks at the story alone, it's easy to see why.
The independent film will star Jackson as a Death Row inmate in LA, whose imminent execution «has made him a cause celebre», so the story goes.
And now the jury's snub has made it a cause celebre,» Steve Pond and Ben Croll write for The Wrap.
The fate of Lady Bird has become something of a Hollywood cause celebre, although it is still a few weeks before the film is released here.
«The ouster of Bridgeport superintendent Paul Vallas has become a «cause celebre» among education reformers, who claim it is part of a broader conspiracy to perpetuate the «status quo.»
That's why SkipJack Publishing is putting its efforts behind Attentive Driving as our cause celebre.
Over the years his ideas have been expressed in such different media that this commission, this cause celebre for Tate Britain, could have been anything from sculpture and photography to video, painting or text.
Their latest cause celebre: New revelations in The Guardian that the director of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Center, Phil Jones, may be in hot water over the accusations of scientific fraud having to do with Chinese weather station data.
In Mann's new book «The Hockey Stick and Climate Wars», Mann writes: The multidecadal oscillation I'd helped discover would nonethless become a cause celebre among climate change contrarians.
It has become a cause celebre in the press, as they debate whether it is an «installation», like a tent or a «construction», subject to urban rules.
may be a cause celebre among denialists, but itâ $ ™ s only a secondary part of the mainstream case for global warming, which is based on the physics of the greenhouse effect and the observed warming of recent decades.
Update: Jurisdictions aside, I am not at all compelled by statements from the polarized participants of both extremes in this case — the lifers and right - to - diers all sound to me like carpetbaggers, lumping their favorite issue on top of Ms. Schiavo, whose cause celebre may have fully obscured her as an individual human in crisis.
And when that problem came to the attention of the blogosphere, Cowgill because a virtual cause celebre.
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