Sentences with phrase «celibate priests»

On married and celibate priests in the Orthodox Church, ZENIT, February 28, 2000.
By the way there is far more of this behavior occuring by married men than by celibate priests in society.
The FACT is that Christianity would not have spread nearly as far had not missionary celibate priests not gone in to the jungles.
The question is not really about a celibate priest loving God more than a married one; that is disingenuous and rather unhelpful.
Married men, not embracing continence, can be committed, active and sacrificial in loving their flock, though they can not be as freely moveable or available as a celibate priest.
He disagreed with me for implying he could not love God as much as a celibate priest because he was married.
But to affirm as Mr O'Donnell does that the celibate «is more available and can give himself more to the service of the Lord and his people» (and that this is St Paul's understanding of the «higher vocation of the celibate») is simply to recognise that the celibate priest is freed to love the Lord and his people in a way that is closest to Christ's own loving who «gave himself to the point of laying down his life and came «to serve and not to be served».
The celibate priest too, who lives his vocation within the honesty of his «honouring the flesh of Christ» will find, even to old years, an endless relationship, especially with the young, of sheer love, sheer joy, and peace with God.
Wow, BD, running off at the mouth about s8xuality is like a celibate priest giving marital advice to a young couple who have probably been doing the deed for years.

Not exact matches

Only then did he demand priest were celibate.
Moreover, like Catholic priests, Richard was living a celibate life.
For example, he said, it is absurd for a young celibate Catholic priest to conduct marriage counseling for a middle - aged couple with children.
The Arab laity complained that their churches were allowed to deteriorate and that no new ones were built; that the Greeks ordained illiterate Arab priests, forbade them to preach, and limited their duties to the performance of the Sunday liturgy; and that the Greeks encouraged Arab deacons to marry prior to ordination, so as to render them ineligible for promotion to bishop or appointment to the celibate Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, which governs the Patriarchate.
That male priests should not be celibate — that forces them to go against nature and lie to themselves everyday.
Contrary to much current discussion, the problem is not the rule that priests must be celibate.
Thus novelists have portrayed censorious, unforgiving priests to demonstrate the gap between the church and genuine Christianity; repressed, neurotic priests to demonstrate the unhealthiness of the celibate life; and gentle, saintly priests to demonstrate the unworldliness of the true Christian.
I think we should build a uh, a big fence, 50 or 100 miles long, and put all the celibate nuns in there, build another one for the monks and priests.
Thus novelists have portrayed censorious, unforgiving priests to demonstrate the gap between the church and genuine Christianity; repressed, neurotic priests to demonstrate the unhealthiness of the celibate...
Certainly, we can not require our priests to be more celibate.
«For years, Protestants have assumed they were immune to the abuses perpetrated by celibate Catholic priests.
Yet Eastern Rite priests are not celibate.
The practice of celibate bishops (with the allowance of married priests) was
Though the reality is that a huge number of Catholic priests don't remain celibate after they have become priests.
No, priests are not celibate because Jeebus was celibate.
Yes, I remember having taken them from a celibate Jesuit priest.
As celibate diocesan priests, we often live alone.
Being celibate should not exclude our religious and priests from the social life of the parish.
The Latin priests were celibate and confirmation was only by a bishop.
Catholic and Orthodox priests who for whatever reason are not required to be celibate nevertheless have fruitful, sacramental ministries.
There was no reason why a priest had to be celibate.
2000 years of inquisitions for having sexual thoughts, witch - hunts for normal sexuality, puritans, catholic restrictions, celibate yet inappropriate priests... and 1 casual cnn article suggesting that christianity and sexuality are related.
«Women aren't going to be priests, there aren't going to be baskets of condoms next to the holy water in church and gays can either stay celibate or grit their teeth and pretend to be hetero.»
In the Catholic Church, the priests are allegedly celibate, and clueless.
Catholic priests are not forced to be celibate.
But once you don those maternity clothes, everybody - and I mean everybody, including your postman, butcher and celibate parish priest - will know better than you about what you should be doing during your pregnancy.
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