Sentences with phrase «cell carcinoma occurs»

Transitional cell carcinoma occurs when a tumor forms within these cells.

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HPV is also associated with most oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (OPSCCs), a disease in which distant metastatic disease can occur in up to 10 % of patients.
While many different types of cancer can occur in the head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma in the most common cancer of the head and neck.
Lobular carcinoma in situ, or LCIS, is not a cancer, but an overgrowth of cells that occurs in the milk - producing lobules.
Another type is called transitional cell carcinoma and occurs in the renal pelvis where the urine collects.
In the kidney, lesions such as multiple renal cysts and renal cell carcinoma (RCC) can occur.
Cats who live with a smoker have a much higher risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma, an invasive cancer occurring on the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Another form of squamous cell carcinoma in cats occurs at the base of the tongue called feline oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Originating from epithelial cells (skin cells that cover the lining of body surfaces), Carcinomas can occur on the skin, bladder wall, and blood vessels that then pass into the surrounding tissues and organs.
Transitional cell carcinoma in dogs is a cancer of the urinary tract that usually occurs in the bladder.
Bladder cancer is rare in cats, but usually occurs as transitional cell carcinoma.
The most frequently diagnoses type of bladder cancer is called transitional cell carcinoma and usually occurs from the inside surface of the bladder or urethra.
Squamous cell carcinoma can also occur orally as well.
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