Sentences with phrase «cell characteristics»

And of these, two developed cells with ES cell characteristics.
To make cell characteristics visible to the human eye, scientists normally have to use chemicals that can kill the very cells they want to look at.
During this process, transformed epithelial cells acquire stem cell characteristics with renewal capacity, become cell - autonomous tumour initiating cells and are endowed of mesenchymal differentiation potential.
In the first study, Sanger Institute researchers worked closely with colleagues at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford to carry out the largest and most in - depth study of DNA and blood cell characteristics using the UK BioBank resource and the INTERVAL study.
Human iPSCs also express stem cell markers and are capable of generating cells characteristic of all three germ layers.
According to the Nature Biotechnology study co-authors, this strategy of analyzing molecules in single cells is likely to find favor not only among researchers who explore how specialized cells arise at specific times and locations within the developing organism, but also among those who monitor cell characteristics in stem cells engineered for tissue replacement, and those who probe the diversity of cells within tumors to identify those responsible for survival and spread of cancerous cells.
Treating the skin cells with a biochemical cocktail to promote neural stem cell characteristics seemed to do the trick, turning it into a one - step process, he and his colleague report today in Science Translational Medicine.
In this proof - of - principle study, the researchers showed, using DNA sequencing and karyotyping technologies, that the patient's unique cell characteristics were maintained in both normal and tumor CR laboratory cells.
«When we compared the gene signature activity of glioblastoma cells from around 60 patients we found that a large number of patients could be divided into subgroups that showed a correlation between gene activity, tumor cell characteristics and cell of origin similar to the one we had seen in the mouse study.
Cells with stem - cell characteristics appear to be especially important in the formation and metastasis of tumors.
More recently, scientists including Benjamin Spike, a co-first author on the current work and post-doctoral fellow in the Wahl lab, have discovered that tumors often contain cells with stem cell characteristics revealed by their genetic signatures.
«Our study reveals a central mechanism by which cancer cells acquire blood cell characteristics to gain metastatic ability and furthers our understanding in this area.»
Using engineered tissue environments in various shapes and patterns, the study of skin cancer found that the more curved the cell cultures were, the more cancer cells at the edges displayed markers of stem cell characteristics — the key to spreading to other tissues.
By comparing almost 30 million DNA sequence differences in more than 173,000 people with variation in the physical properties of blood cells the scientists identified 2,500 previously undiscovered locations in the genome that influence blood cell characteristics and functions.
The Gendered Innovations website offers case studies ranging from sex differences in stem cell characteristics to assistive technologies for aging men and women.
«We found that many more mice developed tumors when given the cells that we had engineered to have these stem cell characteristics, and they had a much higher incidence of metastasis in the lungs,» Kilian said.
«Stem cell reprogramming factor controls change in cellular energy generation: Research reveals role for KLF4 protein in instructing cells to undergo metabolic changes while acquiring stem cell characteristics
Yamanaka and Takahashi began their search by studying embryonic stem cells in the hope of identifying the genes that underlie essential stem cell characteristics, such as pluripotency and proliferation, a cell's ability to replicate itself.
New research suggests that changes to the metabolic profile of aggregated hMSCs enhance stem cell characteristics
Characterization of a naturally occurring breast cancer subset enriched in epithelial - to - mesenchymal transition and stem cell characteristics.
Blood cell characteristic: As we learned from my previous article, blood type O has no antigens, which is why it is revered as the universal donor blood type.

Phrases with «cell characteristics»

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