Sentences with phrase «cell clones produced»

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The OAR proposal uses a variation of therapeutic cloning called altered nuclear transfer (ANT) in which the nucleus of a donor cell (a skin cell, for example), containing the 30,000 genes of the genetic code, is altered in such a way that it produces an epigenetic factor, a protein called nanog.
No embryo has been generated, no organism «cloned» if ANT - OAR succeeds in its goal of producing nothing other than pluripotent stem cells.
Proponents of human cloning assert that this is the only method of producing pluripotent stem cells with the same genetic make - up as adult patients.
But more worrisome is the fact that once you've cloned the embryo to get its stem cells, you could instead decide to grow it to full term — to produce an actual clone.
This hijacks the cell, forcing its machinery to produce phage clones.
Skin cells from a woman with diabetes have been turned into insulin - producing cells, via a cloning technique similar to the one that made Dolly the sheep
A team led by Byeong - Chun Lee of Seoul National University in South Korea created the dogs by cloning fibroblast cells that express a red fluorescent gene produced by sea anemones.
We cloned a Mycoplasma mycoides genome as a yeast centromeric plasmid and then transplanted it into Mycoplasma capricolum to produce a viable M. mycoides cell.
The ability of tumor - infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) such as T cells to produce multitudes of clones that overwhelm and effectively control cancer cells has been demonstrated, but the significance of the composition of T - cell repertories is unknown.
Plus, hopes for therapeutic cloning rest on the ability to produce embryonic stem cells from cells harvested from diseased patients.
A company called Hematech is already breeding genetically engineered cattle (derived from cloned stem cells) that produce human antibodies to fight bacterial infections, and the animals» welfare is not compromised in any way.
Further experiments went on to show that the actual level of sexual - stage parasites produced by each parasite clone matched the proportion of individual cells specifically producing the AP2 - G protein.
Many scientists argue that so - called research cloning, in which cloned human embryos might be used to produce embryonic stem (ES) cells, could be a boon to medicine.
Researchers took cells from leaves of the most productive trees and grew them in a lab dish to produce cloned seedlings.
A stem cell biologist known for work cloning mice, he says he was brought onto the team to produce the chimeric mice described in the paper.
Although Kato called human reproductive cloning directly from iPS cell lines «very hypothetical,» he pointed out progress for that possibility when he noted that three teams had produced mouse clones from iPS cells.
Furthermore, only those fusion - derived IEC - 6 cell clones that had undergone the changes in cellular growth indicative of neoplastic transformation produced tumors in mice.
The stem cells produced through this therapeutic cloning would, like other embryonic stem cells, be capable of developing into many cell types and serve as a repair system for whatever part of the body required replenishment at the time.
And if the cells prove to be functional enough for nuclear transfer but not for producing offspring, they might refute one of the main arguments against therapeutic cloning: that it creates embryos only to destroy them.
What somatic - cell nuclear transfer technology produces are cloned human embryos.
According to the researchers, the findings suggest that tissues produced by cloning might last at least as long as the original cells — and perhaps longer.
Several researchers are now using cloning techniques to produce embryonic stem cells, thereby avoiding the need to collect new embryos.
A year earlier, the team had produced twin sheep, named Megan and Morag, by cloning cultured embryonic cells in an effort spearheaded by Roslin developmental biologist Keith Campbell.
One team in Japan, and another in the US, have independently shown it is possible to produce embryonic - like stem cells directly from a patient's own skin cells without having to create and destroy a cloned human embryo first.
The disgraced South Korean researchers who claimed to have produced the first stem cells from a cloned human embryo did in fact achieve a significant first.
Dolly is very different from earlier sheep clones produced from cells taken from embryos.
CHICAGO, Ill. — The ability of tumor - infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) such as T cells to produce multitudes of clones that overwhelm and effectively control cancer cells has been demonstrated, but the significance of the composition of T - cell repertories is unknown.
If I recall correctly, his paper had been published in Science, and it had been fast - tracked in what seemed transparently to be part of a political effort to sell the public on human cloning to produce patient - specific embryonic stem cells.
The state constitutional amendment now protects the right to conduct research to produce embryonic stem cells, while banning cloning to produce a human baby.
Scientists have experimented with animal cloning, but have never been able to stimulate a specialized (differentiated) cell to produce a new organism directly.
This study also demonstrates the utility of baculovirus - mediated genetic modification; baculoviruses have a large cloning capacity, are easy to produce and also have low cytotoxicity to transduced cells.
Gene cloned from T - cell - tropic HIV - 1 MN strain and the full length recombinant envelope gp120 glycoprotein produced in the Baculovirus Expression System
Prior to the advent of iPSCs in 2007 the only method researchers may have had to produce a genetically matched stem cell line from a patient's own cells was Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), i.e., cloncell line from a patient's own cells was Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), i.e., clonCell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), i.e., cloning.
HIV - 1 rgp120 from the molecular clone W61D derived from a Dutch field isolate of HIV - 1, produced in CHO cells.
In 1996 researchers in Scotland used SCNT to transplant the nucleus of an adult sheep cell into an enucleated sheep egg, producing Dolly, the first cloned mammal.
One of those teams created a cloned embryo from the somatic cells of a diabetic patient; this embryo was then destroyed in order to generate an insulin - producing embryonic stem cell line.
The bill, Senate File 162, carves out an exception to Iowa's 2002 ban on human cloning allowing researchers to use cloning techniques to produce embryonic stem cells for medical study.
The resultant clones with functional FIX can then be screened for integration of the viral backbone in safe harbor regions and for its robust expression, subsequent to which they will be differentiated in vitro to the hepatic lineage, with a view to producing a cell - based therapy for hemophilia.
The Korean scientists say they do not plan to conduct further cloning experiments, but will instead focus on developing therapies from the stem cells they've produced.
Researchers successfully reprogram fertilized mouse eggs, producing both embryonic stem cells and cloned animals
«After years of failed attempts, researchers have finally generated stem cells from adults using the same cloning technique that produced Dolly the sheep in 1996.
Five beagles were created by cloning fibroblast cells that express a red florescent gene produced by sea anemones.
«Even if stem cells were ever to be produced, like cloned animals, they would have so many errors of their metabolism that they would produce completely misleading data.»
Cloned conceptuses derived from the same cell line, and paternal half - sibling conceptuses produced by AI, were surgically collected after euthanasia at d 18 and d 34 of gestation.
Red blood cells are normally produced by your dog or cat's bone marrow in endless look - alike clones.
Asked where the other dogs that are needed to produce a successful clone came from — dogs in heat from whom egg cells are harvested, and female dogs who serve as surrogates — Russell said ViaGen Pets purchases oocytes from an unnamed provider and that «ViaGen Pets uses a production partner to supply the needed surrogates.»
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