Sentences with phrase «cell enzymes»

Phosphofructokinase deficiency: a deficiency of a specific red blood cell enzyme in English springer spaniels.
Instead, Penn claims, Thompson published his group's findings of variant cancer cell enzymes in Nature and Cancer Cell while helping a private company seek patents on the discoveries.
They can energize you: It contains vitamin B1 which stimulates cell enzymes which are needed for energy production.
One gene in the critical region of chromosome 1 encodes an enzyme called RNase L; the L stands for latent because in healthy cells the enzyme lies dormant.
In the development of epilepsy, inhibiting COX - 2 turns out to be complicated as well. Ray Dingledine, chair of pharmacology at Emory, and colleagues have a new paper showing that COX - 2 has both protective and harmful effects in mice after status epilepticus, depending on the timing and what cells the enzyme comes from.
Cellular metabolism involves a series of interconnected biochemical reactions catalysed by enzymes inside a cell
T - Cell Enzyme Uses Deadly Multipronged Attack on Bacteria — GEN News Paper: Granzyme B Disrupts Central Metabolism and Protein Synthesis in Bacteria to Promote an Immune Cell Death Program — Farokh Dotiwala — Cell
The Dengue virus contains discretely folded RNA structures that confer the ability to resist a powerful host cell enzyme and produce a disease - inducing noncoding RNA.
Pyruvate kinase deficiency: a deficiency of a specific red blood cell enzyme.
Hereditary anemia results in disorders of blood cell membranes, cell enzymes, and hemoglobin and subsequent malfunctioning red blood cells.
Glutathione s - transferase (GST): An enzyme responsible for prying the mercury OFF the cellular proteins, then linking it TO the glutathione in the cell
Within this revision session there are focused «mini lessons» on: Cells Enzymes Blood Vessels Preventing Infections Developing Drugs Photosynthesis Within these mini lessons students are guided through some of the core content, complete structured activities and complete exam style questions.
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