Sentences with phrase «cell in culture»

I learned this lesson the hard way in graduate school when I had to determine whether certain conditions improved the survival of cell in my culture system.
When looking at the bone cells in a culture dish, the receptor deficient mice did show 80 percent less lipid storage than regular mouse models of aging.
One week, the pair went to a conference to present a poster on the aging of human cells in culture.
I have grown cells in culture in the biomedical labs where I've worked.
Only in 2004 did scientists finally succeed in growing such cells in culture from mice.
If we are able to grow liver cells in culture, they will be just liver cells.
This has occurred at a much higher frequency than has been found in other cases where the techniques have been applied to human cells in culture or to mouse embryos.
Neuroscientist Ron McKay, of the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland, and other researchers have figured out how to grow dopamine - producing cells from embryonic stem cells in culture dishes, but with Isacson's method, «you just take cells and put them in the brain,» says McKay.
Weinberg, who is also a professor of biology at MIT, says he has created cancer cells in culture by adding oncogenes — as, he stresses, have hundreds of others.
The research highlights the importance of studying the effects of drugs not only on the tumor cells in a culture plate, but also on the interaction of the tumor cells with their own microenvironment.
It is not obvious why this happened in either case or whether it is relevant to clinical use of the methods, given that maintenance of ES cells in culture over long periods has little to do with normal embryo development.
Luban and Göttlinger have both shown that disrupting the interaction between cyclophilin A and gag stops HIV - infected cells in culture from making new virus.
«Compared to traditional methods that have allowed us to investigate human cells in culture in two - dimensions, these cultures let us investigate the three - dimensional structure and function of the cells as they are developing, giving us more information than we would get with a traditional cell culture.»
Greber and his team infected human cells in culture with the chemically labeled viruses, and observed the behavior of the viral DNA during entry into cells.
Researchers have discovered a gene in zebrafish so powerful it can be used to redirect the fate of cells in the developing embryo to become beating heart cells, suggesting that a similar gene in humans could be used to generate heart cells in culture for transplant in ailing people.
Hsiao and colleagues carefully gathered skin samples from donors, and then grew the skin cells in culture before converting them into iPS cells using the methods created by Yamanaka.
A potential new therapeutic approach to Alzheimer's disease protects brain cells in culture by drastically reducing the neurotoxic amyloid protein aggregates that are critical to the development of...
The researchers then treated SCID T cells in a culture dish with a mixture of the DNA patch and the molecular scissors.Preliminary results look promising.
Inverted microscopes allow the imaging of live cells in culture acquiring either still photos or time - lapse movies.
Our recent work has shown the existence of stem - like cells in cultured as well as xenograft - derived prostate cancer cells (27 — 29, 31).
The team tested the technique on cells in culture that mimic the transformation of unspecialised white blood cells into full immune cells.
The new research, which studied the immortalization process using genome - engineered cells in culture and also tracked skin cells as they progressed from a mole into a malignant melanoma, suggests that telomerase plays a more complex role in cancer.
After collecting biopsies from banked human donor eyes, the team expanded the numbers of cells in a culture plate using human serum to nourish them.
We already knew that light can stimulate nerve activity, and two years ago Nicholas Smith at Osaka University, Japan, showed that 8 - millisecond bursts of laser pulses could synchronise the pulsing of heart cells in culture.
A new study in Nature Genetics identifies a specific population of pluripotent embryonic stem cells that can reprogram to totipotent - like cells in culture.
Inverted microscopes allow the imaging of live cells in culture over a determined period of time and at set intervals, producing time - lapse movies.
Xu and her colleagues could duplicate those effects with his cardiac muscle cells in culture, by observing the ability of the drugs to suppress aberrant «calcium sparks.»
By growing primordial germ cells in culture researchers can make genome edits sequentially without being restricted by the breeding cycle of living birds, and the cultured cells will contribute to the germ line when injected into new embryos.
Juiced Curly Kale Kills Melanoma Cancer Cells In Culture Please share this information with family and friends.
They hit upon a small organic compound called SB 247464 that stimulated the growth of mouse white blood cells in culture and in living mice.
One drug, an inhibitor of the MEK kinase, reduced the proliferation of cancerous cells in culture.
To answer that question, a team led by W. Rowland Taylor of Australian National University in Canberra and David Vaney of the University of Queensland in Brisbane used a method called patch clamping, which enables researchers to detect electrical changes in a single cell — in this case, ganglion cells in cultured rabbit retinas.
After growing samples of the CD4 cells in culture, the researchers re-exposed the cells to the adenoviruses to see what would happen.
They showed that rapamycin reduced the secretion of inflammatory cytokines from senescent cells in culture and in mice by suppressing the mTOR pathway, which promotes growth.
In the lab, the herbicide 2,4 - dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (sold as weed killer and called 2,4 - D) can prompt cells in culture to elongate, build a new cell wall, and start dividing to form embryos.
To find out how the Xist returned to the inactive X upon B cell activation, as they had shown in last year's PNAS paper, the researchers tracked Xist RNA in B cells in culture.
CELLS GONE WILD Turning off the gene Apc in mouse intestinal cells in a culture dish spurs out - of - control cell growth (left panel, pink).
The Mount Sinai study found that harmine drove the sustained division and multiplication of adult human beta cells in culture, a feat that had eluded the field for years.
Their findings suggest that the loss of haploid cells is due to their limited viability and, therefore, they are replaced by existing diploid cells in the cultures.
The investigators studied application of various doses of a common PBDE flame retardant on human adrenal cells in culture dishes and compared the effects with those of only the vehicle, the inactive substance used to deliver the chemical.
Researchers start by coaxing cells in culture to activate bitter - taste receptors.
Previously MYC has been shown to promote proliferation and inhibit differentiation in dissociated cells in culture.
When applied to immune cells in culture, the compounds decreased the cells» production of the inflammatory signal IL - 22 and increased production of anti-inflammatory IL - 12.
Sheltzer, who began his project in the laboratory of Dr. Angelika Amon at MIT and carried it to conclusion in his own research group at CSHL, placed two sets of otherwise identical cells in culture dishes, side by side.
Added to patient - derived cells in culture, rapamycin enabled the development of more Purkinje precursor cells, improved the functioning of their synapses and increased their tendency to fire.
Adding telomerase to dividing cells in culture can lengthen their lifespan (ScienceNOW, 13 January 1998), but no one has found a direct link between telomeres and animal aging.
When cells in culture are exposed to ionizing radiation, even those not directly hit sustain damage to chromosomes.
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