Sentences with phrase «cell in the brain»

Other proteins allow researchers to measure electrical or biochemical activity, while yet others can activate or inhibit specific kinds of cells in the brain in real time.
A crucial aspect of the mouse model development was the ability to use what's called the «Sleeping Beauty» technique of inserting genes into stem cells in the brain of newborn mice.
They had more inflammation - causing immune cells in their brains, as expected, but they also stopped making new brain cells.
Brain scans showed that both groups of people had similar numbers of dopamine receptors in cells in their brain reward centers, which ruled out lower uptake of dopamine as a potential factor.
One of the key characteristics of the disease, which affects around one in 800 people by the time they are elderly, is the death of dopamine - producing cells in the brain.
Some of these cells lost their star shape and began to form new nerve cells in a brain region responsible for smell.
It reveals specialized cells in the brains of mice dividing to create newborn nerve cells.
The bright green and red colors are stains that emphasize inflammatory cells in the brain.
This suggests that it may be inflammation that usually causes the death of stem cells in the brain as we age.
«We still don't know very much about how individual cells in the brain coordinate the activity of higher - level function that defines us as humans,» he says.
They did not only find anxiety cells in the brain, but also a way to control their activity.
The researchers measured the activity of place cells in the brains of rats during three different experimental conditions.
This potent nutrient removes waste and allows for nutrients to pass easily into the delicate cells in your brain.
A small cluster of stem cells in the brain seems to help mice stay young, and injecting extra stem cells helps them live longer.
The stylized painting, derived from Asian principles, uses gold leaf, aluminum, acrylic dye and other materials to uncover the beauty of microscopic cells in the brain.
Cells in the brain depend on support from one another to stay alive.
Over time, specific populations of cells in the brain become dysfunctional or die.
As well as being released into the blood, both substances carry messages between nerve cells in the brain.
A single molecular switch plays a central role in inducing stem cells in the brain, pancreas, and blood to lose function as they age, researchers have found.
The method can help researchers learn more about the shape, organization and function of cells in the brain and elsewhere.
«Our finding runs counter to the belief that increasing the reactivity of astrocytes and other glial cells in the brain helps maintain tissue integrity following TBI.
Study co-author Thomas Moeller, a neurologist at the University of Washington in Seattle, speculates that the cytokines — which are also produced in excess by immune cells in the brain called microglia — may be killing or contributing to the death of healthy neurons, leading to symptoms down the road.
Maybe one day someone may construct an exact copy of the millions of cells in the brain with billions of connections with microchips and whatever, then set electronic currents flowing.
Because tumor cells in the brain frequently divide, normal brain cells would remain unaffected by the electric fields, the team reports online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The findings, which focused on support cells in the brain called astroglial cells, appear online today in Nature Communications.
ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects neuronal cells in the brain and the spinal cord, which send signals to control muscles throughout the body.
Importantly, the PLK4 inhibitor was able to cross the blood - brain barrier, which means that the drug can target cancer cells in the brain even when taken orally, avoiding the need for injection into the spinal fluid.
They also tested other chemicals known to prevent the other two forms of cellular suicide, but only CGP3466B protected mouse nerve cells in the brain from death by cocaine.
After introducing stem cells in brain tissue in the laboratory and seeing promising results, Prof. Offen leveraged the study to mice with Alzheimer's disease - like symptoms.
The prize celebrates Dr. Paz's discovery that epileptic seizures can be stopped in real - time in rodents using optogenetics — a tool that enables scientists to turn certain cells in the brain on or off with light.
Parkinson's disease, for example, is caused by the overstimulation of the receptors on cells in the brain which respond to the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Seizures occur when many nerve cells in the brain fire in synchrony.
Both diets draw from a growing body of research suggesting that certain nutrients — mostly found in plant - based foods, whole grains, beans, nuts, vegetable oils and fish — help protect cells in the brain while fighting harmful inflammation and oxidation.
Michael Rae discusses the role of senescent cells in the brain during aging, and how eliminating those cells could prevent diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
GM1 is an extremely severe, autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in the GLB1 gene and resulting in the progressive destruction of neural cells in the brain and spinal cord.
Nerve cells in our brains work together in harmony to store and retrieve short - term memory, and are not solo artists as previously thought, Western - led brain research has determined.
Our investigations also open a new route for understanding how different physiological states of the body influence stem cells in the brain during health and disease, and opens new ways for thinking about therapy,» says Fiona Doetsch.
That success represents a dilemma for neuroscience, said bioethicist Hank Greely of Stanford University: «When you make a chimera with human cells in its brain, the closer the resulting brain is to human» in structure and function and «the greater the ethical and public concern.»
A new study shows that the virus, known for killing cells in the brains of developing fetuses, could be redirected to destroy the kind of brain cancer cells that are most likely to be resistant to treatment.
The summer after his sophomore year he helped identify neurotransmitters released from ganglion cells in the brain at the Leadership Alliance Program at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
The problems can be traced to loss of nerve cells in the brain areas responsible for those capabilities — such as the basal ganglia, brain stem and cerebral cortex.
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is released by nerve cells in the brain when people or mice are under mild stress or concentrating on learning something new.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Helper cells in the brain just got tagged with a new job — forming traumatic memories.
Having higher BDNF stimulates the growth of new brain cells in the brain's memory center and is associated with a dramatic reduction in the risk for Alzheimer's disease as was recently reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Cambridge, UK (Scicasts)-- Scientists have identified a new type of stem cell in the brain which they say has a high potential for repair following brain injury or disease.
Also, enhanced targeting of nanorods was seen in endothelial cells in the brain, which has historically been a challenging organ to target with drugs.
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