Sentences with phrase «cell organism capable»

To make their case, the researchers first point to the 2016 discovery that Synechocystis cyanobacteria, single - celled organisms capable of photosynthesis, act like ocelli.
«A single - celled organism capable of learning.»

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The DNA programming required to create life capable of replicating in even the most simple single celled organism is far far more complex than anything mankind has ever built.
Recombinant DNA research has been done primarily on bacteria, one - celled organisms smaller than animal or plant cells and simpler in structure, yet capable of very complex chemical activity.
Perhaps the most threatening member of the predatory panel is a rotifer, a microscopic organism capable of eating 200 algal cells per minute.
Though single - celled organisms blanket the Earth and are capable of impressive biochemistry — some can eat nuclear waste, for example — their structure and shape remain simple.
They are the only ones capable of generating any cell type from the hundreds of cell types that make up an adult organism, so they are the first step towards curing illnesses such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's disease or diabetes.
A team from the Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (CNRS / Université Toulouse III — Paul Sabatier) has succeeded in showing that a single - celled organism, the protist Physarum polycephalum, is capable of a type of learning called habituation.
However, attempts to create totipotent stem cells capable of giving rise to a fully formed organism, from differentiated cells, have failed.
More recent work has shown that glycolipids capable of stimulating Vα14 iNKT cells are found in several types of bacteria, including the relatively nonpathogenic and ubiquitous species of Sphingomonas organisms, and the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease.
Because the body's immune response takes three weeks to kick in, cells capable of killing bacteria arrive too late to finish off the organism.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells are karyotypically normal, embryo - derived cell lines that are pluripotent, i.e. capable of generating all the cell types of the future organism, but not the extra-embryonic lineages.
The virulence of the organism (antigen) is reduced, but is still capable of infecting cells and replicating following inoculation.
The fungi we now call «white rot fungi» perfected the evolution of organisms capable of eating trees - scientists classify fungi as white rot species when they have the ability to digest all of the components of the trees» cell walls, including the lignin.
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