Sentences with phrase «cell plasma membrane»

This is an ideal form of vitamin C for skin health as it is non-acidic, fat - soluble and is able to penetrate the cell plasma membrane, thus protecting against free radicals.
Skin Health — DMAE acts as an antioxidant membrane stabiliser preventing the breakdown of the cell plasma membrane and protecting against free radical damage.
Accumulation of raft lipids in T - cell plasma membrane domains engaged in TCR signalling.
A research team led by Prof. Dr. Prasad Shastri at the University of Freiburg has shown that the stiffness of the cancer cell plasma membrane affects how nanoparticles are internalized, and this process can be enhanced when the cell plasma membrane stiffness is increased.
The Freiburg team of Shastri, Dr. Shengnan Xiang and Dr. Melika Sarem, have now discovered that liposomes — nanoscale vesicles of lipid molecules encompassing an aqueous core — can be used to alter the stiffness of the cell plasma membrane through lipid transfer.
Lack of dystrophin makes the muscle cell plasma membrane more vulnerable to injury.

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SV = Secretory vesicle; RER = Rough endoplasmic reticulum; BM = Basement membrane; MFG = Milk fat globule; CLD = Cytoplasmic lipid droplet; N = Nucleus; PC = Plasma cell; FDA = Fat - depleted adipocyte; TJ = Tight junction; GJ = Gap junction; D = Desmosome; ME = Myoepithelial cell.
Plasma membrane Ca2 + - ATPases (PMCAs) are present in virtually all types of cells and transport Ca2 + to the extracellular space.
The plasma membrane of hepatic parenchymal cells contains an adenyl cyclase system that is stimulated by glucagon.
The viral plasma membrane is mostly co-opted from that of the host cell as newly formed viruses bud from infected cells.
Thus, transport of peptide — MHC II complexes by DCs not only accomplishes transfer from late endocytic compartments to the plasma membrane, but does so in a manner that selectively concentrates TCR ligands and costimulatory molecules for T cell contact.
An isoform of amphiphysin 2 concentrated at T - tubules induced tubular plasma membrane invaginations when expressed in nonmuscle cells.
Dr. Jiang found that LPCAT3 deficiency significantly reduces polyunsaturated PC levels in the plasma membrane of the cells that line the intestines, which in turn reduces lipid absorption and decreases levels of lipids (cholesterol, triglyceride, and phospholipid) in circulation.
In a new paper, he and colleagues reveal that host cells sequester viral proteins away from the plasma membrane within the cell, thus preventing viruses from spreading.
We show that β - arrestins coordinate both processes by recruiting PDEs to activated β2 - adrenergic receptors in the plasma membrane of mammalian cells.
The plasma membrane works between the machinery on the inside of the cell and the outside fluid that bathes the cells.
A cell membrane, plasma membrane or plasmalemma is a selectively permeable lipid bilayer coated by proteins which comprises the outer layer of a cell.
It has been found that the establishment and maintenance of polarity is governed by the interdependent relationship between the polarity marker protein on the plasma membrane (cell membrane), actin, the microtubule cytoskeleton, and membrane vesicle transport.
Research suggests that very scarce chemical cues can trigger physical changes in the cell, including remodeling the plasma membrane and recruiting cytoskeletal machinery, to transform the dichty from a fat, happy cell to an elongated cell with a distinct front and rear end, ready to migrate.
They demonstrated that in the absence of SERT, antidepressants accumulate gradually in the plasma membrane microdomains of glioma cells.
In the final step in bacterial cell division, constriction of the so - called Z - ring, an annular structure that forms on the plasma membrane near the midpoint of the cell, gives rise to the two daughter cells: A research team led by Erwin Frey, who holds the Chair of Statistical and Biological Physics at LMU, has now used mathematical modelling to understand the mechanism that drives formation of the Z - ring, and in so doing have uncovered a novel class of pattern - forming mechanism in biological systems.
The coordinated assembly and disassembly of actin in the cell cortex, which lies just beneath the plasma membrane, generates cortical actin waves that are crucial for important cell functions including migration and cell polarity.
The link between endocytosis and generation of cortical actin waves may provide deeper insight into how cells maintain the composition and dynamics of the plasma membrane.
Gαs went from lipid rafts to nonraft regions of the plasma membrane in the glioma cells, which enhanced its signaling ability.
In the process, the plasma membrane receptor Fas (CD95) is key; this cell receptor occurs in almost all human cells and is involved in programmed cell death (apoptosis).
Unfolded proteins create stress on the cell, and you potentially create situations where you now put less assembled proteins in the plasma membrane.
These cells showed reduced levels of PIP2 at the plasma membrane and thus failed to recruit Gag to form viral assembly sites.
Because certain cell secretion pathways have been suggested to be required for this process, University of Buenos Aires researcher Matías Ostrowski and colleagues investigated whether a role might be played by Rab27a, a protein that guides delivery of membrane - bound compartments called endosomes to the plasma membrane.
Compared with a control T cell (left), loss of Rab27a (right) blocks the delivery of late endosomes (red) to the plasma membrane, inhibiting the recruitment of Gag (green) to HIV - 1 assembly sites.
HIV - 1 replication requires the coordinated movement of the virus's components toward the plasma membrane of an immune cell, where the virions are assembled and ultimately released.
The basis of neuron communication is the time - dependent modulation of the strength of the electric field that is maintained across the cell's plasma membrane.
The two additional membranes are thought to correspond to the plasma membrane of the engulfed alga and the phagosomal membrane of the host cell.
For the type I interferon (IFN) receptor (IFNAR) as a paradigm for functional plasticity, we have, within the first funding period, established single molecule imaging techniques for monitoring receptor assembly and dynamics in the plasma membrane of living cells.
The extracellular leaflet of the plasma membrane is not characterized by unique molecular targets but by overexpressed antigens that are relatively down regulated in healthy cells.
Junctophilin - 4, a component of the endoplasmic reticulum — plasma membrane junctions, regulates Ca2 + dynamics in T cells.
Palmitoylation - dependent plasma membrane transport but lipid raft - independent signaling by linker for activation of T cells.
Nicola Bauer (Corbeil, TUD)-- «New insights into the plasma membrane dynamics of rare stem cells by studying the prominin molecule» (2007)
Visualization of Rab5 activity in living cells by FRET microscopy and influence of plasma - membrane - targeted Rab5 on clathrin - dependent endocytosis.
We delve into very fundamental problems such as «how does a malaria red blood cell attach itself to a blood vessel» or «how does binding of a ligand to a cell surface receptor or contact of a crystalline surface with the plasma membrane drive lipid sorting and how will this lead to signalling» but then immediately apply it to a practical problem such as «how does contact of uric acid crystals with dendritic cells cause gout in affected joints and how can we prevent this occurrence?»
This protein goes by the name of BvSUT1 and is found in the plasma membranes of companion cells.
Limited cholesterol depletion causes aggregation of plasma membrane lipid rafts inducing T cell activation.
Differential evanescence nanometry: live - cell fluorescence measurements with 10 - nm axial resolution on the plasma membrane.
S100A11 is required for efficient plasma membrane repair and survival of invasive cancer cells.
ER - to - Plasma Membrane Tethering Proteins Regulate Cell Signaling and ER Morphology.
Rotavirus NSP4: Cell type - dependent transport kinetics to the exofacial plasma membrane and release from intact infected cells.
Polarized cell structures in metastasis: coordination of the plasma, membrane, cytoskeleton and organelles.
Richard Scheller has used a combination of biochemistry, molecular biology, and cell biology to identify several key synaptic vesicle and plasma membrane proteins involved in fusion of the neurotransmitter - containing vesicles with the membrane of the presynaptic terminal.
«The plasma membrane also dynamically changes shape during cell migration, cancer cell invasion, cell division, nutrient uptake, and entry of pathogens and viruses into cells,» Shin explains.
Muscle contraction is initiated when action potentials fired at the end - plate of the muscle cells propagate throughout the plasma membrane and trigger a conformational change of the voltage-gated CAV1.1 Ca2 + + channel (also called dihydropyridine receptor, DHPR).
Relocation of a PIP3 binding domain to the plasma membrane of dictyostelium cells in response to cAMP.
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