Sentences with phrase «cell preparation»

The chart below indicates that both methods of cell preparation are being used in trials.
This pure cell preparation is used in the systemic treatment of heart disease and other conditions such as inflammatory arthritis, autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders.
Our stem cell transplant program laboratory is specially equipped to handle all of the blood and stem cell preparation necessary for transplant, including apheresis (separation and collection of stem cells from the blood) and cryopreservation (freezing of stem cells for future use).
Morphologic examination of the Hoechst - stained cell preparations at 16 hours after treatment with 20 nmol / L rapamycin showed morphologic evidence of apoptosis, such as nuclear condensation and fragmentation in ALCL cells (A, bottom right).
Morphologic examination of Hoechst - stained cell preparations at 16 hours after treatment with 20 nmol / L rapamycin revealed that Karpas 299 cells showed morphologic evidence of apoptosis, such as nuclear condensation and fragmentation (Fig. 6A).
Hardingham's group at Manchester provides expertise in cell preparation and preclinical testing, while Liverpool University's clinical engineering department, led by David Williams, has a track record in biomaterial matrices and biocompatibility testing.
The team has been working with colleagues at Dana - Farber Cancer Institute to develop protocols to create the type of enriched B cell preparation that could be used to treat patients.
Studer cautions that it will be years before such cell preparations can be used clinically, but he says it's just «a matter of time.»
To identify procedures and safety systems that will allow complete elimination of proliferative and / or tumour - forming cells from the graft cell preparations;
For isolating mouse primary ILCs, single cell preparations of Rag1 - / - splenocytes were surface stained for NK1.1 and CD127.
In Europe and the United States, all kinds of cell preparations that are administered to patients following ex vivo culturing are classified as medicines, and monitored by drug agencies such as the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Agency and, in Italy, the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco or AIFA.
Albini speculated that substandard stem cell preparation may have caused some of the complications, which could have been due to introduction of a contaminant or the cell wash solution into the eye.
But among its detailed descriptions of cell preparation, discursive descriptions of the issues around abortion, and the story of the discovery that normal cells have a finite lifespan, there is plenty of ammunition for those arguing with family or Facebook friends who have swallowed the conspiracy theories of the anti-vaccination community.
Using CiRA's bank of iPS cells, there are significant time and cost savings — it could be one fifth the cost of cell preparation and patient transplant or less.
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