Sentences with phrase «cell processes go»

When this happens, cell processes go out of control.

Not exact matches

Going a step further, we also ask you to provide your cell phone number so we can use it to initiate the double - authentication process.
Making personalized, or «autologous» stem - cell treatments, can make the process go a lot faster, since a person's cells don't need to be shipped out, reprogrammed, then reinserted into the body.
Going in with Jurvetson was a lineup of household - name investors that includes Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Jack Welch; their money will be used to build up Memphis Meats» already formidable trove of intellectual property and to fine - tune the process of combining cells to produce the tastiest steaks and patties, and drive down the cost.
As a cancer researcher, do you think the mechanisms of tumor growth are somehow changing to come into line with your perceptions, or is it possible that the process of our learning more about DNA mutations and cell architecture and nutrient exchange and epigenetic effects make it possible for us to inch ever closer to understanding that which is already going on under our noses?
Consider also his claim that «the right way to think» about a visual experience is that «photons reflected off objects attack the photoreceptor cells of the retina and this sets up a series of neuronal processes (the retina being part of the brain), which eventually result, if all goes well, in a visual experience that is a perception of the very object that originally reflected the photons» (MC 64).
Since in the rest of the world besides ourselves processes of «taking account of» are going on, be it in electrons or atoms or cells, then it is logical to suppose that this subject - object relationship involves subjectivity for these other entities.
Agave and fructose in general does not spike blood sugar because it goes through your liver damaging it at the same time, glucose is processed by other cells as well and thus it spikes your blood sugar, but fructose is processed just by the liver.
Catalyst AC - 11 Serum goes right to work restoring your skin's DNA and creating more active cells by activating your skin's own zinc finger remodeling process which is a critical part of DNA repair.
Any form of hurrying you into the birth process or, once into it, hurrying the process faster than it goes naturally will damage cells in the baby's brain.
It occurs when something goes wrong during the fertilisation process, and is caused by an abnormal cell growth of all or part of the placenta.
Most chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of a damaged egg or sperm cell or are due to a problem at the time that the zygote went through the division process
From «sweat box» to cell allocation, daily activities to release, Eric Allison details the process the pair will go through in jail
«Perhaps the same process is going on with autoimmunity,» says Howard Hughes Medical Institute immunologist Philippa Marrack, who also studies B - cells and the TLR7 receptor.
The prize in physiology or medicine went to Yoshinori Ohsumi at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for his work on autophagy, the process by which cells recycle and repair themselves.
It goes beyond the structure of life and gets to biological processes, including how cells or molecules move, how cells respond to their environment or neighbors, and how the brain works or how injuries heal, he says.
As the process goes forward, scientists are likely to make some noise, says geneticist Kai Simons, a director of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, and a longtime proponent of the ERC.
Now, a collaborative team of scientists at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a new process to generate NP - like cells from hiPSCs, one that truly goes back to the beginning and mimics the process of embryonic development.
Several studies have used cell - surface markers — proteins found on the outer membranes of tumor cells — to identify glioblastoma stem cells; but the specific markers used have been controversial and can not reflect molecular processes going on within tumor cells.
This process often goes wrong in cancer cells, resulting in chromosomal instability.
Under the Obama administration, the number of embryonic stem cell lines available for federally funded research had more than tripled, but no money was going toward the creation of any cell lines (a process that destroys the embryo).
And what happens in the fresh state is basically when respiration ends, when we stop breathing and we stop clearing toxins from cells, all those processes that were ongoing — and the cells don't know what yet, right; the rest of the body, the heart has stopped, the brain is stopping, but the cells still have some chemistry that's going on after the body has died.
The scientists went through the same process using tumor - derived cells that continuously multiply.
Cells go through a highly regulated, ordered process to divide and multiply, called the cell cycle.
When they are present in stem cells, mitochondria provide energy for growth and, crucially, for division, and it is this process going wrong which leads to cancer.
One of the last researchers to go through the two - stage approval process was Shinya Yamanaka, the Kyoto University researcher who first reported the derivation of iPS cells.
In new research, published in an article in The Journal of Neuroscience, Burger and Oline — along with Dr. Go Ashida of the University of Oldenburg in Germany — have investigated auditory brain cell membrane selectivity and observed that the neurons «tuned» to receive high - frequency sound preferentially select faster input than their low - frequency - processing counterparts — and that this preference is tolerant of changes to the inputs being received.
But postpartum depression can't be pinned to any single substance or brain malfunction — it doesn't reside in one tidy nest of brain cells, or any one chemical process gone haywire.
At that time, little was known about the molecular biology of development — how what's going on in the development process itself influences what can happen to the evolutionary trajectory of cells and organisms.
Now his lab has found that Set2 is also a major player in DNA repair, a complicated and crucial process that can lead to the development of cancer cells if the repair goes wrong.
Fu plans to further explore the link between PLK1 and MAPK signaling in prostate cancer patients and determine whether PLK1 - induced EMT contributes to other cancer - promoting processes that go beyond cell migration and metastasis.
To date, yeast has taught scientists a lot about cell division and DNA repair, processes that go wrong in cancer.
«By adapting an automated process to neurons, we were able to go through 800 genes to find one needed for forming synapses — connections — among those cells
Previous research has described at least some of the fundamental processes involved in healthy, on - going peripheral nerve growth regeneration, including the critical role of mitochondria — cellular organelles that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy - carrying molecule found in all cells that is vital to driving nerve recovery after injury.
In a living cell, many processes are continuously going on at the same time.
Under those conditions, the cells go through a division process that has «all the hallmarks of meiosis,» says Handel, who helped develop a set of standards for documenting that process in a dish.
«Before we put this new cell into production it needs to go through a qualification process to make sure it can withstand the rigors of the environment.»
They did wave around a vial filled with E. coli when announcing that the chemistry prize went to Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, and Roger TsienThey discovered and developed green fluorescent protein which is now used to light up cells making it possible to observe biological processes.
The system can help scientists determine more about how a cell reacts to its immediate environment, Bissell says, and how that process goes wrong in growing or spreading tumors, in which cells lose their ability to read signals from their environment that would prevent them from dividing.
Researchers try to prevent onset of the disease by correcting a brain cell process that goes awry
Her discoveries in this process help us understand how DNA is copied when cells divide and how that process goes wrong, which can result in mutations.
This searching process involves short, «touch - and - go» interactions between the platelet and Kupffer cells (blue), a specialized immune cell that lives in the blood vessels of the liver.
Understanding that process would in turn help explain what goes wrong in an autoimmune disease like type 1 diabetes, when those immune cells go rogue and turn the attack inward.
La Jolla, CA — Before the engine that drives cell division goes into gear, it must receive a biological spark from its genetic machinery to set the process in motion.
By studying healthy nerve cells and cells from people with neurodegenerative diseases, Evans plans to find out how nerve cells perform this important quality control, and how the process might be corrected when something goes wrong.
Lipton went on to state, «It will be important to see if HIV / AIDS acts similarly on stem cells for other organs in the human body, as this may impact on the disease process as a whole.»
But now, scientists at the Gladstone Institutes are shedding light on key aspects of transcription, and in so doing are coming even closer to understanding the importance of this process in the growth and development of cells — as well as what happens when this process goes awry.
Caltech biologists work to reveal nature's mechanisms — how tens of thousands of components act in concert in cells, how organisms grow from single cells, how the brain maintains its consciousness, emotions, and superb computational capabilities, and what happens when any of those processes goes awry.
So what I mean by that is, metabolism is basically the housekeeping chemical processes that are going on in the cell.
As a scientist, I still maintain my focus on performing rigorous, hypothesis - driven science and use creative approaches to answer basic questions about how cells work and how processes go awry in disease.
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