Sentences with phrase «cell signaling reveals»

Information theory analysis of cell signaling reveals mechanisms for reliable cellular responses despite signal variability.

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Further study revealed that these so - called immune proteins are actually present on the surface of certain nerve cells, but that they functioned differently in the brain than they did in the rest of the body; rather than scouting for germs, they influenced signals sent between neurons.
Weissman's research in mice had revealed that cancer cells produce large quantities of CD47, a protein that signals immune cells to spare the cancer cells.
A team led by Carnegie's Wolf Frommer has revealed how membrane proteins were networked with each other and with the signaling proteins inside the cell.
At the same time, the techniques of genetics and molecular biology began to reveal the intricate biochemical signals that synapses — the portals of nerve cells — deploy during communication.
Mice without Del - 1 that had been induced to get EAE also had significantly higher numbers of inflammatory cells in their spinal cords at the disease's peak, a fact that further experiments revealed was due to increased levels of the signaling molecule IL - 17.
Froemke says his team's latest findings reveal that while mammals recognize sounds in the auditory cortex of their brains, the signaling levels of nerve cells in this brain region are simultaneously being strengthened or weakened in response to surrounding context.
The experiments reveal that the sudden loss of energy supply to the heart cells and the subsequent rapid «reboot» during treatment causes mitochondria to falter and trigger a whirlwind of aberrant electrical signals.
Experimental studies have revealed dozens of regulatory genes, signaling proteins and other genetic tools that cells use to gather information and communicate with one another.
The new study revealed that pancreatic cancer cells not only send signals that make macrophages produce abnormal amounts of dectin - 1 surface receptors, but also that make tumor cells themselves express high levels of galectin - 9.
Specifically, the data reveal distinct transitions in factors that influence the different cellular states including cell cycle regulators, transcription factors, and signaling factors.
A better understanding of aberrant brain receptor signaling that leads to nerve cell dysfunction could reveal a target for therapy, according to the authors.
The IBMC researchers (Porto University, Portugal) reveal that the existence of specific signals on microtubules — which work as intracellular highways — give directions to chromosomes of which route to take in the course of cell division.
«Our research revealed how small RNA molecules can work with other cell signals called transcription factors to generate specific types of neurons, in this case motor neurons.
Electrophysiological recordings of these cells after culture for about 15 weeks revealed proper responses to currents and to inhibition of receptors needed for normal cerebellar signaling, indicating that function had developed along with structure.
Reconstituted B cell receptor signaling reveals carbohydrate - dependent mode of activation.
Clara Franzini — Armstrong writes about Annemarie Weber, «a major contributor to the renaissance of muscle biology research in the 1950s to 1970s, when the components of the contractile machinery were identified; novel views of muscle contraction and regulation were elucidated; and principles of energy transduction, motility and intracellular signaling common to all cells were revealed
But the new data reveals that oRGs bring a support group with them: The cells express genes for surface markers and molecular signals that enhance their own ability to proliferate, the researchers found.
Flavio Donato's work has revealed that, during development, stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex are the source of an activity - dependent instructive signal necessary for the maturation of those neurons that give us a sense of where we are.
A team of researchers from Whitehead Institute and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute has revealed the structure of a key protein complex in humans that transmits signals about nutrient levels, enabling cells to align their...
Tobias Heckel (Hoflack, TUD)-- «Revealing Src tyrosine kinase - dependent signaling pathways in osteoclasts: Implications on actin organization and cell polarity» (2008)
Endogenous optical signals reveal changes of elastin and collagen organization during differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Given the importance of G - protein signaling in cells, studies of downstream signaling pathways with the new Gα - blocking peptides are likely to reveal many new targets for future drugs, Sondek said.
Our recent analysis of SAC signaling in C. elegans revealed that there is a gradual increase in SAC strength during early embryogenesis, as cells become smaller and smaller (1).
A transcriptome research of its organs revealed its gene signature is highly evolved and adapted for extreme longevity (slow metabolism, improved insulin gene signaling and glucose homeostasis, thus reduced blood glucose, improved cancer genes, improved endothelial function by eNOS (endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase) meaning improved vascular coronary blood flow, improved microvasculature arterial and heart endothelium function) but more importantly, to answer your question, some whales display low blood glucose hypoglycemia, this affects the quantity and period of proteins / DNA / cell exposure to glucose glycation, glycosylation and glycoxydation reactions.
Three US - based scientists - Thomas Südhof, of Stanford University School of Medicine, Richard Scheller, of the biotech company Genentech, and James Rothman, of Yale University - are the joint recipients of the neuroscience prize for their work to reveal the precise molecular basis of the transfer of signals between nerve cells in the brain.
These techniques and functional analysis of the resulting data revealed a number of up - and down - regulated proteins and mRNAs; i.e., up - regulated by a signal (originating internal or external to the cell) that results in increased expression of one or more genes and as a result the protein (s) encoded by those genes, and down - regulated by a process resulting in decreased gene and corresponding protein expression.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Researchers at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (GICD) and the University of California, San Francisco have unraveled a complex signaling process that reveals how different types of cells interact to create a heart.
Scientists Reveal First Structure of a Class of Proteins that Sniff Out Signals Guiding Blood Cell Movement
Together, these data revealed a functional link between the ABL kinases and TAZ signaling leading to increased AXL abundance in breast cancer cells, and identified a potentially druggable pathway for the treatment of breast cancer bone metastasis.
Working independently in different laboratories across the USA, Scheller, Südhof, and Rothman have revealed in exquisite detail the molecules that govern the transfer of signals from one nerve cell to another at special connection points called synapses.
This work revealed new roles for XBP - 1 in regulating signal transduction through the B cell receptor; in regulating the expression of important transcription factors in B cells; in maintaining proper lipid synthesis and protein glycosylation in B cells; and in colonization of stimulated B cells into the bone marrow for sustention of antibody production.
Our study of annelid development reveals a population of mesodermal cells that converge and extend along the ventral midline and express a combination of transcription factors, signaling molecules, and guidance factors that closely matches that of the vertebrate chordamesoderm.
By revealing a novel but widespread cell signaling process, the Sauer lab may have found a way to manipulate an important component of the immune system into more effectively fighting disease.
For example, studies of cell signaling pathways in normal cells and cancer cells have contributed greatly to our knowledge about the disease, revealing molecular alterations that are shared among different types of cancer and pointing to possible strategies for treatment.
Altogether, this study reveals how a kinase integrates and transduces multiple signals to control key cell - cycle transitions during Plasmodium gametogenesis.
By revealing a novel but widespread cell signaling process, the scientists may have found a way to manipulate an important component of the immune system into more effectively fighting disease.
In a paper being published online today in the scientific journal Cell Stem Cell, Sheng Ding, PhD, reveals efficient and robust methods for transforming adult skin cells into neurons that are capable of transmitting brain signals, marking one of the first documented experiments for transforming an adult human's skin cells into functioning brain cells.
There was no significant enrichment of genes in any functional category; however, GO annotations revealed 34 DEGs involved in biological processes important to the establishment of pregnancy, such as «regulation of apoptosis,» «vasculature development,» «neurogenesis,» «positive regulation of cell differentiation,» «Wnt receptor signaling pathway,» and «gland development.»
Research now reveals that luteolin has the ability to restrict the activity of the IGF and PI3K cell signaling pathways necessary for the development of cancer found in cancer cells of the colon.
Genetic analysis revealed that Clostridia caused innate immune cells to produce high levels of interleukin - 22 (IL - 22), a signaling molecule known to decrease the permeability of the intestinal lining.
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