Sentences with phrase «cell signals alter»

Her current research is focused on discovering how normal and disease melanocyte cell states establish distinct regulatory DNA landscapes, and also determining how the combination of both genetic variation within these regulatory regions and environmental cell signals alter gene expression and normal cell function.

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In addition to diminishing the tumor's energy supply, the diet slows the growth of glioblastoma cells by altering a cellular - signaling pathway that commonly occurs in cancers, according to the researchers.
Components of indoor dust may signal human fat cells to grow and may alter metabolism, potentially contributing to weight problems, researchers report July 14 in Environmental Science & Technology.
An interdisciplinary scientist is needed to demonstrate how the mechanical properties of the culture system alter signaling in the cells.
In general, lithium alters the way calcium signals are sent and received — and the new cell lines will make it possible to study this effect specifically in bipolar disorder - specific cells.
They found that ONC201 alters the gene expression of cancer stem cell markers and signaling pathways prior to killing the tumor cells, providing pharmacodynamic biomarkers of response.
Patients who received the DNA for 12 weeks apparently made altered proinsulin proteins that signal the immune system to rein in the rogue T cells.
This particular liver cancer arises from a mutation that produces an abnormal form of the enzyme that is the topic of this current work, protein kinase A, and alters the enzyme's role in cell signaling.
A strategic focus is to continue to develop computational tools (such as KinomeXplorer, NetworKIN, and NetPhorest) and to deploy these on genome - scale quantitative data obtained by, for example, mass spectrometry, genomic, and phenotypic screens to understand the principles of how spatio and temporal assembly of mammalian signaling networks transmit and process information at a systems level in order to alter cell behavior.
In addition, the analysis provided some hints about how chemotaxis evolved from a simple signaling network that responds slowly to environmental cues — primarily by turning on genes — to a multiprotein system that can quickly alter a cell's course.
Changing the concentration also alters slightly which nerve cells fire a signal to the brain.
The researchers are now looking at how ICOS signals can be altered to diminish autoimmune disorders and augmented for more effective vaccine development, and are beginning research on how ICOS signaling may benefit Chimeric Antigen Receptor - T cell (CAR - T) therapies, which involves engineering of patient's own immune cells to recognize and attack their cancers.
Altered promoters in GC change the gene expression profile of GC cells and may confer its oncogenic properties, including cell movement and cancer signalling.
This may be of particular importance in the ageing lung as pulmonary infections are the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly, as discussed by Boe et al. 11 Innate cells appear to have reduced TLR signalling via MAPK and NFƙB resulting in reduced inflammatory cytokine production as well as altered chemotaxis responses, decreased phagocytosis and antigen presentation capacity.
Once the bacterial cell signaling protein cagA reaches the host cytosol, it is capable of altering subsequent generations of progenitor cells, leading to the development of cancer through changes in mitotic activity, apoptosis, cellular assembly, and signaling.26 Although it should be noted that while the presence of the cagA protein doubles the risk of gastric cancer, cagA - negative strands also increase the risk of distal gastric cancer.27 Additional H pylori virulence factors include babA2, which encodes bacterial adhesion with gastric epithelial cells, and vacuolating cytotoxin A, which is encoded by the gene vacA.28, 29 H pylori strains carrying some combination of the babA2, cagA, and vacA genes were associated with the highest risk of developing intestinal metaplasia.
My research has focused on muscle plasticity: how cardiac and skeletal muscle cells sense and transduce signals from the environment to the genome, thereby altering their structural and metabolic capabilities to perform contractile work.
Concerning the first area, work from different laboratories has demonstrated that both environmental and cell - autonomous signals alter satellite cell regenerative potential with aging.
Given the predominant role for DAG on regulating Ras / Erk and PKC - θ signaling and Cbl - b for regulating PI (3) K signaling, we hypothesized that T cells deficient in DGKζ or Cbl - b would alter TCR signal transduction through distinct mechanisms, such that DGKζ - deficient T cells would demonstrate strongly enhanced Ras / ERK activation, but only modestly enhanced NF - κB activation, and Cbl - b — deficient T cells would demonstrate modestly enhanced Ras / ERK activation and strongly enhanced NF - κB activation.
«Our goal is to decipher the signaling networks that regulate chemotaxis and to determine how they are altered in metastatic cancer cells,» says Klemke.
Recently, tumorspheres derived from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells showed altered DNA repair signalling possibly contributing to chemotherapy / radiotherapy resistance and subsequent maintenance of tumorigenicity [17].
Diacylglycerol metabolism attenuates T - cell receptor signaling and alters thymocyte differentiation.
Diverse signaling pathways through the SDF - 1 / CXCR4 chemokine axis in prostate cancer cell lines leads to altered patterns of cytokine secretion and angiogenesis.
Modulating ECM assembly to alter tumor vascular barrier function Weilan Ye, Genentech Lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic endothelial barrier as targets in regenerative medicine Giorgia Jurisic, Novartis Wnt / beta - catenin signaling as a therapeutic target for blood - brain barrier repair in neurological disorders Dritan Agalliu, Columbia University Somatic mutations in hematopoietic cells contribute to cardiovascular disease: New mechanisms, new targets Kenneth Walsh, Boston University
Affected cells signal to surrounding unaffected cells and likely alter the tissue environment.
First, they looked for signs in cells that the chemicals altered signaling by any of five different hormones.
Objective: To use innovative approaches of integrative biology to unravel how lymphocytes process an array of molecular signals arising from contact with dendritic cells, thereby better understanding the mechanisms that underlie immunity and how they are altered in disease states.
The scientific goal of the Cancer Biology Program is to identify novel genomic and genetic alterations that play causal roles in cancer development and to study genes, proteins, and signaling pathways that mediate the altered phenotypes of cancer cells.
Thus we examined whether FGF signalling could alter the dynamics between the V + and V − states within the S + population by culturing HV cells in the presence of the FGFR inhibitor PD173074 [41] for 48 h.
Manipulation of either FGF signalling or Nanog expression levels can alter the ratio of cell types present in this state and single Venus positive or negative cells can regenerate this equilibrium with apparently identical kinetics under self - renewing conditions.
The Notch system thus allows cells to receive signals from their neighbors and alter their gene expression accordingly.
CD36 - and GPR120 - mediated Ca2 + signaling in human taste bud cells mediates differential responses to fatty acids and is altered in obese mice.
By utilizing the tools of cell and molecular biology, he studies the mechanisms by which chemical (for example, specific cell adhesion molecules) or mechanical signals (for example, cyclic strain) are sensed by cells and alter their proliferation and specialization to either promote tissue growth or destruction.
A bioflavonoid found in cinnamon called proanthocyanidin may alter the insulin - signaling activity in our fat cells and thus has great potential for helping diabetes.
The nibs are a great source or antioxidants called flavonoids, which help boost our health by altering cell - signaling pathways.
Perhaps you don't want to hug the person next to you on the treadmill after a sweaty run, but contact with others can improve your physiological health by altering brain cell signaling, improving stress, and boosting your overall well - being (3).
Her theories suggest that our mental perceptions transmit neurological signals that affect energy fields around the cells, which alter behaviors beyond behaviors inherited from our DNA — possibly explaining the practice of energy healing.
The current results suggest that better understanding the way in which mononuclear white blood cell signaling processes are altered, net of effects on individual differences in cell type composition, is promising as a mechanism by which protective parenting influences young adult pro-inflammatory tendencies among African American youth.
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