Sentences with phrase «cell types throughout»

Later studies found it to be active in many cell types throughout the body, suggesting that it impacts a variety of biological functions.
A human genome contains roughly 3 billion nucleotides in linear sequence, and that is the same, again to a large approximation, in every cell type throughout life.
These specialised processes involve proteins that are mainly expressed in this particular cell type throughout the body, which are often modulated in vascular disease.

Not exact matches

The functions of the hippocampus are based on different cell types, some of which are generated throughout life by neural stem cells.
Neuroscientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) have mobilized advanced imaging and computational methods to comprehensively map — «count» — the total populations of specific types of cells throughout the mouse brain.
Activated, wild type B cells from female mice tightly localize Xist RNA at their inactive X chromosomes (left), whereas Xist RNA becomes dispersed throughout the entire nucleus when YY1 is deleted (right).
The UCLA team identified 353 DNA markers from 51 types of cells and tissues and examined how age affects their DNA methylation levels throughout a lifetime.
Using next - generation sequencing technologies that were previously unavailable, Michael Gardner, a graduate research assistant, and Jianying Wang, a senior research associate in Mitchum's lab, made a remarkable new discovery — nematodes possess the ability to produce a second type of peptide that can effectively «take over» plant stem cells that are used to create vital pathways for the delivery of nutrients throughout the plant.
Their finding explains an apparent paradox in which proteins linked to a series of genetic diseases can be found in cells throughout the body, but impact only on some tissue types.
Using a nuclear protein expressed in follicle stem cells (FSCs), the researchers found that castor, which plays an important role in specifying which types of brain cells are produced during embryonic development, also helps maintain FSCs throughout the life of the animal.
To determine the most common type of age - related segregation errors, the researchers first used a novel high resolution imaging technique to visualize chromosomes in live mouse egg cells throughout the whole first stage of meiosis.
The EMT is a biological process wherein epithelial cells (cells that line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs) become mesenchymal (skeletal) stem cells that can move throughout the body and differentiate into a variety of cell types.
Looking for immune abnormalities throughout the lifespan of the mice, the group found that most immune system components stayed the same in number, but a type of brain - resident immune cells called microglia that are known first responders to infection begin to divide and change early in the disease.
Lignin is found in two types of cells: fiber cells that make up the structure of a plant and cells that make up the vessels that carry water throughout the plant.
Some neuronal phosphoproteins have been detected throughout the entire nervous system, whereas the distribution of others is limited to one or a few neuronal cell types.
A particular type of macrophage known as microglia are found throughout the brain and spinal cord — in progressive forms of MS, they attack the CNS, causing chronic inflammation and damage to nerve cells.
Further studies may address whether differentiation of these limbal - iPSCs to a non-related cell type provides suitably functional cells, and therefore, if they represent an ideal source for therapeutic purposes throughout the body.
This study seeks to identify all the genes throughout fruit development, different tissue types, DNA that regulates those genes, hormones and their control, and the structural polymers that make up cells walls and contribute to fruit texture, and the ability to resist drying out.
B was expressed throughout the adult central nervous system with high efficiency in most cell types,» says Gradinaru.
While drugs can be used to quickly block NMDA receptors throughout the brain, it is hard to target drugs to a specific cell type.
For example, intestinal stem cells (ISCs) of the adult Drosophila midgut (Ohlstein and Spradling, 2006; Micchelli and Perrimon, 2006) generate the two major differentiated cell types of the gut, enterocytes and enteroendocrine cells, throughout life.
These types of phytonutrients act like antioxidants in your system and neutralize damaging free radicals that feed on healthy cells throughout your body.
Wild - caught fatty fish and seafood: Seafood provides a type of omega - 3 fatty acid that is an integral component of cell membranes throughout the body.
While there are many different types of cancer, all of them stem from the abnormal growth of cells that invade numerous body sites, quickly leading to the formation of tumours that are either benign (restricted to a local area and removable) or malignant (invasive, spreading throughout the body).
They have the ability to divide and differentiate into many different types of cells based on where they are needed throughout the body.
Mast Cells Mast cells are a special type of cell that are distributed throughout the body and help animals respond to inflammation and allerCells Mast cells are a special type of cell that are distributed throughout the body and help animals respond to inflammation and allercells are a special type of cell that are distributed throughout the body and help animals respond to inflammation and allergies.
Treatment options are based on the type and grade of the tumor, surgical feasibility, and the presence or absence of the spread of malignant mast cells throughout the body.
IgE, with attached allergens, circulates throughout the bloodstream to a type of cell called the mast cell.
There are various types of technologies that can play significant roles in mitigating climate change, including energy efficiency improvements throughout the energy system (especially at the end use side); solar, wind, nuclear fission and fusion and geothermal, biomass and clean fossil technologies, including carbon capture and storage; energy from waste; hydrogen production from non-fossil energy sources and fuel cells (Pacala and Socolow, 2004; IEA, 2006b).
Cell - site simulators, sometimes called «Stingrays» after one of the more popular models produced by the Harris Corporation, are a type of phone - surveillance technology used by police throughout the United States.
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