Sentences with phrase «cells as a cofactor»

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It not only promotes fibroblast proliferation (fibroblasts are the cells that produce collagen and other fibers), but it also acts as an assistant (a «cofactor») in enzymatic activity that relates directly to skin health and function.
CONTAINS 5 - MTHF: 5 - MTHF is the naturally occurring, predominant form of folate commonly found in cells and is essential for overall health, as it participates as a cofactor in a reaction that involves the remethylation of homocysteine to methionine.
Selenium: Selenium is a trace element nutrient that serves as the essential cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which converts GSH to GSSG so glutathione can «take the hit» by free radicals to spare cells.
Several components of whey also known as cofactors, include the immunoglobulins, lactoferrin (anti-inflammatory, improves bone density), lactoferricin (antimicrobial and anti-tumor), sphingolipids (allows for proper communication between cells), lactoperoxidase (anti-bacterial agent), and glycomacropeptides.
These vitamins regulate the release of energy in cells (metabolism), serve as cofactors, and affect mood and immune health.
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