Sentences with phrase «cells for energy»

It releases its own wave of insulin, charged with sweeping that sugar into cells for energy production.
The drug works by increasing the natural metabolism of the body while targeting fat cells for energy burning use while saving important muscle fibers.
Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose or sugar to be used by cells for energy.
Once the cells have changed from a normal cell to a nitrogen - fixing one there is no going back and they become totally dependent on the other cells for energy.
Rather, the body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which is carried to the brain through the blood stream and used immediately by nerve cells for energy.
Once released, insulin works to facilitate the movement of sugar into cells for energy.
When the body does not release as much glucose, it is forced to burn fat cells for energy.
Insulin is the hormone made by the pancreas that helps shuttle glucose into cells for energy use and converts excess glucose into fat; it is essential for metabolizing carbohydrates.
In his study, Wang found that pups born to mother mice fed a triple dose of Vitamin A were born with more fat - burning brown fat cells, and had more small blood vessels in their adipose tissues, providing precursor cells for energy - burning beige adipocytes
Don't forget that most pesticides are fat soluble so if you're storing those enzymes in your fat cells and then using those fat cells for energy later, you're looking at future oxidative stress too!
By taking in less than you expend through exercise and daily activity you will begin to use adipose cells for energy.
These SCFAs are then used by intestinal cells for energy, providing health benefits that can lower the risks or symptoms of some diseases, such as colon cancers or gastrointestinal disease.
GLUT are specialized protein structures and they transport glucose — blood sugar — into cells for energy or for storage as fat.
Instead of being transported to other cells for energy, sugar builds up in the bloodstream and can contribute to nerve damage, artery hardening, and heart attack.
Lipolysis is the breakdown of fat cells for energy and fat oxidation is the burning of this energy by cells.
This coenzyme also helps your body use glycogen found in muscle cells for energy, which is especially important when you're exercising hard.
NOTE: Glucose that is not taken up by cells for energy use is either converted in the liver into glycogen and stored for later use or is stored as fat.
That's because the sugar - release triggered by elevated cortisol doesn't enter the cells for energy, but instead stays in the bloodstream, says Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson Jennifer McDaniel, RD, who specializes in weight management.
The muscle cells build up a resistance to insulin, so the body produces more and more in an attempt to maintain the transport of glucose to the cells for energy.
At around 65 per cent of your maximum heart rate (an intensity that can be achieved both in the weights room and traditional cardio variations) the body finds it easier to break down fat cells for energy than at higher intensities where it turns to carbohydrates.
A further concern under investigation is possible damage to the DNA in mitochondria, the powerhouse of all cells for energy production.
In addition, when you eat a meal — especially a carbohydrate - loaded one — insulin is released from the pancreas to stimulate glucose to be used by your body's cells for energy or put into storage for future use in the form of glycogen.
No muscle group can directly use its overlying fat cells for energy.
It's producing and pumping more insulin, yet blood sugar is still high and not getting into the cells for energy.
When blood sugar levels become too high, insulin levels rise in order to carry glucose into the cells for energy production.
If the body is getting the proper nutrients and an adequate supply of beneficial fats and proteins, it is used to running on these types of fuel, and when it doesn't receive calories from the diet it will turn to fat cells for energy.
As blood sugar levels rise, insulin is released from the pancreas to shove that sugar into your cells for energy.
It rises dramatically after a high - carb meal because it has to escort all that glucose into the cells for energy.
This allows much more time for your body to be releasing and using stored Triglycerides from fat cells for energy.
Each of these three can be tested as acetone is a ketone released through the breath, acetoacetate is a ketone released through urine and BHB is (although not technically a ketone it acts like a ketone) in the blood stream and used by the cells for energy.
Phosphorus is used in all cells for energy.
When we eat too many sugars or carbs, the body over-produces insulin, a hormone that helps escort glucose (sugar) into cells for energy.
It is said that chromium picolinate stimulates the activity of insulin or increasing it so that glucose can be transported to our cells for energy utilization.
Insulin resistance is a state where the pancreas has to produces more and more insulin to maintain blood sugar in the normal range and get enough glucose inside the cell for energy production.
That glucose then gets transported to cells for energy and daily bodily function.
Once the carbohydrate has worked its way through your digestive system, been reduced to a simple sugar such as glucose, and reached the bloodstream through the processes of absorption, it's taken to the liver where it's either distributed to the cells for energy, or stored for later use.
So after you eat, your blood glucose level will increase as glucose travels to your cells for energy.
In fact, among other things your body has a hard time properly producing energy in an acidic internal environment, as an acidic state leaves less oxygen available to your cells for energy production (1).
This protein is responsible for transporting glucose (a simple sugar) from the blood into the cells for energy.
Your body will then release sugar - controlling insulin, which helps the sugar get into your cells for energy.
These SCFAs can be absorbed by the cells that line our colon wall and can be used by these cells for energy.
Insulin produced by the pancreas is the bodies mechanism for controlling how much sugar enters each cell for energy.
Since enough sugar isn't entering the cells for energy, the body looks for alternate sources such as stored fat in the body.
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