Sentences with phrase «cells in the tumor microenvironment»

When looking for culprits, researchers have often focused their microscopes on macrophages, which occupy a meaningful spot among the white blood cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Numerous studies have already shown that cancer spreads particularly aggressively if there is an unfavorable balance between suppressing and active immune cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Given its potential ability to block the function of immune suppressive cells in the tumor microenvironment, entinostat is also being evaluated in combination with approved PD - 1 antagonists.
That paradox raised questions about the role of insulin signaling among other cells in the tumor microenvironment that surrounds the cancer cells, says Rask - Madsen.
Dr. Sadelain's work has focused on developing novel strategies to extend survival of CAR T cells in the body and enable T cells with increased potency to overcome the resistance imposed by tumor and other cells in the tumor microenvironment.
«We are excited to be a part of this important new initiative to develop novel treatment options for patients,» said Ovid Trifan, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer of Apexigen, Inc. «APX005M is a potential best - in - class CD40 agonist that works by activating the immune system's antigen - presenting cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Recent findings suggest that tumor associated stroma is another important regulator of tumor growth and progression which may also modulate the recruitment, activation status and retention of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment.

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The Company focuses on discovering and developing small molecule drugs directed against tumor and immune cell targets that control key metabolic pathways in the tumor microenvironment.
It's this «immunosuppressive» microenvironment that gives the remaining tumor cells license to metastasize and flourish in other parts of the body.
But following the removal of the primary tumor, micrometastatic cells learn to communicate with cells in their new microenvironment in the brain — cells which are, at first, hostile to them.
Kilian said his team's synthetic microenvironment lies somewhere in the middle of two extremes in the field of modeling biology: the hard plastic plate, and expensive mouse avatars that are created by injecting human tumor cells into mice.
«Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that multiple myeloma cells express bone - related genes in a Runx2 - dependent fashion that mimics bone marrow resident cells and likely contributes to tumor survival and growth in the bone microenvironment,» Yang and colleagues wrote in the paper.
Wistar scientists have previously shown that age - related changes in the tumor microenvironment — or the surrounding area where tumor cells crosstalk with normal and immune cells — can drive melanoma progression and therapy resistance.
Where these three cells come in contact is where tumor cells can enter blood vessels — a site called a tumor microenvironment of metastasis, or TMEM.
However, tolerance - inducing mechanisms and the presence of suppressive cell types in the tumor microenvironment can dampen the response to immunotherapy.
In this rewriting of the textbooks, a tumor is not just a clump of aberrant cells; it also includes a support system, a tumor microenvironment, which encompasses a multitude of varying immune cell types and crisscrossing chemical signals, along with a network of blood vessels.
The researchers are now planning to address the impact of targeting autophagy either clinically and pharmacologically on the immune landscape of melanomas by phenotyping other immune cells in the melanoma tumor microenvironment.
In fact, associations of cancer cells with the normal peritumoral microenvironment can profoundly impact tumor growth and development.
Here, they observed that while estrogen receptor was absent in cancer cells, it was prevalent and in many cases increased in the so - called tumor microenvironment — the area around the tumor that helps it grow.
«Our organotypic models demonstrate the power of the microenvironment by showing that normal cells in their native architecture naturally steer fully malignant, genotypically aberrant tumor cells into a quiescent state,» Ghajar says.
Instead, tumors should be considered complex tissues in which the cancer cells communicate with the surrounding cellular microenvironment and evolve traits that promote their own survival.
Mechanistic studies showed that IFN increases antitumor immune responses by enhancing antigen presentation to T cells by dendritic cells present in the tumor microenvironment.
The research highlights the importance of studying the effects of drugs not only on the tumor cells in a culture plate, but also on the interaction of the tumor cells with their own microenvironment.
Instead, tumors should be considered as complex tissues in which the cancer cells communicate directly and indirectly with the surrounding cellular microenvironment and evolve traits that promote their own survival.
The paper identified two barriers: a wide variation in EGFRvIII expression in patients and a resistance in the tumor microenvironment, which researchers showed became even more immunosuppressive following CAR T cell infusion.
The cells, called myeloid - derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), are found abundantly in the microenvironment around tumors.
Genetically modified «hunter» T cells successfully migrated to and penetrated a deadly type of brain tumor known as glioblastoma (GBM) in a clinical trial of the new therapy, but the cells triggered an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and faced a complex mutational landscape that will need to be overcome to better treat this aggressive cancer, Penn Medicine researchers report in a new study this week in Science Translational Medicine.
Timothy Wang at Columbia recently published work in Cancer Cell (DOI: 10.1016 / j.ccell.2016.11.005) that showed that recruitment of nerves into the tumor microenvironment is necessary and sufficient for stomach cancer progression, and that blocking a neurotransmitter in the nerves that line the stomach could represent a novel therapy.
«Our research shows that the protein GSK3 plays a crucial role in helping B cells meet the energy needs of their distinct states,» says Robert Rickert, Ph.D., director of the Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Immunology Program at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP).
Knowing how cells exert force and sense mechanical feedback in their microenvironment is crucial to understanding how they activate a wide range of cellular functions, such as cell reproduction, differentiation and adhesion — basic physiological processes that underlie embryo development, tumor metastasis, wound healing and many other aspects of human health and disease.
«Preclinical results support entinostat's role in targeting the tumor microenvironment: Entinostat inhibits function of myeloid derived suppressor cells resulting in enhanced antitumor effect in murine models of lung and renal cell carcinoma.»
We decided to look at the exosomes of stromal cells, a type of cell that is commonly found in the tumor microenvironment, and see if stromal exosomes were influencing the energy consumption of cancer cells
«Our original hypothesis was that cancer cells were modifying their metabolism based on communications they were receiving from cells in the microenvironment near the tumor,» said Nagrath, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Rice and co-author of a new study describing the research in the open - access journal eLife.
This discovery by Siyuan Zhang at the University of Notre Dame and a team at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has focused attention on fighting cancer in the tumor cell's microenvironment.
«A growing body of evidence suggests that exosomes can facilitate crosstalk between cancer cells and other types of cells that are nearby in the microenvironment that surrounds the tumor,» said Hongyun Zhao, the first author of the eLife study.
We are unraveling the mechanisms of this modulation in different solid and hematological malignancies and investigating ways to potentiate iNKT cell control of the tumor microenvironment for cancer immunotherapy.
Depending on characteristics such as how many tumor cells, blood vessel cells, and immune cells are touching each other, the tumor microenvironment can nearly triple the chance that a common type of breast cancer (estrogen - receptor positive / HER2 negative) that has reached the lymph nodes will also metastasize, Condeelis and colleagues showed in a 2014 study of 3,760 patients.
We want to understand how to use innate immune cells to reverse immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment.
In both cases, paclitaxel changed the tumor microenvironments in three ways, all more conducive to metastasis: The microenvironment had more of the immune cells that carry cancer cells into blood vessels, it developed blood vessels that were more permeable to cancer cells, and the tumor cells became more mobile, practically bounding into those molecular LyftIn both cases, paclitaxel changed the tumor microenvironments in three ways, all more conducive to metastasis: The microenvironment had more of the immune cells that carry cancer cells into blood vessels, it developed blood vessels that were more permeable to cancer cells, and the tumor cells became more mobile, practically bounding into those molecular Lyftin three ways, all more conducive to metastasis: The microenvironment had more of the immune cells that carry cancer cells into blood vessels, it developed blood vessels that were more permeable to cancer cells, and the tumor cells became more mobile, practically bounding into those molecular Lyfts.
Anna Huttenlocher, University of Wisconsin, USA Neutrophils in the Tumor Microenvironment Neutrophils, Wounds, and Cancer Progression Stefan Kaufmann, Max Planck Institute, Germany Pathology and immune reactivity: understanding multidimensionality in pulmonary tuberculosis Constitutive BAK activation as a determinant of drug sensitivity in malignant lymphohematopoietic cells Kathryn Moore, New York University, USA MicroRNA -33-dependent regulation of macrophage metabolism directs immune cell polarization in atherosclerosis Lalita Ramakrishnan, University of Cambridge, UK Myeloid Growth Factors Promote Resistance to Mycobacterial Infection by Curtailing Granuloma Necrosis through Macrophage Replenishment Beth Stevens, Harvard University, USA Microglia: Dynamic Mediators of Synapse Development and Plasticity Do glia drive synaptic and cognitive impairment in disease?
The critical roles of tumor - initiating cells and the lymph node stromal microenvironment in human colorectal cancer extranodal metastasis using a unique humanized orthotopic mouse model.
Recently, there has been progress in the treatment of patients with malignancy through targeting receptors on the surface of CD8 + T cells that inhibit their activity within the highly suppressive tumor microenvironment.
Quiescent PSCs in a normal pancreas act as lipid - storing cells with a limited secretome, whereas activated PSCs in the tumor microenvironment produce a vast array of secreted proteins implicated in cancer progression.
The company showed how they first defined A2A as the receptor required for mediating the effect of adenosine on immune cells within the tumor microenvironment and reported the characterization of a novel immuno - oncology - dedicated adenosine receptor 2A antagonist that functions in the high adenosine concentration found in tumors.
TIGIT expression in effector and regulatory T cells is markedly enhanced in the tumor microenvironment.
These results provide the validity to the newly developed hypoxia / reoxygenation culture system for examining the regulation of CSCs in breast cancer cell lines by niche factors in the tumor microenvironment and developing differential targeting strategies to eradicate breast CSCs.
In the tumor microenvironment, galectin 3 is produced and secreted by tumor cells, tumor - associated macrophages, and exhausted T cells.
Through its various targets, MMP1 promotes not only tumor invasion but also breast cancer colonization to bone by mechanisms that include the release of membrane - bound EGF - like growth factors from tumor cells, leading to activation of EGF receptor signaling and suppression of OPG expression in osteoblasts, which in turn promotes the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts required for bone destruction and enhanced tumor growth in the bone microenvironment (32).
Studies on interactions among tumor cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells are also done in 3 - D models, in which cells are embedded into collagen to mimic the tumor microenvironment.
In the next year, members of the Dream Team will continue to study the tumor microenvironment before and after checkpoint blockade, to develop algorithms to identify and predict the best antigens on cancer cells that can be used for cancer immunotherapies, to analyze tumor tissues and blood for biomarkers that will help in selecting patients who will benefit, and identifying the best approaches to increase the strength of immune cells for adoptive cell therapIn the next year, members of the Dream Team will continue to study the tumor microenvironment before and after checkpoint blockade, to develop algorithms to identify and predict the best antigens on cancer cells that can be used for cancer immunotherapies, to analyze tumor tissues and blood for biomarkers that will help in selecting patients who will benefit, and identifying the best approaches to increase the strength of immune cells for adoptive cell therapin selecting patients who will benefit, and identifying the best approaches to increase the strength of immune cells for adoptive cell therapy.
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