Sentences with phrase «cells lining the intestines»

These bacteria often take up residence inside cells lining the intestine, but they employ different methods of doing so.
For example, butyrate is thought to reduce colorectal cancer risk by boosting the health of cells lining the intestines and prompting cancerous cells to self - destruct.
Studies have found a high - fat diet destroys gut microbiota, reduces the production of epithelial cells lining the intestine and causes gut bacteria to invade intestinal epithelial cells.
Fermentable fiber is broken down in the intestines into short - chain fatty acids that provide energy for cells lining the intestine.
Some lactose intolerance is transient and stems from damage to the epithelial cells lining the intestine, which are responsible for producing lactase in the gut.
A moderately fermentable fiber such as beet pulp does both, providing bulk to move waste and energy for cells lining the intestine.
In their experiments, mice with two copies of the recessive Gatm mutation showed symptoms similar to people with IBD: diarrhea, weight loss, and the death of cells lining the intestine.
The theory is that having a poor diet or ingesting too many antibiotics or painkillers can damage the mucosal barrier, the layer of cells lining your intestine.
Basically, it involves the cells lining your intestines allowing particles to pass into your bloodstream or lymphatic system.
It turns out that absorption of magnesium from our intestine depends not only on the amount of magnesium that is present but also on the amount of calcium that is present, because the cells lining our intestine have a single spot (called the CaSR receptor) for absorbing these minerals.
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