Sentences with phrase «cellular energy use»

AMPK, or AMP - activated protein kinase, coordinates cellular energy use.
ATP is the cellular energy used by the body, and is required for the biochemical reactions involved in any muscle contraction.

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To help make ideas about energy more concrete, for example, the new unit will use a variety of analogies from more familiar physical systems (e.g., combustion and charging a cellphone battery) to help students understand those same energy - releasing and energy - requiring chemical reactions and energy transfer when they occur in living organisms (e.g., cellular respiration, creating a charge across a membrane in mitochondria and nerve cells) where the reactions are more complex and difficult to observe.
Mitochondria, specialized organelles found in nearly every cell of the body, use cellular respiration to generate one of the most important sources of chemical energy — adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a versatile nucleotide that powers everything from cell division to cell signaling to transportation of large molecules across the cell membrane.
Purdue University physicists are part of an international group using spinach to study the proteins involved in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert the sun's energy into carbohydrates used to power cellular processes.
Instead of mitochondria (the cellular engines that convert oxygen to energy, present in all other known animal cells), these creatures contain structures resembling hydrogenosomes, the organelles that anaerobic microbes use to generate energy.
After more than six years of research, the research team led by María Soengas, head of CNIO's Melanoma Group, showed that RAB7 acts as an orchestra director, determining the fate of melanoma cells: at high concentrations of RAB7, cellular autodigestion is very active, and this allows tumor cells to obtain energy, prevent the accumulation of toxic components and thus divide and proliferate; when RAB7 is reduced, cells use endosomes to recycle metastatic proteins, favouring their dispersal throughout the body.
When the protons flow back in, energy is released that can be used to drive all kinds of cellular processes.
In the mitochondria, energy from nutrients is used to produce the cellular energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
The team, led by Professor Greg Cook, found that in such conditions the bacterium is able to quickly switch its cellular metabolism from a primarily oxygen - based one over to one that uses fermentation for energy production instead.
The common cellular energy source Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP, had been used in all other observed ubiquitination and was thought necessary for the process, he said.
The heterotrophic prokaryote used cellular respiration to intake oxygen and convert organic molecules to energy.
Living cells use phosphate to transport cellular energy with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), necessary for every cellular process that uses energy.
This unique workshop provides the introduction and practical hands - on of integrated metabolomics workflows, employing the techniques of cellular energy metabolism (Agilent Seahorse XF), detailed metabolomic analysis by LC / MS Q - TOF and the translation of cell culture results into a living mouse model using indirect calorimetry.
The current estimates show that cellular agriculture can have lower greenhouse gas emissions, land use and water use, but often has a higher energy use requirement when compared to conventionally produced animal source foods.
When endurance athletes train, they use up the glycogen in their muscles, but when bodybuilders train they use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is a whole other fuel source and also a major source of energy for most cellular functions in a human body.
The mitochondria is where all fat is burned, generating almost the energy used in cellular metabolism.
A complex chemical process within your cells, called cellular respiration, ultimately converts the energy stored in the foods you eat into a form that is optimized for use at the cellular level of your muscles.
In contrast to the alactic anaerobic energy system, which uses ATP stored from previous cellular respiration in combination with a PCr phosphate buffer, the lactic anaerobic energy system must directly recruit the active cellular respiration process to provide ATP energy.
However, your body uses autophagy to deal with that response to maintain energy, reduce the need for external energy, and remove degraded cellular components.
Modern diets high in refined sugar cause more magnesium to be used in both metabolizing glucose into cellular energy, as well as activating the release of insulin.
The reported health benefits of IF are the result of cellular and hormonal changes that occur when food is not always reliably and constantly coming in and that makes more use of stored body fat for energy.
My clinical experience supports the use of this unique Traditional Chinese herbal formulation based on its ability to significantly promote healthy internal organ function, as well as systemic microcirculation, detoxification and cellular energy production.
Fatigue in menopause is caused by hormonal changes; hormones such as estrogen regulate energy use at a cellular level, so when hormone levels drops during menopause, so too do energy levels.
Scientific evidence is mounting to support CoQ10 as a powerful tool when used to improve cellular energy levels and fight the advances of cardiovascular disease.
Fractions of coconut oil are now even being used by medicine in the treatment of many kinds of cancers, which in itself goes to show you that coconut oil does play a direct role in improving cellular energy production and therefore improving thyroid function.
Ribose is the structural backbone of ATP, the primary form of energy used for all cellular processes.
Ketones are the breakdown product of fatty acids that the body uses to produce cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
VO2 (or oxygen consumption) is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by your body to convert the energy from the food you eat into the energy molecules, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), that your body uses at the cellular level.
Once oxygen has been delivered to your muscle cells it is used in the cellular respiration chemical reaction to produce ATP energy.
Light therapy (how we use it) helps activate an important metabolic enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase, which is essential for healthy cellular energy production, and relaxation.
Amino acids can be used as a source of cellular energy.
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC — also called after - burn) is the energy used in cellular repair, replenishment of fuel stores and other recovery activities after exercise.
IdealL - Carnitine is an amino acid that our body uses to transport fat to the mitochondria of our cells, where it is then burned to create more cellular energy.
They hypothesized that this was due to the body using MCTs as «a direct source of cellular energy» (6).
It plays a vital role in the generation of cellular energy, and L - tartrate is a salt used to increase the absorption of other nutrients.
Acubalance Wellness Centre ( is the first natural fertility clinic in Vancouver British Columbia to offer patients this clinically - tested system that uses cold laser to stimulate blood flow to the reproductive organs and enhance cellular energy production.
• Controls the growth process when we are in our developmental years • Controls how our body uses the food that we eat, which is why it is easier to lose weight and gain muscle in our teenage years than later in life • Maintains our youthful energy levels • Encourages cellular growth and regeneration
AMPk is a enzyme that activates when there is a large amount of cellular energy is used.
PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue, and each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair by upregulating a tissue repair protein called «heat shock protein» and also by increasing the uptake of oxygen and nutrients into tissue.
* Carnipure ™ L - Carnitine, a non-essential amino acid, facilitates the transfer of fats into the mitochondrial membrane for use in cellular energy production.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how well your body is able to transport oxygen to your muscles during prolonged exercise, and also of how well your muscles are able to absorb and use the oxygen, once it has been delivered, to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy via cellular respiration (cellular respiration is a chemical process in your body's cells that converts the energy stored in the food you eat into the ATP form of energy that is recruited for use by your muscles).
VO2max is essentially a measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen that your body is capable of consuming to generate energy that can be used at the cellular level.
It helps in the generation of cellular energy and appears to increase the rate at which muscle tissue uses fat for energy rather than glycogen.
In the case of bone healing, PEMF uses electrical energy to direct a series of magnetic pulses through injured tissue whereby each magnetic pulse induces a tiny electrical signal that stimulates cellular repair.
However, an example of a factor that affects the ability of your muscles to absorb oxygen would be the extent of the blood capillary distribution at your muscles (more blood capillaries means more surface area for oxygen absorption), and an example of a factor that affects the ability of your muscles to use oxygen would be the mitochondrial density of your muscles (mitochondria are organelles in your cells that are primarily responsible for the cellular respiration process that uses oxygen to create ATP energy).
NADH is an essential cofactor in for hundreds of biological reactions, and is used extensively in the production of cellular energy (ATP).
It is also essential to use this vitamin because it helps in the production of cellular energy, necessary for the body growth and development.
• Help regulate oxygen uses and energy production • Important in nerve, muscle and cellular functions • Play a vital role in cognitive function, including memory and mood • Involved in regulation of metabolism, body temperature, blood sugar and insulin control, thyroid function, carbohydrate metabolism and control over hormonal processes • Lubricate joints and improve mineralization of bones • Help transport cholesterol • Improve digestion of the gut • Build the immune system and regulate inflammatory response • Can help direct the processes that stimulate fat breakdown and utilization • Helps regulate blood pressure
L - Carnitine ™ helps metabolize fats by taking them directly to the mitochondria where they will be used for cellular energy production.
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