Sentences with phrase «cellular repair»

"Cellular repair" refers to the process in which cells in our body fix or heal any damage or injury that they have sustained. It is a natural mechanism that helps maintain the integrity and functioning of our cells, allowing our body to recover and stay healthy. Full definition
Lock in moisture And last, but not least, using products like overnight sleeping masks made to prevent moisture loss during the night can aid in cellular repair.
Quality sleep is essential for cellular repair and vitality.
Intermittent fasting reduces oxidative stress, enhances cellular repair processes and appears to be a key strategy for anti-aging and longevity.
I finally decided to give the stem cellular repair eye cream a try, and I have never looked back.
They protect chromosome ends from being mistaken for broken pieces of DNA that would otherwise be fixed by cellular repair machinery.
The energy normally devoted to digestion will be available to your body as you sleep, boosting cellular repair.
I often use the various IF protocols in my clinic for their powerful ability to decrease inflammation, increase cellular repair, and to heal the gut.
This marvelous anti-aging vitamin works by stimulating cellular repair and speeding up the process of cell turnover.
The more colors you eat, the more antioxidants you consume, the more front line soldiers are made available to perform complex cellular repair work.
New research studies suggest that intermittent fasting helps optimize insulin levels, promote weight loss, facilitate cellular repair and even control gene expression to promote longevity and disease protection.
Going a little further, by restricting calories, you're forcing the body to look elsewhere than the gut for energy, which can encourage cellular repair.
If you're a degree too low, some of the enzymes that caused cellular repair never turn on.
It can help with cellular repair and helping the body to heal itself after a long day (through deep and restful sleep) or if it gets injured.
On the other hand, the lack of water makes cellular repair impossible.
It improves skin conditions and offers cellular repair quickly.
Poor lifestyle choices can also make our bodies less effective at cellular repair, whereas more effective DNA repair means higher resistance to illness and the effects of aging.
Wild salmon also contains the full spectrum of essential amino acids necessary for cellular repair and optimal immune function.
I think it's important to have some intensity in your workouts because that activates certain cellular repair mechanisms that lower intensities simply don't do.
BRCA1 / BRCA2 genes (BReast CAncer genes 1,2) are tumor suppressor genes that produce proteins used in cellular repair of breast tissue.
PACKED WITH POWERFUL COMPOUNDS - the antioxidants in cacao offer cellular defense against the effects of free radicals, improving the look of skin and promoting cellular repair and rejuvenation.
They cause inflammation and help allow other immune system chemicals to fight a pathogen or to do cellular repair work.
Some of the other reported benefits include: enhanced brain function, improved immune function, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects, improved cellular repair, radiation protection, cancer protection, detoxification support, allergy and asthma relief, anti-inflammatory support, antioxidant support, improved circulation and improved heart function.
Owing to the ability of essential oils to be easily absorbed and assimilated by the body to help fuel cellular repair, regeneration, and rejuvenation processes, there is no question essential oils must be part of any anti-aging skin care regimen.
Chlorella has very high levels of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which help regulate gene activity, cellular function, detoxification, and is very effective in slowing down the aging process through supporting cellular repair.
Chlorella is a single - celled microalgae that is especially great for detoxing heavy metals and harmful particles and increasing oxygen in your body to enhance cellular repair.
Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair is then said to synchronize the process of cellular repair by allowing maximum dead skin to be replaced with young, healthy skin.
Cellular repair: When a cell gets fasted, it immediately initiates cellular repair processes, including autophagy, where your cells start digesting and removing dysfunctional and proteins building up inside cells.
Leptin, a relatively recently discovered hormone produced by fat, tells your body and brain how much energy it has, whether it needs more (saying «be hungry»), whether it should get rid of some (and stop being hungry) and importantly what to do with the energy it has (reproduce, upregulate cellular repair, or not).
As a young biologist studying how wounds heal, Min Zhao found that he could quicken cellular repairs by exposing an injury to electricity.
In the latest experiments the Mitalipov group focused on snipping out the mutated gene in heterozygous cells — a situation in which there was still a «good» nonmutated copy available for the natural cellular repair systems in the embryo to use as a template for repair after the researchers edited out the problematic one.
The patent describes a method for introducing DNA changes by causing breaks in the DNA using molecules dubbed chimeric restriction endonucleases and the subsequent cellular repair processes called homologous recombination and nonhomologous end joining.
The stress triggers cellular repair and maintenance systems.
But in earlier work Drs. Summer and Romero have shown that when lung tissue is injured — by things like viral infection, particulate inhalation, or other insults — lung cells eventually stop producing lipids in order to conserve energy for other cellular repairs.
CellR4 publishes Editorials, Reviews, Original Papers, and Scientific Correspondence / Letters on subjects regarding cellular repair, replacement, regeneration and reprogramming, from basic science to translational research and clinical trials.
The science pegs activation of a group of genes known as «sirtuins», which protect DNA and speed cellular repair Apply it: One mg daily in a glass of red vino or purple grape juice, or unripe red grapes
High intensity interval training (HIIT) or burst training for less than half an hour a few times a week has been shown to increase your body's cellular repair anti-aging mechanisms and preserve telomeres.
After all, when you eat protein, it gets broken down into protein building blocks called amino acids, and the amino acids are used for everything from cellular repair of all your damaged muscle fibers to a host of other metabolic reactions (19).
Our stem cellular repair apparently not only helps with anti-aging but also with spiritual enlightenment!
Increased human growth hormone (HGH), improved insulin sensitivity, cellular repair via autophagy («self - eating» — removing old or damaged proteins and cells), and changes in gene expression.
CELLULAR REPAIR SERUM, CLEAR Oil - based serums are of upmost importance during the summer to ensure skin doesn't overproduce breakout - causing sebum, and to impart a natural dewy glow.
HGH is one of the primary hormones that controls cellular repair, stimulates fat burning, and prevents muscle wasting.
For example, your body initiates important cellular repair processes and changes hormone levels to make stored body fat more accessible.
There is no snacking between meals (that would mess up your body's catabolic state of super-good-for-you cellular repairs), so you really don't want to skip breakfast.
I got a sample of the stem cellular repair CC cream in Natural Glow in a beauty box.
This is when it gets exciting — the cell sends out an «SOS» signal and cellular repair mechanisms rush in to repair the damage.
Water Draw: As stated in Megan's previous BA blog post on dehydration, water flushes out toxins from the body, aid in cellular repair and is essential for healthy living.
The antioxidants in cacao offer cellular defense against the effects of free radicals, improving the look of skin and promoting cellular repair and rejuvenation.
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