Sentences with phrase «cent mark less»

Not exact matches

While gas prices may now be close to $ 1.50 per litre, the average retail mark - up is less than seven cents from the wholesale rate.
-- for nickels, it costs 11.2 cents to MAKE a nickel, but the actual materials used is less than the marked coin of 5cents.
Phillip says that each week, he will have at least three students achieving more than 400 per cent growth and another five around the 300 mark, and only two to three achieving less than 100 per cent growth.
«But when I became an academic and hit the 40 per cent tax bracket, I stopped marking because it makes you a lot less tolerant of any issues that come with it.»
«Less than 2 per cent of more than 1.7 million tests marked were submitted for review, and of those only 1 in 10 were amended, but we will not be complacent and will continue to improve standards in marking
What's significant in relation to Locke hitting the million - seller Kindle ebook mark is that it showcases that while choosing the Kindle Direct Publishing route removes agents and publishers from the equation, Locke makes less money with his 99 - cent gambit than he would selling the same number of books with a traditional publisher.
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