Sentences with phrase «cent of the electorate»

Just one per cent of the electorate - less than half a million voters in marginal swing seats - determined the outcome of the last general election.
On 3 May this year in the London elections less than 40 per cent of the electorate voted.
Overall, only 47.9 per cent of the electorate turned out to vote, down from 60.2 per cent in 2011.
He has suggested that the government might want to rethink the 15 - year non-renewable terms proposal, which has generated a lot of resistance, and come up with a third way on the referendum issue — perhaps guaranteeing one if five per cent of the electorate demand one.
Private polling that showed 88 per cent of the electorate want a public vote on the Lisbon treaty have been criticised for sampling too small a number of people.
Between 20 and 30 per cent of the electorate bought shares in privatised companies.
In other words just one per cent of the electorate last summer were racist BNP voters.
The decline of the two - party system has been happening for years - in 1951, 97 per cent of the electorate voted either Labour or Conservative; in the last election, that was below 70 per cent - but the MPs» expenses scandal has put the final boot into politics as we've known it.
Only ten per cent of the electorate would vote Liberal Democrat if there was an election tomorrow, according to the latest figures.
For example Labour currently wins large proportions of votes from non-whites (around 10 per cent of the electorate), public sector trade unionists (another 10 per cent of the electorate) and working age people whose main income is via the welfare system (another 10 per cent of the electorate).
Effectively since 2010 a bloc of approximately 10 per cent of the electorate has defected from the Tories further right.
Even given the recent rises, Labour's membership amounts to less than 1 per cent of the electorate.
Rarely has a candidate been so well known - he probably taught 50 per cent of the electorate.
In 1964, the working class amounted to 51 per cent of the electorate (60 per cent if we include manual foremen).
SIR — Just six years after calling Gillian Duffy a «bigoted woman», Gordon Brown emerges to tell 50 per cent of the electorate that they too are bigoted in their fear of mass immigration if we remain in the EU.
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